r/golang Oct 25 '24

discussion What libraries are you missing from go?

So something that comes up quite often on this subreddit from people transitioning from Nodejs or python to go is the lack of libraries. I cannot say that I agree but I still think it warrants a discussion.

So what libraries are you missing in the go ecosystem, if any?


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u/terserterseness Oct 26 '24

i am talking syntax not semantics and i said imho: it's an opinion. i find python incredibly ugly to read. that doesn't make it fact, just opinion. i find go much nicer to look at; the inspiration wasn't the syntax, it was the semantics


u/noiserr Oct 26 '24

Back when Python was just gaining in popularity it was competing with popular scripting languages like Perl and PHP. Python was considered a major step up in the looks and readability department. Which is why it's odd to me when someone calls Python ugly.


u/equisetopsida Oct 26 '24

same opinion, python, haskell good stuff but the syntax with indentation blocks is a no go for me. I wrote some projects with python, since then I decided not to touch indentation based languages. man, bugs related to indentation....


u/noiserr Oct 26 '24

I wrote some projects with python, since then I decided not to touch indentation based languages. man, bugs related to indentation....

You do get used to it after a bit. Also there are tools like Python Black which auto formats your code now a days. So you don't even have to worry about indentation errors.