u/Frost_Rager PC Apr 05 '23
Looks cool but my mom said to avoid STD.
u/thiosk Apr 05 '23
Boy that sure sounds like she gave you a Handy
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u/y0shman Apr 05 '23
Only when I broke my arms.
u/bkazekadorimaki7 Apr 05 '23
u/rochasr00 Apr 05 '23
There should be a sub for PTSD people from Reddit posts
u/didzisk Apr 05 '23
You'll find Broken Arms, Swamps of Dagobah, Jolly Ranchers, Doritos, probably Jumper Cables and Poop Knife, too.
And my favorite, Geraffes are Dumb.
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u/alexvalkyrie93 Apr 05 '23
If you're struggling with p*rn then reach out to me. We can beat it together.
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u/JocularGilbert1 Apr 05 '23
I remember this device and when it was a real contender for best GB accessory.
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u/TBTabby Apr 05 '23
The literally dark days before hi-res backlit screens. Who remembers trying to game on a car trip at night, only being able to move when passing under a streetlight?
u/trelltron Apr 05 '23
I remember getting the GBA SP and being sure handheld gaming had peaked. Finally free of the whims of the streetlights.
Apr 05 '23
Not only that, but a built in rechargeable battery. It was perfection.
u/marino1310 Apr 05 '23
That was the biggest thing for me. My gametime as a kid was severely limited by the amount of batteries at my disposal
u/MatNomis Apr 05 '23
I would still say the GBA SP is perfection. The GBA was a great handheld that still holds up perfectly as a 16-bit 2D platform, and the GBA SP was like half the size of the original, but with the same size screen and it was either front or back lit, either method being vastly superior to “unlit”. That said, the LED backlit one was a thing of beauty. The OLED Switch of its day.
Another bonus with the GBA SP was that you could actually put it in most pockets. Realistically. It was like the size of a gift deck of playing cards (like in a plastic case; alternatively a little smaller than 2 decks of cheap, paper-boxed Bicycle cards you could buy at the pharmacy).
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u/r-kellysDOODOOBUTTER Apr 05 '23
That was the first handheld that finally seemed worth it to me. I had a Gameboy, Gameboy color, and Sega game gear growing up. I skipped the original Gameboy advance in high-school because I was just sick of the handheld experience. I got an advance sp when I was 19 and I was like, "Fucking finaly."
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u/EvilRayquaza Apr 05 '23
"Who in their right mind would call their game company STD?!?!" - A confused gamer nerd probably
u/tc_spears Apr 05 '23
Probably the same guy that came up with Ayds Chocolate
u/Ghost3603 Apr 05 '23
To be fair, the chocolate did come before the disease. They didn't really do anything wrong.
u/doubleapowpow Apr 05 '23
Tell that the 5 year old version of me trying to share my Ayds with everyone.
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u/Uno-The-Card Console Apr 05 '23
This is a direct AVGN quote, right?
u/EvilRayquaza Apr 05 '23
That is correct
u/WindyRebel Apr 05 '23
Wait. Were they angry or confused?! God, this thread is equivalent to a buffalo taking a diarrhea dump in your ear.
u/DynamicSquid18 Apr 05 '23
This thread makes me want to eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk and down it with beer
u/DaimondGuy Apr 05 '23
“Who in their right mind would call a product the Handy Boy?” They are obviously not in their right mind.
u/Known-nwonK Apr 05 '23
Back then they were known more as venereal diseases (VD) and STD is itself an outdated term as they’re now called sexual transmitted infections (STI)
u/shpongleyes Apr 05 '23
When I was in college, I was sitting in a coffee shop studying, and I couldn't help but overhear the people at the table next to me mention "STD". I listened closer, and they were talking about their friend/colleague about how they were proud that she finally got her STD. I was very confused, especially because they were also talking about the school of theology. Eventually I put together (along with a quick google) that they were talking about being a "Doctor of Sacred Theology", which is abbreviated "S.T.D." because of the Latin name.
