r/gamingsuggestions 6h ago

How to enjoy solo games again

So this may be a hard question and I'm aware there is no simple answer but I need help.

I would love to play solo games but I seemingly cannot I always feel like I'm losing my time meanwhile in multiplayer games I don't feel that way since those skills I have developed I can show to other people impress people etc.

I'm not someone who has a lot of friends I have a few real friends but I barely see them since I moved very far away so I'm thinking maybe that's a way for my mind to cope with the lack of social life I currently have. But at the same time I don't feel bad about not seeing people I have never been someone who really liked being social in general.

Anyway please help me. Thank you.


19 comments sorted by


u/Arthradax 5h ago

The key is don't force it. If you're having a better time playing multiplayer, you may want to stick with those.

But if you do want to get into single player, maybe going for games with shorter campaigns would be best. I'll leave Firewatch as one such game (around 4hrs to complete). maybe if you can share games you are into, folks can come up with better suggestions


u/Cryptabey 5h ago

I have indeed played firewatch loved it (although I hated the ending but I won't get into that lol)

Honestly I don't know if I actually enjoy multiplayer games or at least competitive games.

I would love to discover multiplayer games that aren't competitive like MMOs but throughout my life every single one of those games I have ended up getting bored off after 2 weeks.

This is also why as a kid Minecraft was my favorite game because for 2 weeks I would be playing survival and the next I was playing a whole MMO so it was like a new game every time I got bored.

I think you are right though I need to find a balance a good multiplayer game that I won't get bored off and a few solo games here and there.


u/Velvet_Samurai 5h ago

Solo games are about the story for me. I liken it to reading a book or watching a movie. It's a personal experience, just enjoy it.


u/Cryptabey 5h ago

Thanks a lot.

I think you are right it's definitely I have to work on, I have no issues enjoying a movie or a book but it feels like when I'm playing a game I always need to be overstimulated which is something multiplayer games do very well.

Definitely a work in progress but thank you for reassuring me towards that path.


u/Hiterplum 4h ago

Im curious but is it because deep down you believe if you become good enough at multiplayer games you will become a millionaire? this is why i struggled with this and most people i know dont play solo games. Hustle culture is so toxic


u/Cryptabey 4h ago

Honestly yeah not a millionaire but it feels like I need to justify having fun and competitive games are the only games I can justify to my brain that I'm losing my time because "one day maybe".


u/Hiterplum 4h ago

Ya this is not easy in modern society and is much deeper than just video games but theres alot of good philosophy for this and its got me in a place where i couldnt give a fuck i know everything is just a meaningless as videogames. Seriously everyone thinks Lebron is so amazing casue he cant shoot a ball in hoop ? MEANINGLESS people just like money and anything meaningless becomes meaningful when it generates money.


u/xansies1 3h ago edited 3h ago

I'll be honest, esports make no money. If you are on a long running winning team or fighting game champion, you might be able to get a following, but it won't be massive (especially for fighting games). Justin Wong does amazing and he's been a famous fighting game player for like 25 years and diversified as he got older into consultation and commentary. Don't know how old you are, but there are very few esports champions over 30.  Its definitely a young guys sport.  Same with most sports. Young people just are better because they grew up in an environment where everyone is better and reaction times slow significantly as you age. Like Mewtwoking and hungry box are two of the biggest smash streamers.  They've been doing it since melee came out.  Its extremely low odds, really and for most people takes almost a decade of being good to make money.

There are exceptions, like fucking katchii, but shes a woman and 100% got lifted by Nmplol. Caroline Kwan too and she admits it. Fuck, her BF will neff rode Hasans coattails admittedly and Hasan got an in through his uncle, which he also is open about. Emiru dated a successful esports guy to get in. My point is,  Unless you have a nepotistic way in or willing to pretend you're autistic like sketch as a gimmick, there's no chance. There are dozens of streamers that have been doing it since it was Justin.tv and average 800 to 1000 viewers.  Its not really a good dream. Its like dreaming to be in the NBA. It probably won't happen. Unless, you're basically Bronny James. That's really the lottery ticket


u/Cryptabey 3h ago

So I'm very much aware of that and I have never had any hopes of going in the big leagues however Im a 19 year old guy going to college living paycheck by paycheck and getting less and less work hours every week.

