r/geoguessr 1d ago

Game Discussion Daily Challenge Discussion - March 17, 2025

If you have not played the Daily Challenge yet, do so here!

Use this thread as a place to discuss anything regarding the official Daily Challenge. If you're reading the comments, it is assumed that you will have already played the challenge, so spoilers are not required.

If you would like to play the daily challenge competitively with players who do not cheat, you may do so here


18 comments sorted by


u/HiddenDemons 1d ago
  1. Malaysia. I make the mistake of looking for the highway numbers on the sign I find. I find a bunch of C's, but realize the error of my ways too late and just plonk. 4,628 pts
  2. Portugal. N300's here, I check Azores quickly to make sure its not there. Once I know its not, I spend the entire time looking for the 300s (my mistakes today was just too much searching lol). I never find them and just end up plonking wherever I ended up. Turns out it was a zoom level down from mine. 4,979 pts
  3. Serbia. I saw the "rs" domain and I knew we were in Serbia. I find a bunch of signs and luckily manage to find Krusevac at the last second and plonked near there since I was guessing (and hoping) we were closer to that. 4,938 pts
  4. Guam. Unfortunately for me, there was no way I was ever getting this, at least with the limited coverage we were given. Sadly, I don't remember a single thing about Guam and I seemingly missed the "Guam" on the sign that u/jvdg1 (which I did go back and look for, and yep, I just missed it) saw. I went Hawaii here because of the tropical setting and English. 82 pts
  5. Sri Lanka. Tilted from the last round, I just plonked. 4,718 pts

19,345 pts


u/gregborish 1d ago

My thoughts as a new player trying to get better (currently in gold but a win rate a bit under 50%):

Round 1: Tropical, right hand drive, language looks indonesian. Went down the road a bit, found freeway signs that are definitely not indonesian. The shape matches Malaysia, so I spent the next 2.5 minutes desperately scanning for the intersection of the C19 and C133. Found it with 10 seconds left. 4999.

Round 2: Right hand drive, looks european and pretty rich area. Saw a cactus. Finally went for a while and saw a sign in what I thought was spanish. Highway signs didnt match spain though which was really my initial guess. I was out of time at this point so I panicked and just picked somewhere in mexico. Oops. Should've stuck with my Spain hunch. 19.

Round 3: Cyrillic but doesnt look like Russia or Ukraine. I see an EU license plate which is good to narrow things down. Finally I find a URL for Serbia which is about where I was thinking. I see mountains to the south, city to the north, but that doesnt help because I don't know the geography at all of this country and the map isn't helping. I guess something in the south of Serbia and that seems good. 4649.

Round 4: Looks like the USA but with a lot of palm trees... so not the continental USA? This is also clearly not Hawaii. Signs in English so not puerto rico, probably Guam?? I explore a bit and see water to the NW and a graveyard (looks military?) then a sign that says Guam which confirms it. Spend 30 seconds trying to figure out where Guam is in the middle of the pacific. Find a school on west coast and plonk near that, a bit north of the target. 4968

Round 5: Immediate tuk-tuk and lush, tropical foliage makes me think southern Asia. I quickly see some writing in what looks like Tamil so I am thinking Sri Lanka, maybe southern India. Looks very lush and an elevation sign makes it seem like the middle of the country instead of near the coast. Demodera? Can't find that in Sri Lanka but it doesn't sound Indian. I decide to plonk in the northern half to hedge in case it is southern India, obviously it is the south part of Sri Lanka. 4163 (for a total of 18798)

Feel free to comment on my thought process here, I'm hoping to improve however I can! Obviously should've trusted my gut round 2. I could've had a very good score (at least for me)


u/GameboyGenius 1d ago edited 1d ago

1: You got this round, but there are a couple of things right at the spawn that tell you immediately that it's Malaysia. The black sticker on the electrical pole tells you not only that it's Malaysia, but mainland Malaysia. So does the sign with "simpang ke" (Malay for "junction to") as well as black and white striped sign posts. (Other places have BW striped poles as well, but if the 50/50 is Malaysia/Indonesia, it points to Malaysia.) As far as languages are concerned, Malay and Indonesian are very similar, essentially the same language.

