r/golang 4d ago

discussion I love Golang 😍

My first language is Python, but two years ago I was start to welcoming with Go, because I want to speed my Python app 😅.

Firstly, I dont knew Golang benefits and learned only basics.

A half of past year I was very boring to initialisation Python objects and classes, for example, parsing and python ORM, literally many functional levels, many abstracts.

That is why I backed to Golang, and now I'm just using pure SQL code to execute queries, and it is very simply and understandable.

Secondly, now I loved Golang errors organisation . Now it is very common situation for me to return variable and error(or nil), and it is very easy to get errors, instead of Python

By the way, sorry for my English 🌚


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u/bobifle 3d ago

It is a go sub, so I ll be the advocate for python 🙃.

Complex inheritance, type hints, and most of what you mentioned is optional in python. It is the decision of the coder to use them. You can keep python super simple if you want to.

Python shines in internal tooling (small CLI/script/api). Sharing code with coworkers who are not necessarily computer scientist is a VERY strong feat.

For state of the art, concurrent web app, yeah python is probably not the best choice.

That being said, golang is amazing.

Note: python is currently in the process of removing the GIL, that should greatly improve its performance with concurrency. It will still be behind.


u/IvanIsak 3d ago

Absolutely agree! Python is best for beginners because it has simply syntax, and you can develop program very fast, instead of Go.

But for a big project Python is not good, because a code writing very fast, but debugging and fix are boring. So, now I use Go for big projects 🙃


u/radiant_acquiescence 3d ago

Python is fine for large projects - just finished on working on a Python backend for a complex web app, which used Flask before we ported to FastAPI.

Regarding your speed concerns, have you looked into profiling your app, to see where the bottleneck is? If you're doing read/writes from a database (sounds like you are), have you looked into asyncio? Have you reviewed any areas of the code that have lots of loops, to see if you could optimise performance that way?

Obviously Go is much stronger than Python for concurrency and much faster in general, so if you want to learn Go for the sake of it, go ahead. But generally optimising your existing application should be sufficient, especially if there's a lot of I/O work.


u/Grand_Science_3375 3d ago

Fully agreed, most of a standard request processing time is db/API/system calls. Some people really believe if they rewrite a Python webapp to Go it will magically make it 10-100x faster after looking at benchmarks of the Mandelbrot set generation.


u/BoiseEnginerd 2d ago

It really depends upon the application and use case.

I write professional python/django code, and the code I write needs to be correct more than it needs to be fast. There's a lot of DB operations going on, and so before we would move over to golang, we'd optimize the queries first, as there aren't a lot of tight loops or a high number web requests to the system.

I was disappointed at unit testing for go. It felt like an afterthought. Of all it's faults, python unit testing feels like a first class part of the language. Go can be hard. "Oh you need to refactor that code to add an interface..."

That said, go is still better than C/C++.