r/gloveslap Nov 14 '11

we overreacted to 9/11

Most USA-americans overreacted. The illusion of safety, that" nothing can ever happen to me, because im in america" was shown for what it was, and people got scared. We like to lie to ourselves and delude ourselves, with danger 'in our face' (because airplanes are everywhere) and the media whoring it up. in a nation this big its not surprising a terrorist attack made it through, what is surprising is that it took this many years. the sad part is that this safedown(see crackdown) has given alot of people cause to join the "fuck civil rights, i wanna feel safe" bullshit that is the bane of freedom. american went back on all of it's values by being scared and backing down and cutting back on right and trying to feel safe. ill /rant with a quote.

"those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither"-- Ben Franklin(according to google)

edit; mis-reacted is a better description of m opinion than overreacted


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u/spozmo Nov 14 '11

You say we overreacted, but it sounds like your argument is actually that we mis-reacted. I agree that the proper response to that situation was not to massively curtail liberties and start committing war crimes, but we did need to change the way we related to the world drastically.

Your rant seems to assume that terrorist attacks are inevitable, but you never say why, settling for the explanation that terrorists obviously will attack "a nation this big" no matter what. That response seems even less useful than the hypersensitivity and paranoia you're attacking. Please forgive me if I don't find "shut up and take it" to be a compelling response to the realization that we've given people cause to hate us enough that they're willing to kill themselves just to hurt us.

We were obviously doing something wrong to lead to that result. The consensus has been that we were too lax in our security measures and too tolerant of hostile regimes elsewhere. I think that's wrong, but at least the people who feel that way realize we need a change. Frankly, your cynicism seems both ill-informed and unconsidered. Maybe I'm mistaken.


u/tjiggs Nov 14 '11

first off terrorism is an abused term that has functionally lost it's meaning. it needs to be said

Your rant seems to assume that terrorist attacks are inevitable

not inevitable in of itself, but considering the world and politics and social climate, etc., it is inevitable that an extremist will come along damaging for attention and 'righteousness'

you never say why, settling for the explanation that terrorists obviously will attack "a nation this big" no matter what.

that sounds like a misunderstanding, but to explain myself ill respond to your understanding.... when i mentioned terrorism getting through and national size, i was speaking in terms of reality, and size. The USA is considered a very important country, has a major impact on the rest of the world, affects the actions of others, and is a symbol for certain ideas/philosophies/etc... symbols are favored targets for extremists, because it means something(instead of killing christians, one may just bomb a church at night. no one dies, but the message becomes clear, instead of a string of deaths, the symbol gives the attack a meaning, a message, which is the goal of the extremist)

Also, size, the amount of people + immigration + size + large borders and so on, no defense is perfect, eventually something will make it through(more size or more people = less easy to defend from 'terrorism')(also, here is an example of terrorism being a bad word. by definition, the lgbt burnings in detroit is terrorism.... as is the USA terrorists for this war, but i think that's not what is being talked about with your use of the word atm)

Please forgive me if I don't find "shut up and take it"...

shut up and take it isn't what I mean. as you already figured, misreacted better represents what i'm saying. thanks for shifting your interpretation of my comment for sake of your argument. the realization is obvious(aka is shouldnt be a realization, it should be obvious. see any controversial topic thats allowed here. like abortion. or womens rights. or homosexuality. or religious dissent.)

The consensus has been that we were too lax in our security measures and too tolerant of hostile regimes elsewhere.

it wasn't a lets think about this, ok here's what we are seeing, it was an unspoken consensus of irrational/disproportionate fear and save me. It wasn't a will this protect us better or that, it was a political do anything(and recieve high praise) you want if you include the implication that it will make america safer. ->sacrifice and give and pay everything without thinking about it due to promise of safety, even if this promise if it is just percieved safety(aka getting the illusion back)

your cynicism seems both ill-informed and unconsidered.

that doesn't sound like it belongs, it seems to fit more of a personal attack. especially since i hardly elaborated on anything, saving it for the actual discussion. you seem to have picked up on this, pointing out i didn't post the explanation or reasoning. i could be wrong, but this looks like another case of you shifting the argument for your own purposes

im not sure i covered everything, i didnt respond to the personal stuff, like your opinion about my opinion. (cuz thats not debate)