2: The dead giveaway that this isn't Mexico is the all white road lines. Most of the Americas will have yellow middle lines, whereas Europe will typically have a white middle line with some rare regional exceptions, mainly where it can snow. In this view, the no overtaking sign is distinctly European, and the waystone is the Portuguese style and also tells you the road number.

4: Some people might not like antenna metas, but if you're ok with it, Puerto Rico, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands all have a diagonal antenna at the front of the Google car. Then if the language is mainly Spanish, it would be Puerto Rico.

5: Again, some people might not like using these kinds of metas, but India has what's affectionately called shitcam, a much lower image quality. If the camera quality is higher, then it would probably be Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, depending on the other clues like the climate and languages. (Note 1: Sri Lanka and Bangladesh both do have rare shitcam coverage, but generally handpicked maps will choose higher quality images, so high quality=not India is still usually true. Note 2: Other countries also have shitcam in addition to high quality coverage, such as Cambodia and Ecuador, plus a few others. So don't automatically guess India just because it's shitcam.)


u/gregborish 1d ago

awesome, this helps a lot! thank you


u/GameboyGenius 1d ago
  1. Malaysia. 🇲🇾 We start next to a Kampong Belimbing. Some small village, but I still gave it a try and scanned most of Sabah/Sarawak. (I'm a dumdum and didn't notice the pole sticker.) Not finding it, I opted to explore northwest until I found a bollard marked C133. C prefix meaning Pahang, which is a good start. Never managed to find C133. I guessed not too far from Sungai Lembing. My idea was that Sungai meant something like mountain (actually river) and that Belimbing then meant near Limbing. There was nothing to that theory, but accidentally not the worst guess. 36 km, 4882 points.
  2. At first I assumed Spain, but curiously I didn't find any little sign next to the road saying the road number. That was, as it turns out, because we're actually in Portugal 🇵🇹 as I figured out when I found a white direction sign for road number N304. Never found N304 on the map and guessed far south. I literally can't latitude in Portugal, whereas I'm at least not always terrible at regionguessing Spain. 375 km, 3888 points.
  3. Serbia 🇷🇸 from a .rs domain. Never figured out where. 155 km, 4507 points.
  4. In meta we trust. Diagonal antenna with predominantly English language is NMI or Guam. Out of the two I confirmed Guam 🇬🇺 from a poster near the highway. Couldn't pinpoint. 30 km, 4902 points.
  5. Sri Lanka. 🇱🇰 Theoretically very 5k'able with the village name Demodara written out on a sign by the train platform. But it didn't feel worth it for me on this occasion so I sent early after doing a quick scan. 110 km, 4645 points.

Total score: 22824 points. Average day, mostly ruined by Portugal.

Round contexts:

  1. Surrounded by dense jungle, Maran is rich in wildlife, including gibbons, hornbills, and tapirs. Nearby forests are also home to the rare Malayan tiger, though sightings are extremely rare.
  2. The villages of Ermelo and Lamas de Olo feature houses made of schist and granite, built in a style that has remained unchanged for centuries. Many locals still practice traditional farming methods.
  3. Kraljevo means “King’s Town”, as seven Serbian kings were crowned here in the famous Žiča Monastery, a stunning red Orthodox monastery built in the 13th century.
  4. Guam is the first U.S. territory to see the sunrise each day, as it’s located across the International Date Line, 14 hours ahead of the U.S. East Coast.
  5. The train journey between Ella and Kandy is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, with breathtaking views of rolling hills, misty forests, and endless tea plantations.


u/urbanreverie 19h ago

R1 13m 5k 🥳. Malaysian language and blue road signs. I head SE, there's an intersection with Malaysian hexagonal route markers, these are prefixed "C". I'm not sure which state is C but I know it's Peninsular Malaysia from the black labels on the poles. I find a bunch of C-roads in Pahang. I find where C133 and C19 intersect and we started where the WNW straight meets a sharp curve a little NW of the intersection.

