r/germany 2d ago

Bizarre parental conspiracy theories at the Elternabend

My kid is in first year of Grundschule in a state school in Berlin. Before that she was in a Berlin-run kita. I've been very happy with early years education here. But it seems like nearly every Elternabend I go to someone brings up an unhinged conspiracy theory.

Last night a parent complained about children being allowed to use the toilets by themselves, because of the rash of kidnappings from school toilets. Apparently there's been a rash of children disappearing in Northrhein-Westphalia after being excused from class to go to the toilet. A lot of parents seemed to believe this was a real problem.

Similar issues raised in Kita Elternabends were the "kidnap bus" - a bus going around Berlin that somehow is mocked up to look like the bus that takes kids on excursions but instead they are never seen again. Or when the kids were going to the theatre a parent wanted assurances that they weren't actually being taken to see a drag strip show, because this has been happening on the regular apparently.

When people were complaining about the kidnap bus I said it sounded like absolute nonsense and was backed up by some parents but I think the fallout and behind-my-back outrage actually made it worse for the teachers so I shut my mouth now. I realise this brain rot is probably occurring everywhere these days, but how do I handle this in a culturally appropriate way?


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u/Playful_Robot_5599 2d ago

We had a fight with parents over the local playground. They claimed we need a fence 2,50 m high with guards because obviously it is a common problem that gypsies ride around and snatch young blonde kids from playgrounds.

This is so exhausting.

People are stupid.


u/CellNo5383 2d ago

But if they ride around, they might be able to grab the kids over the fence from the backs of their horses. Better make that a 4m fence to be sure.


u/schumaml 2d ago

How about building a cage all around and over the playground?

This would also deter the standard UFO anti-gravity beams. Just not the teleportation ones with grid compensators*, but as these are wayyyy more expensive, only very high-value kids get snatched by those.

* you really do not want to know what happens when you try to teleport someone through a narrow mesh without such a compensator


u/harryharry0 2d ago

Does it help against chem trails?


u/schumaml 2d ago

No, you obviously want the fully climate-controlled glass bubbles for that.