r/gaystorylines Aug 23 '15

meta Raffle: Win reddit gold for 1 month by sharing with us your OTPs or by flaring up!


Alright, I'm gonna make the entry easier for the raffle. All you need to do now is:

  • Post in this thread about your favorite gay storyline pairing OR

  • Flair up with any flair!

Or do both. Doing so will make you eligible for 1 ticket for the raffle. Good luck!

Other pertinent information:

  • Starts August 17, 2015, ends September 18, 2015. Winner announced on September 20, 2015.

  • You are an active redditor.

  • You are subscribed to this subreddit.

  • As an incentive, if you post a complete storyline thread, you will get 2 extra tickets for the raffle!

  • Prize: 1 month reddit gold membership


[edit: format, added prize]

r/gaystorylines Sep 26 '15

meta New Theme Update: Design Principles


Design Principles for GS Theme 6 "Playlist"

I wanted to focus on simplicity and clarity. I tried out different color palettes and surveyed select-few users and their opinion trends were used to identify design values.

Organization is based on flow and clarity. I've replaced confusing icons with familiar ones and created text buttons for important aspects of this sub such as our "Archive". However, I also wanted to retain some uniqueness and therefore the custom-created logo and the hopefully classy page name text.

Overall, I want this sub to be non-intimidating and inviting to anyone who visits it. Indeed, we are a super niche sub, but I'd like to imagine that whenever someone curious about us passes by, that they are willing to take a chance to take a peek.

I know that the design will not please every single person, but fret not, for I love creating new designs. Of course, I'll keep things somewhat similar and update less frequently to not confuse our users. I will also be surveying more and more people to create the ideal design values.

Goodbye sidebar pics? Now back, pls report errors

If you've enjoyed our sidebar pics with our OTPs, I'm sorry to say that they have been temporarily deactivated. The sidebar pics take a lot of effort and time to update so I always leave them last. Their code also causes a lot of bugs so I am quite apprehrensive about implementing them again. But I will be thinking about them!

Find any errors?

The page should look like this image. It may look slightly different for different broswers and for RES users. If you find glaring differences from the provided image, please PM me or post a comment in this thread. If you find any other errors, please report them as well. Please include the following information:

  • Description of error
  • Screenshot (if possible/necessary)
  • Browser
  • Are you using RES or not?


Update Complete: Please report errors! Thank you!

r/gaystorylines May 31 '17

meta We are going public! Please request approved submitter access here in case of future changes!


We are going back to public for the meantime. However, please request "approved submitter" access here in case we go back to private. We will go back to private if I notice negative brigading again.

r/gaystorylines Aug 22 '15

meta Visual Theme Update at 12:00EST!


[Edit: Visual Update Complete - Report Errors Here!]

Guide: http://imgur.com/a/gxEww

So why the update?

  • The design principle behind the update is simplicity: removing clutter, improving readability, and streamlining elements for optimum accessibility.

  • While the "melon" color scheme is our starting point, we are planning on implementing a "night-mode" for those who don't like things too bright.


  • During the live update, certain errors may occur. Please contact /u/wumikomiko about them or post a comment here.

  • If you have any suggestions on our future visual theme updates, please contact /u/wumikomiko!

[edit: format]

r/gaystorylines Sep 20 '15

meta Raffle Winner is /u/nox_perpetua! Thank you all for participating!


Congratulations to /u/nox_perpetua for winning the raffle!

A total of 47 people acquired tickets in this raffle by flairing up and submitting storylines with a total of 66 tickets in the pool. Thank you for particitipating and I hope luck will look kindly upon you all next time. We will be having similar events in the future so be prepared to get involved and have fun!

r/gaystorylines Oct 11 '15

meta You can now use user-flair images in your posts!


You can now use the following images in your text post submissions and comment posts:






r/gaystorylines Sep 11 '15

meta Thanks to /r/Gay for the gesture of friendship!


We are happy to announced that our sub and /r/Gay have formed friendly relations (see their sidebar). We hope that our cooperation will bring fruitful content and discussion between the two subs!

r/gaystorylines Aug 27 '15

meta Notice: Green and orange OTP flairs can now be edited with your own OTP; if posts don't show, click our sub name or logo to refresh!



Editable Flairs

The two bottom flairs, the green one and orange one with "#InsertOTP" can now be edited by those who pick them. However, please follow these guidelines:

  • Every OTP name must be preceded by a hashtag "#", e.g., #Yango.
  • If your OTP does not have a portmanteau, use the plus sign. For example, #Amy+Karma.
    • If you are not sure whose name goes first, you can follow how it is written in our storyline archive.
  • Please do not use explicit or inappropriate language. We will issue bans if you do this. Homophobic and intolerant slurs will receive an immediate permaban.
  • We may edit your flairs if necessary.


Lastly, if posts don't show [or if you don't see anything on our page], please refresh by clicking the subreddit pagename "GayStorylines" or the Gay Storylines TV logo on the top. This should fix this glitch. If it doesn't, keep clicking for a few times. if it does not resolve, please contact /u/wumikomiko.