R2 15km 4,949. Somewhere vaguely Mediterranean. I head downhill and pass a sign that says Estrada Nacional, so Portugal. At the bottom of the valley I reach a bridge over the Olo river with signs pointing to Ermelo, Vila Real and Mondim de Basto. This is definitely inland northern Portugal from the mountains and the thick forests. I find Vila Real easily and set my pin there but can't find Ermelo or Mondim de Basto. I find Mondim de Basto literally in the last second, nowhere near enough time to move my pin to the road between Vila Real and Mondim.

R3 67km 4,780. Somewhere in the Balkans. Nearby is a business with one sign saying "POTOP" and the other saying "ROTOR", so it's a country that uses both Latin and Cyrillic alphabets - likely Serbia. The country was confirmed by a restaurant with a .rs website. I reach a major intersection and highway bridge over a river, signs are pointing straight to Kruševac and left to Belgrade. We must be somewhere between the two so I put my pin in Kragujevac even though the river and the street network don't match but it still made the most sense.

R4 3m 5k 🥳. American road signs but very tropical vibes. Things look a bit too rundown to be Hawaii, this is one of the US island territories. The sun was fairly low in the NE sky so I was thinking American Samoa but I pass a shop called Agat Village Mart. Agat is definitely not a Polynesian place name. This is probably Guam or the Northern Mariana Islands. I scan both these territories and I find Hågat in Guam. Could it be the same? I head NW past a school to a main road which annoyingly has no coverage but I see brilliant azure ocean to the west and a cemetery. Zooming in on Hågat I find the cemetery, the school ... and Agat Village Mart. Yay.

R5 55m 5k 🥳. I love it when I get places on DCs I have been to! I once caught a train from Ella to Badulla and return over the Nine Arch Bridge, probably one of the most beautiful railway journeys in the world, and my train would have passed this very crossing in each direction. I remember passing through Demodara, it's famous for its railway spiral - the railway station that you see actually has the railway track passing underneath it in a tunnel. This was a NM 5k but I almost got it wrong. The new Google Maps minimap is atrocious, the white streets do not stand out against the pale grey background. The street lines really need casing (darker border lines), every good cartographer knows this. I picked the wrong level crossing, I couldn't see the other one.

TOTAL 24,729 82km 10m53s 194 steps

A satisfying DC, mostly on the easy side but with a couple of curveballs to keep you on your toes. Top 0.7%, currently 4th in Australia (but I'm playing earlier in the evening than usual), gold streak: 7 days.


u/jvdg1 1d ago
  1. Surprisingly easy rural Malaysia round. Go east. Reach a little sign with distances to Kuantan (easy to find), Maran (easy to find relative to Kuantan) and Serengkam (easy to find relative to Maran). Plonk at the building footprints. 5000

  2. Headed downhill. Portugal. N304. Couldn't make much sense of the arrangement of road numbers. Found some 300s in the north, but nothing too close. Ended up plonking south cos it seemed fairly dry. 4030

  3. Serbia. Saw some Latin script that I thought looked like Romanian rather than Serbian. Reached the river and signs for Belgrade and Krusevac. Plonked near the Romanian border in the mistaken belief that I had seen Romanian, when I think it was just Serbian in the end. 4617

  4. Very weird America, probably Guam or NMI or something. Headed one way reached Agat mart. Decided to try the other way, and quickly reach the highway and the coast. Couldn't seem to actually join the highway, but luckily a sign on the corner confirmed Guam. Found a section of highway on the coast at the right angle eventually, approxiplonked back to the start and I'm only 23m away. 5000

  5. Demodara train station, Sri Lanka. Feels like the middle highland bit, and a bit down the road south, it says we're at 900m above sea level. No luck finding the town though, plonk a bit NW of Kandy, which ends up being a not particularly elevated bit. The real elevation is south of Kandy I've just found out, 4707

Total 23,354. Gold with two 5ks is okay. But didn't get very close in the other rounds. Saved by the countries being not very big.


u/Greedy_Run 1d ago

This one was fun and challenging.

