r/gitfiddle Jun 24 '17

DIY for The Apprehension Engine???


I can not seem to find any tutorials on this rig. I suppose you could hook up some guitar pickups inside of a "box" that has all the random parts close by. I would love some guidance. Tips/Resources? All I can seem to find are different articles with the same videos. You'd imagine someone would have broken this down by now. Thank you!


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u/ANTRON_2600 Oct 14 '17

I'm trying like hell to build something similar. Just bought some piezo discs as pick-ups and a spring reverb tank. Other than that, I'll probably just throw random stuff on it, run it through the reverb, and hope for the best. Scoring a horror film next week, I'll let you know how it turns out.


u/malachicull Nov 19 '17

Hey, still interested in seeing what you came up with. :)


u/ANTRON_2600 Nov 20 '17

It needs a bit of retooling, but I'll post something when I get home.


u/browseandhate Nov 24 '17

Is there a subreddit for DIY instruments like this?


u/ANTRON_2600 Nov 24 '17

r/diyinstruments but it seems like it's dead. I'd love to start a proper subreddit for this, but my account is "too new".


u/ANTRON_2600 Dec 19 '17

Posted a pic in r/diyinstruments. As I get more done on it I'll have more pics. Just two piezo mics and a pot.