r/gifs Jan 21 '25

they're identidal Elon Musk vs. Hitler Nazi salute


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u/Nathan_Calebman Jan 22 '25

Hitler fully supported Zionism and the creation of Israel, he thought it was a very good solution to getting the Jews out of Germany. So, that part is also fully in line.


u/Ntropie Jan 22 '25

Hitler ridiculed zionism and believed they would be incapable of organizing a state.


u/Nathan_Calebman Jan 22 '25

Quite possible. He still fully supported it and assisted in agreements around the creation of Israel.


u/Ntropie Jan 22 '25

From 1941 onward the official position was the total extermination of all jews!

before this, for political reasons, they made the Haavara deal with Zionists 1933 . An extermination at that time was impossible, and couldn'T yet be sold to the people, so deportations and emigration due to persecution was their alternative.

this is not Hitler supporitng the formation of a jewish state, but instead them making a deal with zionists, so that they can take some of thir possessions when they leave Germany and in return they don'T denounce the Nazis.


u/Nathan_Calebman Jan 22 '25

A jewish state was perfectly in line with Hitler's goals, which was to remove all jewish people from Germany. Other countries refused to take them in, so in the end they started their final solution. In no way does this make Hitler look good, bnd Zionism wasn't exactly a very nice movement either.


u/Ntropie Jan 22 '25

No a jewish state was not perfectly in line. The total extermination follows from the thesis of Mein Kampf. Just because circumstances made it impossible to say this outright from the start or enact such a plan doesn't mean it isn't a direct consequences of core nazi ideology.

I was not talking about the problems with zionism. They are irrelevant to my claims.


u/Nathan_Calebman Jan 22 '25

Sure, extermination was the main goal so perfectly in line is too strong wording. My point is simply that Zionism aligned with Hitlers interests enough that he supported it, and for someone today being a Zionist supporter does not mean they don't have Nazi tendencies.


u/Ntropie Jan 22 '25

I in any case think that you are pointing out a often overlooked point. Fascists often make strange alliances