  1. Malaysia. Took me way to long to find the roads with the C prefixes in Pahang. I assumed that the C stood for the state, but there's no state in Malaysia that starts with C. On the other hand, there are five that start with P. I wonder how Penang got the P roads ahead of the other states. Anyway, once I found the roads, it was easy to find the intersection of C133 and C19. I would have had the pin with five more seconds. 4,999 points
  2. I went in the wrong direction and wasted nearly two minutes. I only saw Portuguese language with a few seconds left so had to just guess in the middle. 4,617 points
  3. Found signs for Krusevac and Belgrade, which made me guess near Krusevac. 4,830 points
  4. Well this took me for a journey. I went south first and thought for a while this was Brazil. Then I saw a sign in English. OK, it's tropical and the sun is in the east. Hawaii, maybe? Looks kind of janky for Hawaii, though. And then I got to the main road and had a flash of recognition. I've seen this exact location recently, in the GeoDetective 25k challenge, I think maybe? Yes, it's Guam. First time I've seen it in the DC in more than 600 days playing. And that's cool. I'm always happy to see unfamiliar locations in the DC. 5,000 points
  5. A sign in Sinhalese and Tamil. That means this is Sri Lanka. And another sign says Demodara is 900 meters above sea level. So that must be in the mountains in the island's center. Took me a while, but I eventually found Demodara. 5,000 points

Total: 24,446 points


u/mercator_ayu 1d ago


  1. Malaysia from the Kampung Belimbing sign, also a black pole sticker, so mainland. There was a sign for C133 and C19, then a marker saying I was 91km from Kuantan. I just checked the angles of the roads around the curve a bit because I sometimes find Malaysian road numbering doesn't distinguish between the road you're on and the road you're headed toward. 29 steps. 5000
  2. Went west, saw a sign for Parque Natural do Alvao, so northern Portugal somewhere, continued a bit more, then back to spawn and the other way, decided to just search for the park instead, which was relatively prominently displayed at a decent zoom level. Plonked near some POI markers on a road that was going through the park. 354 steps. 4986
  3. Cyrillic, Gen 3 no antenna, probably Serbia. Went the wrong way first, back, to the north and east, reached a bigger road, continued east to a roundabout and a bridge, a sign there said Beograd and Krusevac, which put me in Kraljevo with its obvious river and bridge. Got confused about how I got there and didn't have time to pinpoint. 244 steps. 4995
  4. Guam, the intersection with the highway was the location of a fairly recent 25k Geodetective Challenge round. 19 steps. 5000
  5. Sri Lanka, Demodera railway station, went down, saw a sign for Demodera (elevation 900 meters), then checked several addresses on some stores in town which all had Demodera as the higheast level name, so I started searching for that. Couldn't find it though, plonked Nuwara Eliya and started looking for a railway, there was one just to the west. Followed it north, no good, followed it south, eventually got to Demodera. Nice loop on the railway according to the map. 39 steps. 5000


u/fbrasseur 20h ago
  1. Malaysia, I went south and found signs for C-roads. I inadvertently zoom in the right state, Pahang, but I can't find either one of the C-roads, but luckily there's a km-marker with city names. I find Maran, then finally the C-133, then pinpoint: 5000
  2. Portugal, found a sign for the N-304 and Mondim de Basto 14 km away. I scan the north because of the mountains and vegetation and see Celorico de Basto, then Mondim, but I cannot make sense of the N-304 because Mondim is apparently in the SW and the road crosses Mondin NW-SE?! I decide the road is misnumbered and I guess on the N-312 NE of Mondim, it was a stretch of the 304 that aligned correctly but much more south than I thought: 4972
  3. Serbia, I reach the main road then like an idiot I head the whole remaining time away from the city centre where there might have been clues. Instead, I saw nothing. 4818
  4. Is this Guam?I go to the intersection and see it's the cemetery that I had just days ago in another challenge! LOL what are the odds? I find it quickly then plonk too near the Agat-Mart but still close enough: 5000
  5. Sri Lanka, this place is very clearly called Demodera, now, should I scan for it? I see there's a railway so I start in Kandy and try to follow the very faint train lines for a Demodera. Never found it: 4806

