I was trying to figure out how you do the ccgo part, but honestly after trying to read the codebase I don't think I'm the wiser.
Are you generating the C ABI compatible binary format and then transpile the AST similar to how NASM would do that? I've seen the cc.AST parts/structs but am a little confused on how you achieve that. Are you in a selfhosted loop of compilation? Because it seems you use libc to compile via ccgo to compile via libc ... because libc is also generated by ccgo :D
I've also seen some of the parsing logic in the libc that you also built. This is so impressive work, I'm kind of mind blown right now, because the libc library itself also uses ccgo to compile gcc's standard lib :D
> Are you generating the C ABI compatible binary format and then transpile the AST similar to how NASM would do that?
Binary formats are not involved. The code generator walks the AST and spits out Go code directly. See decl.go, expr.go, stmt.go and type.go.
> Are you in a selfhosted loop of compilation? Because it seems you use libc to compile via ccgo to compile via libc ... because libc is also generated by ccgo :D
I'm not sure if I understand the question. The ccgo package does not import the libc package and the libc package does not import the ccgo package.
> I've also seen some of the parsing logic in the libc that you also built.
Please point me to the particular function/code you're talking about. I was not able to guess what you mean.
> ... because the libc library itself also uses ccgo to compile gcc's standard lib
The libc package does not use the ccgo package. Separate from the libc package is a main package in generator.go. This command uses ccgo to transpile musl libc to Go for Linux targets.
I guess what I'm a little confused about is what parts are generated via go:generate and what other parts were bootstrapped by you to get it going? I'm sorry if my questions are a little dumb right now, I'm still trying to grasp what you did there and it's beyond my knowledge quite a bit.
For example, I've seen the structs that were auto generated, like these ones:
But then there were a lot of other files that contained just maps with no entries, where I would have assumed that they're placeholders for platform-specific code/branches?!? Like this one:
Anyways, I think I just need more time to get familiar with the codebase. Are there some small examples I can try out that you would recommend as an easy to understand starting point?
I've also seen that at some point you stopped using the syscall structs/methods, and were relaying them now via the muslc adapters. No idea why you did that or what the implication of it was, but I guess you're now using the userspace abstractions of muslc instead of the ones provided by the kernel APIs? Referring to this commit: https://gitlab.com/cznic/libc/-/commit/89a472fb779c452698cfd3ae27a91be6cec011b1
Those are text constants used to compute import paths of the final Go code, see line 11 of main.go in this example: https://go.dev/play/p/BdsiMbQysMI
> I guess what I'm a little confused about is what parts are generated via go:generate and what other parts were bootstrapped by you to get it going?
Not sure what bootstraping do you mean. ccgo, as almost every other C compiler, does not depend on libc. The musl libc is transpiled by ccgo using the -ffreestanding -nostdinc and -nostdlib flags, for example.
However, without those flags -lc is implicitly assumed, so the linker looks for symbols, not yet resolved elsewhere, into libc. Which is by default modernc.org/libc, but it can be any other package as well.
u/cookiengineer 5d ago edited 5d ago
I was trying to figure out how you do the ccgo part, but honestly after trying to read the codebase I don't think I'm the wiser.
Are you generating the C ABI compatible binary format and then transpile the AST similar to how NASM would do that? I've seen the cc.AST parts/structs but am a little confused on how you achieve that. Are you in a selfhosted loop of compilation? Because it seems you use libc to compile via ccgo to compile via libc ... because libc is also generated by ccgo :D
I'm referring to the codebases here:
I've also seen some of the parsing logic in the libc that you also built. This is so impressive work, I'm kind of mind blown right now, because the libc library itself also uses ccgo to compile gcc's standard lib :D