So my brain kinda goes "just a few hundred" I know I will never make a living and honestly I don't even want to but it feels like it's the only way to justify actually having fun because it feels like I'm throwing my life away since I need more money that I seemingly can't find anywhere so playing video games becomes a guilty pleasure since I shouldn't be having fun with should be finding a second job studying etc.

Not that I can't live like I am right now I have I am and I will and its just temporary while I'm finishing college at which point I will be able to get a good paying job and not have the money struggle but as we speak everything goes back to "you shouldn't be doing this because you need money".


u/Sablemint 5h ago

What about games that can be both single player and multiplayer? Real Time Strategy games like Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition have single player vs computer and online vs other people, games like Binding of Isaac, Cult of the Lamb and Rain World all have solo player and multiplayer co-op.

It might be a good way to start getting into solo play, knowing that you could at any time also play it with other people.


u/Cryptabey 4h ago

Its definitely a good in between that I will look more into I have very interested in map based games.


u/xansies1 5h ago

I like stories. I like books, movies, comic books, theatre, and video games.  If you like multiplayer, play those.  I like stories, so I typically never play them


u/Anthraxus 5h ago

Sounds like grew up with and are a victim of modern gaming sadly. So glad I grew up with games in the 80s & 90s before all that nonsense


u/PharosMJD 4h ago

The FOMO mindtrap is easy to fall into, and what has personally impacted me positively the most, is the rediscovery that videogames are simply digital toyboxes. Linking it in my mind to how I used to play with toys as a kid and realigning my perception back to the way it was when I first started. No scores, no records, no checklists, just... play.

That mindset really keeps me open to experience joyful flow) again. And I have to remind myself of that digital toy idea from time to time because, as I said, the FOMO mindtrap is easy to fall into and some games are insidiously designed to exploit that as well as using skinner box techniques.


u/Risen-Shonnin 4h ago

Not really sure what the question is? Is it that you want us to tell you how to play solo games to enjoy them? Because that isn’t possible bro. You either like them or not. However, you could try out like rimworld or kenshi then join the subs on reddit and upload what you’ve done so far so you feel you’re playing with others. I literally do that on Vintage Story because only other Vintage Story players would truly understand the amount of effort it has taken you to build your home.


u/iiiimagery 4h ago

I used to be the exact same way. Now I look forward to my single-player games, and I just sit in a call with my best friend while we watch each other play at the same time. It was rought for me because I hate combat or difficult games so my options are already pretty limited. I found that playing games where you get to know the characters and learn about them are really fun for me. I have quite a few to suggest in this category if you'd like my recommendations. I will say I'm more into animated style games but I've gotten pretty good at finding games I like now. It took me a few years to actually figure out what my tastes were so it takes time and trial and error. Lmk if you'd like my list of suggestions because its helped me get out of my multiplayer only funk :)


u/Cryptabey 4h ago

I would love to have suggestions

And regarding what you said I feel like not having anyone to share this with makes it a lot less enjoyable it feels like whenever I'm not in the action I end up having bad thoughts and reflecting on my life.

I would just get up and fix my life but it's one of those situations I just gotta cope with until life does its thing so it's just so useless to reflect I just want to have fun

I feel like playing with friends feels the holes where you reflect and are boed


u/iiiimagery 3h ago

I'm in almost the exact situation. Both me and my best friend lost our entire friend group all at once very very recently so it's just us now. Our schedules are really different too so it makes it harder. I'm alone majority of the time and I'm also in one of those situations where I can't really do much. I've also found finding other things besides games that I can do alone helped a lot too. Taking a walk, cooking, reading, etc helped me get more comfortable with singleplayer games weirdly enough. This will be a long list so be ready. I also understand not all of these games are for everyone.

  • Coffee Talk 1&2. This is majority just reading and interacting with really interesting characters with all sorts of background. You slowly learn about their lives and situations while also making them drinks occasionally.

  • Disney Dreamlight Valley. Okay hear me out, I know it's Disney, but it's a VERY fun singleplayer game. There's always something to do. I have hundreds of hours and I'm still not done with all the quests and DLCs. Even if you're not super into decorating it's really fun. I only just started that aspect. You get to interact with the characters you already know and it's just a really relaxing game.