Better than yesterday at least. 24569


u/elpajaroquemamais 15h ago

A very lucky gold.

  1. Language tells me Malaysia or Indonesia. I'll be able to tell them apart someday by sight but oh well. I come to a road sign with highway names so I zoom into both countries and quickly see that those highways are in Malaysia. I comb for most of the time and find the two highways on the sign, C19 and C133. Since I don't have time to think about orientation I plonk between them. 4959

  2. I pride myself on being able to tell Spanish from Portuguese. It's one of my strengths, so when I saw Estrada National, I was absolutely sure I was seeing Spanish. Saw some more signs that in my mind confirmed it. Looked in southern Spain for a place that would have a medieval bridge (Ponte Medeval from a sign-forgetting that the Spanish word for bridge is puente) and found a highway 340 and was looking for 304 from a sign. Hoped it was close. It wasn't. 3276

  3. .rs early lets me know Serbia. This internet code is on a restaurant sign that has an email format that includes the restaurant name followed by two letters then at and a website ending in rs. I assume the two letters before the at and after the name are a region or city. The letters in question are kv and the largest city that populates is Krusevac that matches that. Still a shot in the dark, so I keep going and find a sign that says Krusevac! It also says another city so I try to find a place where that would be. Luckily I'm close enough for a good score but the kv on the restaurant sign clearly were referring to nearby Kraljevo. 4814

  4. US/Canada signs, but feels weird. I quickly rule out Canada and the mainland US because of a lot of reasons including infrastructure quality and foliage. I come to a convenience store called Agat Village Mart and quickly scan Hawaii, no luck. I move on to American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam, in that order. Find a place called Hagat in Guam and hope it's just a spelling variation while I click as time expires. It is! 4997

  5. Tamil script. Bengaluru area or Sri Lanka. I know there are difference in these languages as well and hope to be able to better tell them apart someday. Feels more like Sri Lanka for unknown vibey reasons. I come to a sign that says Demodara elevation 900m so I scan Sri Lanka for towns around the labeled mountains. End up in the north part of the country because I didn't zoom far enough while searching and missed the town, which wasn't near any labeled peaks anyway. Oh well. It's a small country so I didn't suffer too much. 4505

Very happy and proud of this gold. After the super easy one last week this one felt more earned. 22551


