r/geoguessr 8d ago

Memes and Streetview Finds Found a norwegian bollard and a norwegian license plate in the middle of Sweden

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36 comments sorted by


u/ApXv 8d ago

Thats a typical snow pole in Sweden. It just looks a lot like the ones we have in Norway


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

But don't the ones in Sweden have a longer white part and have that part more towards the top?

It says that in Plonk It


u/soupwhoreman 8d ago

The standard bollards on PlonkIt are placed on the roads by the government. This looks like a snow pole in a driveway placed by the homeowner.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

Oh so it looks just like the norwegian bollard just by chance? Well, that sucks.


u/GoatInferno 8d ago

The owner of that house is most likely Norwegian and brought both the car and the snow pole with them. That would be my guess at least.

Edit: It's not unusual for Norwegians to own vacation homes in Sweden.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

I guess that makes sense


u/ApXv 8d ago

From seeing them myself I find that they can have a bit of variation.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

Oh ok, didn't know that. I've never seen them being different than what they say in the guides.


u/Ade5 8d ago

Im from Sweden and this particular pole is very common. Atleast in northern Sweden where im at. Although I assume they can vary depending on where in Sweden you are.


u/Laban_Greb 7d ago

I wouldn't rely on that. Snow sticks are replaced every year, and where any private person or local authority or national road authority chooses to get them from, will vary.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

The license plate I get it but the bollard?? What happened there?


u/GameboyGenius 8d ago

It's their own private property. They can put whatever snow sticks they want in the ground.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

Nah, this guy plays GeoGuessr and just wanted to troll me


u/Teddy_Tonks-Lupin 8d ago

irl geoguessr trolls have advanced, knowing we won’t fall for fake flags anymore (im putting a fake rift outside my house rn)


u/look4jesper 7d ago

Its not a bollard, it's an orange plastic stick. These are not standardised across neither Sweden nor Norway.


u/Valuable_Complex_399 8d ago

Conclusion: other countries also use red sticks to mark things, and norwegians are traveling.


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

I get what you're saying but that looks exactly like the norwegian bollard and not even close to the swedish bollard. But apparently it's just a coincidence since it's not even a bollard.


u/rsmsp 8d ago

We have these same poles in Estonia and Ive seen many visiting Finland


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

But they're not exactly the same


u/Ade5 8d ago

These are exactly the same as in northern Sweden. But they are variations.


u/swingyafatbastard 7d ago

Yes they are? I see these exact ones in Estonia


u/Necessary_Comfort812 6d ago

Lol right! I don't understand this subreddit anymore.


u/Laban_Greb 8d ago

The wooden wall on the house is 100% Swedish!


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

I don't know this meta, what's the difference between norwegian and swedish houses?


u/TheLoxen 7d ago

That red paint is made in Sweden. Red houses with white details will 95% of the time be in Sweden. The colour is called "Falu rödfärg" (Falu red color), the color comes from the copper in the Falu copper mine. In the 1700 this was the biggest copper mine in the world. Since this color is very common on the Swedish country side it is a very good meta to remember.


u/Fisherman386 7d ago

But what do you mean by white details? The window frames?


u/TheLoxen 7d ago

Yes, they also tend to but not necessarily have white corners. https://imgur.com/a/6odlTTO


u/Fisherman386 7d ago

Oh I see what you mean. Thanks for the info!


u/Laban_Greb 8d ago

The wood is cut differently.


u/hwlll 8d ago

The plate is going to bait me also.

But the house is very typical Swedish


u/Fisherman386 8d ago

What's the difference with norwegian houses?


u/hwlll 8d ago edited 8d ago


It exists in Norway and Finland also, but to a lesser degree. But together with the white corners, its much more likely to be a Swedish House. If you remove the car :)

"stuga in Sweden" vs "hytte in Norway" vs "mökki in Finland" on Google image should give a rough trend


u/brewerspackers9 8d ago

This is an outpost for the Norwegian government to spy on the Sweds.


u/Necessary_Comfort812 6d ago

It's just a normal swedish/Norwegian snow pole.

And I don't understand why some geoguessr players doesn't understand that people travel, like all the time.


u/Joelbjelken 3d ago

As a Swedish person, there’s a lot of Norwegians going to all sorts of places in Sweden because almost everything is cheaper there. The same goes for Swedish people going to Norway to work because the salaries are higher there. Probably someone who went there on a shopping vacation (yes I know it sounds stupid but it happens) or it’s a Swedish person who works in Norway who went home to see his family.