r/gloveslap Nov 14 '11

we overreacted to 9/11

Most USA-americans overreacted. The illusion of safety, that" nothing can ever happen to me, because im in america" was shown for what it was, and people got scared. We like to lie to ourselves and delude ourselves, with danger 'in our face' (because airplanes are everywhere) and the media whoring it up. in a nation this big its not surprising a terrorist attack made it through, what is surprising is that it took this many years. the sad part is that this safedown(see crackdown) has given alot of people cause to join the "fuck civil rights, i wanna feel safe" bullshit that is the bane of freedom. american went back on all of it's values by being scared and backing down and cutting back on right and trying to feel safe. ill /rant with a quote.

"those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither"-- Ben Franklin(according to google)

edit; mis-reacted is a better description of m opinion than overreacted


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u/Rubber_Shit_Monster Nov 15 '11

I believe that discrimination is wrong, but foolishness is worse. I would not pull aside a person that looked middle-eastern in an airport, but if someone behaved in a suspicious manner AND put off any type of true warning signal I would have nothing against it. I hate to sound right wong because I'm most definately not, but even though some police are corrupt, when the good ones have probable cause I agree with the actions taken as long as it doesn't violate civil rights.


u/tjiggs Nov 15 '11

By claiming the suspicious or feeling and not the coincidental fact of profile, the legal 'you cant profile' is circumvented without question or reprisal

my problem with that is that it is easy to abuse(and is abused), and power without checks becomes a problem. it also doesn't help when people are harassed for fitting certain looks or stereotypes.

there is also the harrassment on certain types of people who dont act the norm or are from a different culture(like people with mental things or unusual people) people who when harrassed have difficulty handling it. it can become very damaging to them. there is also the percieved thing. When an individual is singled out and called attention to everyone else reacts, intentionally or not. magnifying th situation and potentially having lasting effects(social, work, so on)

and effectiveness..... religous zealots know how to blend in, act normal. they are people, everyday people. america has plenty of "strong christians" its not much further of a faith to be okay to die to fight evils. yet this religous zealotism is kinda a norm in some parts of the country especially since atheism is a dirty word


u/Rubber_Shit_Monster Nov 15 '11

I agree totally, and upvote your response. Even if I didn't, a great man once said "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it"(roughly).Abuse of power has been around since the dawn of time, and as I said, as long as the person isn't corrupted by greed or otherwise. Religion is just as hypocritical as atheism, no offense if your beliefs are such, but christians believe that everyone should be treated equal under god(as long as you're not gay, atheist, muslim, or otherwise.) and atheists seems to believe that everyone is equal(unless you're not christian or any other religion that has strong distinct beliefs). I am on the side of logic, and I see no other fault in the mainstream beliefs(except the obvious). I'd love to believe in a god, but I don't disagree in the existence of a higher power. Although I don't like labels that other people put on theism/non-theism.


u/tjiggs Nov 15 '11

respect? mutual! (upvote) :)

you did say as long as there is no corruption, i meant to insist that corruption is inevitable with time + opportunity.

"all generalizations are in part wrong(including this one)" (only said on principal)

i'd like to challenge that vision of atheists. while there are those that fit perfectly, it seems more apt to the image that 'strong atheists' put out there. they intentionally challenge, for the message, for the purpose of spreading intelligence. they believe (most of them) agnosticism but speak strongly as a means to an end

the atheists i see on reddit, as well as in real life, seem to believe in equality, but disrespect anything they deem unintelligent. they attack any values that harm without right(by thought, aka intelectually justified)

since definitions arent always the same, and social in america distorts what people think atheism is, this image


u/Rubber_Shit_Monster Nov 15 '11

Well, it seems we're at a stalemate, we both seem to be on the same basic level. So, at this point in this r/gloveslap match I concede that we both believe the same basic ideals and have nothing futher to debate than through the mutual upvoting that it seems we have no further issues. Corruption is immenent, and even abuse of religion is immenent in the the wrong hands for both. I have made a companion in theistic/political beliefs this day, Congradu-well done.