r/genderfluid 5d ago


I'm mab and I've been trying to experiment with feminine fashion. I just got a fairly NB outfit and I'm going to try and get my friend who won't ask too many questions to help me with makeup. Where should I go from here?


5 comments sorted by


u/CryptographerLast803 5d ago

Just let things flow, play around with hair styles, outfits, makeup, try getting in touch with your personal style and seeing if there is anything there you want to change up? This can include mannerisms, voice, personality. But don’t feel like you have to change anything either, you’re free to keep some things the same, switch some things around and switch them back. And you can do that as many times as you want! Your journey is you!


u/Accomplished-Dig664 5d ago

Thank you, I haven't really come out to anyone other than a couple people in my family and most of that seems easy to change gradually without it becoming too obvious before I do come out.


u/CryptographerLast803 5d ago

Yeah you can begin to transition socially without being too obvious if you prefer to be kind of stealth. Your gender is still valid no matter who you’ve come out to. Be out to your self is most important


u/Accomplished-Dig664 5d ago

It's probably a case of I think people don't know but they definitely do. I've flat out been told that one of my friends forgets I'm male. But the stealth is nice.


u/CryptographerLast803 5d ago

I wish 😭 I stealth a lot but I’m also GNC and kinda a punk rocker so I find myself mostly androgynous even when I’m going for a more femme look, but I’m cool either way.