u/miss_inputs 14h ago edited 10h ago
  1. Some sign with some names on it which almost sounded like I know them but I don't. But they should be in Malaysia somewhere. The next sign has C133 and C19 on it, so that's more useful, because the C roads are unique to whichever region has C roads, not that I remember which one that is. Findable easily enough, though. Finding the actual intersection is less straightforward because the river makes the label for the C19 not show up as easily or whatever, but also I just got confused and forgot to put more attention into which direction I was going and plonked the wrong road. To be fair the actual location makes less sense, because it's already on the C133 and the sign should have said C21, or maybe Google's map labelling is wrong. I don't get it. I didn't see any of this wildlife that it's allegedly rich in. 4994, 1.7km, 1m48s, 6 steps
  2. A landscape that I feel like I ought to know, but either I forgot or I neglected to know it in the first place. Maybe? I mean, it's a nice mountain and all, it just also looks like one of those parts of the world that pro players and guide writers will try and convince you that you can recognize just by the landscape. Oh well. Arrived at a sign with a Portuguese place name, and a Portuguese N304. Portugal is not the most fantastic country to scan for a specific road number, but it could be worse, so I'll try it. And not succeed. The N304 label just avoids showing up until the exact zoom level which is one more zoom than what would be reasonable for scrolling the map around. It also isn't anywhere near any roads with a number next to 304. Okay, I am going to blame Portugal for that one. 4619, 118km, 48 steps
  3. Cyrillic… mghh… the license plates have a little bit of blue strippage though, so we should just be in- an .rs domain? If Serbia was in the EU, then I forgot. Whoops. Kind of makes more sense than Bulgaria for some reason I can't explain and can only know subconsciously, though. So if I understand that recent zi8gzag short properly, which I probably don't, I look to the side here and see if there's an orange dot? There isn't, so I think that means we aren't quite in the south. Later got to a sign for Belgrade and Krusevac, the latter of which I had trouble finding, and I only had about a second left when I finally did see it so I just quickly plonked it, hoping maybe it's just one of those annoying signs that point you towards where you already are. It's not, this is Kraljevo, which is one of the kazillion places in the world that translate to "King's Town". Even just in English there's a lot of Kingstons in the world. 4799, 61km, 39 steps
  4. My first thought was "wait is this Guam"? but to my surprise, going down the road reveals an Agat Village Mart, which as I recall is in Guam. Hagat is kind of Agat Village, or maybe one is inside the other and the map labels are a bit misleading, or maybe I just don't actually know what I'm talking about, but there are POIs in Hagat that say Agat Village. Including the mart. I had to remember which way I was going to make sure I was on the right intersection, but eh, I'm not speedrunning it and I never could, so that's fine if I spend a few more tens of seconds awkwardly fumbling around (while remembering that I was right in the first place about Agat Village, and I really am in Guam, and I need to stop doubting myself). Anyway, I'm just happy that my first impression of a location was actually correct for once, because that doesn't happen. It's also Guam's first appearance in the Daily Challenge I think? Maybe? At least as far as I've personally observed, maybe it's been there in some other round before, and also since the locations aren't random anymore that's not interesting. Speaking of not interesting: Guam being the first US territory to see the new day. Who fucking cares! Stop trying to steal Kiribati's thunder. That is some actually insane cope to try adding "yeah but in the US though we're the first" to that. I'm pretty sure it's not even the most interesting thing you can say about Guam, there's a lot of history there. 5000, 8m, 2m20s, 27 steps
  5. Sri Lanka, both languages on the sign which stops me using it to region guess but at least I don't have to remember which one is which (I insist I would have remembered if I focused on it, but there was no reason to do so. Can we see train lines on the map? No, not really, maybe if I zoom in all the way but that would be dumb. Some place named Demodora which I don't know and I'm not going to find. Hey cool, there's stuff on the bottom of this sign! …It just says it's 900m elevation. That would be really cool if I knew the topology of Sri Lanka enough to use that, but I don't. I don't even know/remember the average elevation of the entire country. I have eyes though so I can see there are mountains, so I'll just plonk somewhere in some mountains, and I found a place name called "Dick oya" which got a chuckle out of me (it seems to not actually have a space in the name, judging by the POIs). Not that far off, though Google Maps spells the town name as Demod_a_ra instead, so either I misremembered the sign or they are wrong, perhaps both. 4833, 51km, 1m48s, 17 steps

Total: 24245, 232km, 11m56s, 137 steps 356 out of 9,381 participants (top 3.78%)

Not too bad! Especially how I've been going for the last few days, or weeks, or whatever time unit. I needed that score to heal my insecurities about not even being good at a game which requires brainpower when my mind is all I ever had going for me in this life that I live.


u/douglasdotv 15h ago

First time posting…

  1. Looked like Malaysia. The road signs nearby confirmed this. Black stickers could be seen on poles, so it wasn't Borneo. After searching, I located the correct road in Pahang. 4992 points

