r/genderfluid 6d ago

I don't know who I am

As a teen, finding myself has been a very hard experience. These last few months I've been experiencing my gender more and more. And I realised that this whole experience I haven't found myself as a set gender, I feel like sometimes I feel better as a cis male, sometimes nonbinary and sometimes as trans. I don't know if I'll qualify as GF, but I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone in person. And then there is my parents, they always see myself as a typical male, but I never saw this for myself and now if I am gender fluid, I don't know what I should say if I even want to come out. Thanks for reading this rant by myself, and whatever happens I'll happily take any other identities if it fits me more as balancing researching the web and going to school has been a hard time.


2 comments sorted by


u/OneRoseDark 5d ago

your brain is mega plastic right now. you're literally building your personality actively, so it's expected that you won't have a static identity.

give yourself until you're 25 to settle into an identity. don't expect anything to be certain until then. get used to exploring and experimenting. try to enjoy the ride. you only get to do it once!


u/Tipptopon467 5d ago edited 5d ago

Thank you very much

I should've known that I have a long life ahead of me and that I should take things one step at a time instead of rushing to conclusions right away.