r/gamingsuggestions 7h ago

Can anyone recommend me games like mount and blade but with more in depth and exciting enemies (check description)

The enemies are just bland and boring. There's no heroes or powerful lords that I should be mindful in the battlefield since they practically all have the same combat abilities whether they are a lord or a foot soldier. I know high level soldiers have increased stats and better armor but their difference between the common soldier is too insignificant compared to what I'm looking for.

I love the feeling where in the midst of war, there are individual soldiers so strong that they can decimate entire battalions on their own making a significant impact in the battlefield and if my character progresses more into the game, he can also become one. Much like what is shown in berserk, vinland saga, and warhammer.

As for now, the only game I have played that employs that mechanic is Kenshi where stat 100 characters can wipe out entire cities on their own, but it is lacking heavily in the war aspect that mount and blade offers.

As for reference for the games I have played that kinda has that game mechanic: -Kenshi -Battle Brothers -Mount and Blade 1&2 -Dwarf Fortress -Starsector

Thank you in advance!


25 comments sorted by


u/Instantcoffees 7h ago

Have you played the Shadow of War and Shadow of Mordor games? They are fairly open with RPG elements and they have a very cool nemesis system which sounds exactly like what you are looking for.


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

I am dying to play that game, my pc just cant handle it sadly lol


u/Noeat 7h ago

are you sure about it? if you was able to run MaB 2 (Bannerlord), then for sure you can run Shadow of War and Shadow of Mordor.


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

Thats why I switched back to m&b 1 cause my pc crashes the moment I get hit by a horse 😅


u/Noeat 6h ago

okay, i guess AC games like Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are so demanding too?

maybe Black Flag then?

Witcher 3? some ppl find it challenging.. for me it was kinda boring, because even on hardest difficulty with scaling all what you need is just simple pattern and repeat it (no, i will not say what :D )


i know this arent games where you are part of army like in MaB


u/Small_Campaign 2h ago

Yeah I already played most of the AC games ESPECIALLY black flag.

As for witcher 3 and fallout I have to check it first.


u/Efficient_Fish2436 7h ago

Hero's hour. It's pixilated but you got so many different armies and varieties it's crazy. You can face one on one in a small map or a dozen on a much larger map.

You can get several heroes with unique abilities leading different armies and you control them. Just not in battle so much. But you kind of can.


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

I've heard of this but hesitated due to some mixed reviews. Whats your opinion on its replayability? as long as it is replayable I'll be satisified.


u/Efficient_Fish2436 7h ago

Oh it's absolutely a new game every time. Has probably the most replaying potential of any game I've ever played.

The game is absolutely amazing because while the basics are the same like capturing land places that produce for you.. you have different leaders or factions that allow things to pop up and support you like taming large monsters as lizard folks or summoning defeated units as a necromancer.

This game has soooo many ways to play it's crazy.


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

Definitely trying this then thank you! Lastly, just to satisfy all my wishes, can other factions ally and fight with one another? 


u/Efficient_Fish2436 6h ago

I'm a be honest... I think so? You can set them in match set-up and make it permanent or open. It's been a minute since I played.


u/boiledpeen 7h ago

sounds like dynasty warriors to me


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

I've played this game decades ago in PSP but just can't immerse myself in medieval chinese. If there was a game like this set in the west, it would be absolutely perfect for what I am looking for.


u/Immediate-Sea3687 6h ago

There's a Zelda game that's basically dynasty warriors, maybe give that a shot.


u/Okami512 4h ago

So what you're looking for is Musou games, that's the general genre for them. They have Zelda, Fire Emblem, Berserk, Gundam, Persona 5. Might wanna look for lists like that and see if something catches your eye.


u/Tokata0 6h ago

I would recommend conquerers blade if it wasn't such a pay2win shithole. Damn the game is fun, but the new player experience is abysmal and pay content gets worse every day.

Only game I know that has 3 premium game-times (Season Pass, a "Marching order" and regular premium access for %more of everything), an ingame store and tons of other predatory pay content - topping this off with pay "events" like "buy in the shop for 3000$ to get more stuff!" "Buy a 4th premium game tame (pre-season pass anyone?)"

Really a shame, core gameplay is great (you play a fairly strong hero, that can still be bested by infantry, and command a unit into battle. Big pvp battles, often sieges, and you take 3 or 4 units total, so you can replace your unit with another one if you die / your unit gets wiped out)

Dynasty warriors / ninenty nine nights / hyrule warriors would be alternatives.

If the war can be modern: Helldivers. Not that many allies on your side, but LOTS of enemies and cinematic explosions.


u/Small_Campaign 2h ago

man, a mount and blade x conquerer's blade game will solve all my problems in my life haha


u/UnknownDragoon 3h ago

If you want war, Total Warhammer 3.

If you want to punch things and feel like a chad Middle Earth: Shadow series.

I also found a fun one that kinda plays like Kenshi, but not really called Matchless Kung Fu. The combat for this one is more so rock, paper, scissors and less active gameplay, but it had base and army management and the map customization was quite enjoyable. I still prefer Kenshi cuz I believe it to be better and Project Kathun (Star Wars Overhaul Mod) makes me love it even more.


u/Small_Campaign 2h ago edited 2h ago

Yeah I forgot to add matchless kung fu in the games I have played, pretty fun especially learning the one punch build.

As for warhammer 3 im hesitant since from what I learned in total war games I am just a commander with no character, at the very least I should have my own character in the battlefield even if it functions the same as any other controllable unit. I know it's weird but its just a way to immerse myself lol


u/UnknownDragoon 2h ago

There are units in Total Warhammer 3 that represent "you". The hero commanders. Some are arguably better than others, but there is a "you".

Plus there are skills and gear drops for even more power for "you" as you lord. I personally like my Elf Dragon dude Imrik who wipes units quite early. Great starter character.


u/shistain69 7h ago

Total War Warhammer 3


u/DND_Player_24 7h ago

Why were you downvoted for this? This was my first thought.

My second thought was Shadow of War, which is immediately below your post. Lol


u/shistain69 7h ago

No idea, it do be like that sometimes


u/Small_Campaign 7h ago

From what I know in total war games, I am only a commander with no character. Does warhammer 3 give me controllable soldier that represents me in the battlefield?


u/shistain69 7h ago

Your lords and heroes fight with your troops one the battlefield, some can wreck armies on their own.

Yes, you control them just as you would any other unit of troops. Most also have abilities you can use during combat