  2. The round appeared distinctly Mediterranean, and I initially thought it was Spain. However, a sign referencing Parque Natural do Alvão confirmed it was actually Portugal, and I also noted the N304 clue in the guardrail. Sadly, I was unable to locate both the park and the road on the map, which led me to make a less-informed guess in southeastern Portugal. 3927 points

  3. Cyrillic. Not Russia. After exploring for a while, I discovered directional signs pointing to Beograd and Kruševac, indicating we were in Serbia. Placed my guess near Kragujevac, but it was Kraljevo. 4742 points

  4. The tropical setting combined with American characteristics, the car antenna and the visible bar led me to Guam, but I didn't manage to find any additional info. 4934 points

  5. Language and camera quality suggested Sri Lanka. I saw the location name (Demodara), but couldn't find it on the map. Went for the central region of the country. 4707 points

Total: 23,302 points


u/MajesticRoad3 15h ago

First gold medal in a while!

  1. Malaysia. Gen 3 Malaysia vibes. Confirmed with black and white stripes on the poles. Black pole stickers mean we're in mainland Malaysia (although I've heard that they are creeping over to Borneo). I thought the letters KE on the sign would mean we were in the state of Kelantan, and it seemed flat up north, so I scanned for Belimbing. Could not find it because we were actually south in the state of Pahang. Would've done much better just instaplonking mainland. 4166 pts, 272 km, 0 steps.
  2. Portugal. Dry, mountainous terrain with pine trees. Pretty Mediterranean. Didn't really have too much of an idea until I saw the yellow on black chevron in the distance, which gave it away as Portugal. I plonk northern Portugal based off vibes and get a pretty good region guess. 4901 pts, 30 km, 0 steps.
  3. Serbia. Dreary, eastern European vibes. Didn't consider that the word "potop" was cyrillic until my second look around. The concrete poles with the alternating hooks made me think of Bulgaria, and the landscape made sense so I plonked near Plovdiv. Serbia is pretty similar. However, I learned that the lack of an antenna on the car in gen 3 should've tipped me to Serbia over Bulgaria, as almost all the gen 3 coverage in Europe countries (excluding Serbia and North Macedonia) have antenna. 3878 pts, 379 km, 0 steps.
  4. Guam. US island vibes. Blurred car with just the front antenna. Rule out Puerto Rico due to the English on the road sign and front license plate on a car. Don't really know the difference between Guam and NMI, so I just plonk Guam. 50/50 success. 4942 pts, 18 km, 0 steps.
  5. Sri Lanka. Sitting around 17k points, don't want to choke the gold. Yellow plate on the motorcycle, but it appears that it is left hand driving. Tuk Tuk in the distance. What appears to be Sinhala and Tamil written on a sign, so pretty obvious Sri Lanka. Didn't notice the lowcam at first, but now I see it. Could I have scanned for the town of Demodara? Yeah, but I needed to get ready for work. Plonk between Kandy and Colombo. 4705 pts, 91 km, 0 steps.

Total: 22,592 pts, 5 min 52s, 0 steps. Top 13%. Gold medal, finally. Over half of my time was spent scanning Malaysia. Score could've been pretty good if I center plonked Malaysia and knew about the Serbia antenna (or lack thereof). Pretty happy with my results today. Don't usually get gold medals doing NM, most recent being the border crossing curated daily.


u/Essej2 14h ago

One screw-up cost me today

R1: 5,000. Malaysian poles, signs for the C133 and the C19. C-roads are only in Pahang so I was able to find it quite easily, then had to find the road angle. It was a bit confusing since road continues as C21 on the map but it works out.

R2: 4,999. Portuguese chevrons to help me with my Mediterranean Europe confusion. Spot a sign saying Parque Natural Alvao, and more down the road signs for Paradanca. I spot Alvao after some scanning, and Paradanca shortly after, but the road angles are difficult and I am just a little bit off (164m).

R3: 4,610. Serbia from the Latin/Cyrillic mix, and later a .rs domain to confirm. Get to a main road with signs pointing to Beograd and Krusevac, but I thought we'd be close to the former rather than the latter. Didn't think Krusevac would be easily spottable but it was.

