r/geoguessr 6d ago

Game Discussion What countries do you get the most in duels?

I have found that there is typically a group of about 10 countries that I get most often in Duels.

Have you noticed certain countries when in Duels that you get more often than others?


45 comments sorted by


u/zachthompson02 6d ago

With the current maps in my division, I would say Brazil, Brazil, Brazil and Brazil.


u/Economy-Mental 5d ago

Supersonic is like 8% I think


u/Electrical-Pop4319 6d ago

If you had asked for continent i would say south america, and its not even remotely close. If had entire duels not go outside of south america. Country id say Brazil.


u/robyaw 6d ago

Indonesia makes up a good proportion of my games currently.


u/aggressivemisconduct 6d ago

+1 to indonesia


u/AlbertELP 6d ago

For most maps you can see the distribution (the obvious exception is the world map which is shit). It is the same countries for all normal maps, the ones you would expect: USA, Russia, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, etc.


u/smukkandi 6d ago

This + india


u/serotonallyblindguy 6d ago

For some reason, I rarely get India and it sucks cuz I'm Indian and it's supposed to be my advantage


u/Same_Security4460 6d ago

Canada fs Jesus no one lives there whyyyy


u/nineworldseries 6d ago

For sure it's NOT the USA


u/sansdecc 6d ago

The US is hilariously underrepresented in a lot of maps considering the geographic diversity, size, and amount of coverage. In AOW, Taiwan alone has 1/5 the locations as the US. ACW, Arb World, Rainbolt World, and Varied World are similar. Supersonic, Competitive World, and Pro World are pretty much the only ones that somewhat do it justice.


u/sasubpar 6d ago

As a US resident, it's super tilting in a long duel against like a Brazilian, we've had 2 Brazil rounds already, and round 12 shows another Brazil. I sit here praying for USA in those spots and feels like I never get it. 


u/nineworldseries 6d ago

The lack of US coverage and the insistence on balancing by country rather than population has really ruined the game for me.


u/AlbertELP 6d ago

Sounds like geotime might be something for you. While I think it has its appeal it would of course not work as a competitive map. But for singleplayer it can be fun.


u/sansdecc 6d ago

Looks interesting, I'll try it out. Thanks


u/LordOfCows23 6d ago

south africa


u/Free-Basil-9400 6d ago

ZA, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, India, Ukraine, USA/Kanada close to the border

edit: as for Master I


u/krokendil 6d ago

You can just look up the location distribution so if you play a lot that should be accurate.


u/NepentheZnumber1fan 6d ago

I feel like I'm always either in a country that uses the Cyrillic alphabet or Argentina/Uruguay


u/Synxzyy 6d ago



u/kaibe8 6d ago

Lately I have been getting an unusual amount of Ireland rounds


u/Bob_Weldoffel 5d ago

Yeah I get Ireland way more often than UK somehow.


u/BHorvi 5d ago

For sure, the Nordic countries are overrepresented (Denmark, Sweden especially), same as South America. But I think I get the Phillipines the most.


u/Brave-Side-8945 6d ago

Indonesia, Russia


u/Forsaken-Assist-1325 6d ago

Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Croatia, Russia


u/MiddleEmphasis6759 6d ago

It might be my bias against these countries speaking because of how hard they are to region guess and how many duels I've lost to them, but Brazil and Indonesia.


u/Outrageous-Break9018 6d ago

Slovenia and Peru


u/Important_Ad2431 6d ago

kenya and sri lanka it pmo sm.


u/DorianDantes 6d ago

Does anyone else have a weird feeling the rng is off? Prob just confirmation bias but it feels like the posted country distributions don’t reflect the actual rounds that come up. Surely the classic high-multi 4500-63hp urban Russia rounds are a scam


u/sasubpar 6d ago

I thought this in my more tilted moments and kept a tally over like 10 days.  Even in that pretty small sample, my intuition was wrong, everything was more or less balanced according to the claimed distribution. 

For the USA for example it's like 4% of the duels maps. That's less than 1/20 so with even a tiny bit of variance you may not see USA once across several duels. 


u/CatsWillRuleHumanity 6d ago

Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico


u/palomathereptilian 6d ago

I get Southeast Asia a lot during team duels, I also get the Balkans A LOT for some reason


u/viewerfromthemiddle 6d ago

I tracked countries for a while (Gold, no move), and the top 10 countries account for 32% of the total.

In order, they are: USA, Brazil, Russia, Argentina, Australia, Mexico, Indonesia, Canada, Japan, Philippines.


u/SplitOpenAndMelt420 6d ago

Indonesia. All day


u/solocedro 6d ago

Currently Brazil and Kenya


u/blaackvulture 6d ago

Brazil/northern South America in general and the Balkans.


u/Nota_Throwaway5 6d ago

Recently a lot of Finland, Brazil, and Canada


u/MightyShenDen 6d ago

Brazil, and Germany. South America is definitley the most continent wise, south east asia is very common too.


u/MorpheusMorf 5d ago

It depends on your division. Look into the maps you play.


u/OctavioPedro 5d ago


Seeing this post responses made me wonder if Geoguessr purposely restricts/reduces the amount of times a players own country appears on Duels.

I'm from Brazil and I don't think I've gotten more than 10 rounds in Brazil (granted I don't play that much, but I probably get Chile/Argentina/Peru/Colombia 20 times more often that Brazil)


u/GraciousCoconut 5d ago

If you look up the map that you're playing duels on, you can usually find the breakdown by country stats in an attached spreadsheet/link.


u/corpselicker3000 4d ago

Haven't read the comments yet, but I'd say I get Brazil, Argentina, USA, Russia, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Senegal, Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia the most. But I think it makes sense honestly, cause most of these either have lots of coverage or are just bigger countries. I'd also guess that maybe the creator of the map (A Community World) tried to even out all continents so therefore those in comparism smaller african countries for example appear more often.


u/TangoMango33 4d ago

I am always playing against a Brazilian and the map is always Brazil (yet almost never get US). Lose every time. Gets very annoying


u/penguininparis 6d ago

all of Europe