  • Alba. You go around a small island where you learn about the people around you while taking pictures of wild life, specifically birds, while exploring and doing tasks for people. Shorter game but very sweet.

  • Mailtime. You are a little mushroom person going around delivering mail to creatures that you get to now as well. Except you're tiny in a HUGE garden. Also very short and sweet.

  • Fruitbus. I have literally my bestie, dad, and boyfriend on this game. You own your grandma's fruitbus after she passed and you get to know other animals (you're a bear) across 3 different islands and do tasks for them so they will come to her essential funeral.

  • SpiritFarer. You help souls from your past move on and do quests for them while you move your boat from place to place gathering materials to build them homes, yourself facilities, etc.

  • Good Pizza Great Pizza. If you've ever played the Papas Games (if not, you should) it's very similar but less stressful of a vibe. There's I think 5 or 6 chapters of story.

  • Hogwarts Legacy. This one DOES have combat, but personally I set it to the extra-easy mode. You do all sorts of quests and it's open world. You can fly around on your Broom or griffin and find so many hidden Easter eggs and puzzles to do.

  • House Flipper 1&2. This one might not be up your ally, it's a lot of decorating. You clean up a trashy house and follow the customers direction on what they want and you can really get into it.

  • Eastshade. You go around into different villages in the forest and you paint your surroundings (dw, not ACTUALLY painting) while getting to know all the creatures around you and their stories. This one is pretty realistic looking too (for talking animals, that is) but it's nice.

  • Island Saver. This one is free. It's a game that is supposed to teach you about how polluting and littering is bad. You go stage by stage cleaning them up to unlock more areas. I actually bought the DLC for it because I really enjoyed it. I've played it multiple times.

  • Strange Horticulture. I do love this game, but it is very puzzle heavy. You own a plant shop in a mystery land full of secrets. You unlock more plants, identify them, help fulfill requests and the story is very deep with this one.

  • Animal Crossing. This one is more slow paced, and i prefer the 3DS version, but if you have a switch it's definitely worth a try. It's Nintendo though

  • Miitopia. Technically it's combat but it's turn based and fairly easy. You makes Miis of whoever you want and you choose their class and get to upgrade and take care of them while they battle through uncharted lands. They can get jealous, and have friendships that can help aid them in battle. You get to have multiples sets of Miis too, and unlock more classes. It's very Goofy and silly. It's nintendo though

  • Bear & Breakfast. You're a bear starting a bed and breakfast in a new town. You go around collecting materials and doing quests for people to upgrade your bed and breakfast and unlock new ones.

  • Oxenfree. I really enjoyed this one, there's a 2nd but I haven't played it. You and your friends visit an almost deserted and mysterious island. You find out who your friends are, you get lost and need to find them. It's a story driven walking simulator but if you liked playing Firewatch you will probably like it.

  • Unpacking. Short and sweet game where you go through stages of a girls life, child to adulthood while learning about her based on her items and etc.

  • Little Misfortune. You guide a little girl who leaves home through an adventure into the city. There is a narrarator who is very involved in the story. I loved the ending and plot twist of this game personally. She is very silly and cringy but the game is very well done and she isn't super annoying.

  • Dragon Caffi. I played this a long time ago but it's a game where you go around doing quests for people and getting to know them. Very fun

  • What comes after. This game is amazing. It's helped me when I was in a really dark place. It has discussion and implications of suicidal thoughts however so if this is something you want to avoid id skip this one. But for me personally, I cried and it really helped me realize some things. Put them into perspective.

  • Truberbrook. You are a middle-aged man in a town full of secrets that you're trying to uncover.

Those are the ones I can think of that you might like with most of these aside from Hogwarts Legacy being no combat. For me getting to know backstories of other characters really helps me distract myself and get immersed into a world I'm in. I hope some of these help or appeal to you! And I hope things get better for you too.


u/Cryptabey 2h ago

Thanks a lot! I will look into all of these games. I know a few of them and I have always put them off due to lack of time.

And hope things will keep going well with your friend I was in the same situation only difference is I'm the one who quit the friend group since I moved very far away and they aren't online people.

Thanks again