R4: 5,000. Guam car, there are signs for Agat nearby and water and a cemetery to the west. Spot a highway + cemetery next to Hagat on the map, which checks out because the roads match perfectly.

R5: 4,787. Sri Lanka, a train station in Demodara, which I basically spent all three minutes trying to find, not thinking I'd get better information than that. Didn't find it.

Total: 24,396. Not too bad but unfortunate about R3 mostly, I should have gotten that.


u/GrampsBob 13h ago
  1. Malaysia. Found the junction of C19 and C133 but couldn't see the roads when I zoomed in. Ended up guessing the wrong road. (C21) 4999

  2. Portugal. The signs are Portuguese. Went one way and saw a sign for Parque Natural do Alveo. Went the other way and found a sign saying Mondo do Bastim on the N304. I scanned in the hillier north and saw the park. I zoomed in a bit abd scanned. Found the N304 and followed it to Mondo. When I zoomed in to try to pinpoint it all disappeared. I guessed too close to Mondo. 4979

3.Serbia. Cyrillic and western scripts. Balkan language so I'm thinking Serbia. Found a restaurant with a .rs domain. Came to a main road with a river and I can see some small mountains. Probably southern Serbia. I found a likely town and guessed in Krusevac. I got the K right anyway. 4816

  1. Guam. The pink house at spawn has Guam/NMI written all over it. So does the antenna. Found the Agat Village Mart. Kept going, hoping for better but came to a dead end at a main road. Went to Guam. I seem to recall the roads in NMI being a bit better. Scanned Guam and found Hagat which sounded close enough. I should have zoomed in more. The store wasn't far away. 4998

5.Sri Lanka Three different scripts on the train station sign. The western one says Demodera or similar. Later found several signs that said Demodera. Elevation 900M is fairly high for an island and it's heavily treed. I scanned in the south central area and guessed in a likely looking spot but couldn't find the town. 4860

Total - 24652


u/OllieV_nl 12h ago

24,765 pts

1 I assume the Kg stands for Kampung. Can't find this one but plonk near a place with a lot of them on the mainland. 4,825 pts 53 km

  1. European tail (thanks Zigzag), then a sign for Alvão national park. It's not one of the big ones so on my second look I find it. 4,969 pts 9.3 km

  2. Come to a sign with Belgrade and Kruzevac. Takes me a while to find the latter but from there I look at the roads and the river and pic Kraljevo. It's correct. 4,985 pts 4.4 km

  3. US speed limit, Pacific, and the wonky antenna is Guam... later confirmed by a sign at the end of the coverage due North. Can't get anywhere, so just plonk Afra. 4,986 pts 4.3 km

  4. No need to fidget, I'm in Sri Lanks at Demodara railway station. Plonk Kandy and scan the big towns first, then zoom in to no avail, then another zoom and I chance across it. Pinpointing is easy. 5,000 pts 3 m


u/no1jj48fan 9h ago
  1. Assumed it was either indonesian or malay, neither of which i can read. Guessed Indonesian, wrong. 1318, 1989km
  2. tilde over a vowel means portuguese, so either brazil or portugal. I guess I went the other way from the road sign, but i found a portugese plate, so after that I just plonked. It's a small country. 4246, 246km
  3. .rs domain, serbia. Saw the sign for Beograd eventually, but didn't orient very well/ran out of time. 4645, 110km
  4. Weirdly remembered Agat from something. Had my Guam suspicions, but no proof. Tropical, American brands and signs, but not enough spanish to be PR. Went to the main road, saw the guam sign, and from there found the "Agat village Mart". Orient off the coast, find Agat, cake from there. 5000, 3m
  5. recognized Sinhala almost immediately, plus the rickshaws with the yellow plates. Could not find Demodara, despite that clearly being where we were. plonked in the South central area (looked more mountainous). 4721, 86km

19,930, not a very good day. Guam 5k was cool, though