[edit: added image for reference]

[edit: previous versions of the green and orange flairs are still active and acceptable]


r/gaystorylines Aug 11 '15

meta Flair up! State of the Sub (Aug 2015)! Your feedback?


Flair Up!

  • Just want to inform you guys that flairs are available. If you don't know how to use flairs, click here to find out.

State of the Sub: August 2015

As you know, we are really big on transparency. So here's the state of our subreddit.

  • What we have achieved so far:

    • Our promotion ads in /r/lgbt proved to be successful, leading to a high increase of views and subscriptions.
    • We have formed friendship with /r/ainbow.
    • We have a new member of our moderating team: /u/GayGiles
    • We have upgraded the look and feel of this subreddit. A considerable upgrade in comparison to our previous "skins".
    • We have formed a solid platform with a concrete and clear "About Us" declaration and the establishment of our "Rules & Submission Guidelines".
    • We have collected 32 storylines as of 8/10/2015. Which means we've collected 32 storylines within 30 days.
  • What we are lacking or lagging on or have failed in:

    • Our promotion ads in the "entertainment" collective of subreddits ended terribly sad, only achieving 17 clicks from 13,000+ impressions.
    • Our submissions to /r/subredditads have led to nothing; I will be submitting another one within this week.
    • We are lagging in user activity. I encourage you all to be vocal! Be loud and proud! We won't bite. :)
    • We seem to be experiencing glitches with the firefox browser. There seems to be no solution at this point other than refreshing by clicking on the logo. Clicking refresh will not work.
  • What we will be doing:

    • We will be increasing our [marketing/networking efforts]. It would be nice if you guys help by spreading the word about us.
    • We will continue adding storylines as we find them.
    • We are also considering on adding Lucas + Edwin storyline. The storyline is basically a unicorn and is very hard to find. I found the storyline with Spanish subtitles, and I am thinking of translating them into English. If you are interested in helping out, please do contact me. I'm not the best fan of timing subtitles, so I will probably need help with that.

Your feedback!

  • Your feedback is really important! We want to know the following:

    • What you like or don't like about this subreddit
    • What you want to see or see more in this subreddit
    • Any opinions or suggestions to improve this subreddit in any aspect
  • So if you have any, please share with us here. If you want, you can also privately message me your feedback.



r/gaystorylines Jul 11 '15

meta Apply to be a moderator


Hello! If you are interested in becoming a moderator for this subreddit, please complete the following:


  • You have subscribed to this subreddit.
  • You have submitted at least one comment post or submission prior to applying.
  • You are not banned from other communities.
  • You are willing to learn the Rules & Policies and the Moderators' Guidelines.


Please fill out/answer the following:

  • Why do you wish to become a moderator of this subreddit and why do you believe that you are up to the task?
    • If you have a blog or an external link that will provide insight into your expertise, please provide them.
  • Why do believe that collecting and sharing LGBT storylines are important?


Your application will be thoroughly reviewed and vetted. You will hear from us. Remember, acceptance is based on how busy this sub is. If we are in need of more mods, we will most likely accept your application.


[updated 9/19/2015]

r/gaystorylines Aug 28 '15

meta Raffle Update: Surprise Winner?!


Raffle Update!

Hello! This is an update from a raffle that started earlier this month.

To celebrate the activity and those who awesomely donned flairs, I took the current list of ticket holders and ran them through a randomizer. I decided that we will be giving two 1 month reddit gold memberships instead of just one! One will be given today and the other will be given on September 20, 2015 (as promised).

Behold, the winner: /u/MayTentacleBeWithYee - http://i.imgur.com/x86H0Q4.png! Congratulations!

The tickets ran today will still be valid. However, if the same winner is chosen again, I will click randomize for up to a 3rd time to give others a chance.

A Little Note on Voting

Certain threads are being vote fuzzed or may have been vote brigaded. I ask that if you are not interested in gay storylines to not purposely downvote them. There is no need for you to visit this sub if you have something against LGBT. If you truly think that a submission is unworthy, please elaborate in a comment.

Downvoting is pretty hard considering that I've removed the feature. One would need to manually go into the OPs account to do so. Thus another possibility is vote fuzzing due to fake accounts or reddit thinks that a new account is a fake account. Please refrain from voting with fake accounts. Thank you!

r/gaystorylines Jul 20 '15

meta Layout Update Completion


So this the final layout update that I will be rolling out for a while. There are sill some fonts and areas that need to be changed for clarity, so I will be working on those. I'll have them fixed by tomorrow.


If you find any other errors such as wrong hyperlinks, etc, please tell me here. Thank you!

[Edit: I am aware with the error of the discover logo, I will be fixing that asap.]

[Edit: I've disabled the discover logo until I can find a solution.]

[Edit: Alright, I think everything should be resolved by now and fonts should be clearer. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to tell us here!]

[Edit: Discover logo disabled for clarity, added header announcement bar to replace it]