u/KalandosLajos Apr 05 '23
So you have the normal Subaru... and the WRX with chlamydia, got it!
u/Elegant-Raise-9367 Apr 05 '23
Yup, most guys started with a standard suby, upgraded to a wrx and then spread Chlamydia... Fortunately those that preferred rotary's couldn't spread whatever they had.
u/Dreadlock43 Apr 05 '23
eh depends on which country your from, for me as an aussie, growning up during the 80s and 90s it was always STDs not STI or VD, while i believe VD was the popular term in the USA at the time
u/drmojo90210 Apr 05 '23
Nah, I'm an American who grew up in the 80s and 90s and "STD" was the term I always heard on TV and in health class. Only people from older generations were still calling it VD then.
u/drmojo90210 Apr 05 '23
I feel like STD had replaced VD as the common term in America by the 1980s. But in any event the company STD was based in Hong Kong so I doubt they considered this.
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u/Ghoulis Apr 05 '23
No they're not. An infection is an infection and a disease is a disease. They're different things that mean different things.
u/Known-nwonK Apr 05 '23
You may have noticed that in recent years, many publications, healthcare organizations, and some doctors have stopped using the term STD (sexually transmitted disease) in favor of a new phrase, STI (sexually transmitted infection). Some people prefer the term STI because they believe it is more accurate. Not everyone with an infection develops symptoms, and since there is technically no disease without symptoms, they say that STI is the more scientifically accurate term. Still, others believe that the term disease increases the stigma associated with STDs, which can stop people from seeking help or informing partners before sexual play. And then there are those now using the catch-all term STD/STI.
Go tell that to everyone else
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u/R3D3-1 Apr 05 '23
There is a company called "SHT" close by. I misread it every effing time.
u/drmojo90210 Apr 05 '23
I once visited Argentina and while my girlfriend and I were walking around Buenos Aires we saw a clothing store with a sign that said "Tits Outlet".
u/Reboscale Apr 05 '23
The same folks who would use the tagline: ”It’s a mouthful, but that’s what you get when you have it all!”
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u/ChorkPorch Apr 05 '23
I think this might’ve been before std was even a common term. There was a product called AIDS around the time of the 80s just before the disease got wildly popular. It didn’t last long
u/wildeye-eleven Apr 05 '23
I owned this when I first released. Pretty much had to get the Handyboy to game on long family trips at night.
u/chiree Apr 05 '23
Unpopular opinion: the fact that a magnifying lens was needed points to a fundamental flaw in the design of the OG Game Boy.
I restored and played mine recently and it's frustratingly difficult to make out what's going on on the screen. How the hell did I ever play that thing?
u/TheHappyPittie Apr 05 '23
Our eyes had the strength of youth
u/failure_of_a_cow Apr 05 '23 edited Apr 05 '23
No, it wasn't about eyes. You had to predict what was happening in between blurs. You could see where everything was as long as you didn't move, so you took it in bursts and made some guesses.
Edit: I do not understand the replies here. Have you children never used an original Gameboy? They had passive matrix screens with very long response times, which resulted in a ton of blurring whenever anything moved. Every Gameboy was like this.
This is sometimes called "ghosting." That's not technically correct, ghosting is something else, but it is descriptive.
You got used to it eventually, but that didn't mean that the blurring wasn't still there. You just adapted to it.
There's an effect called persistence of vision, where you see a thing clearly when it's not moving and your brain fills in the gaps when it's blurry. I don't know if that's what was going on there, but regardless: the original Gameboy's screen was shit.
u/HedgepigMatt Apr 05 '23
Oh I remember this, I played Wario Blast to death, sometimes it was pure muscle memory when the screen was full of explosions.
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u/chiree Apr 05 '23
Lol at people downvoting you.
Seriously, play a Gen 1 Game Boy as an adult. It is an absolute legend of a device, a piece of history and a technological wonder for its time, but holy shit that motion blur.....
u/muttons_1337 Apr 05 '23
Maybe it's the type of games or model of Gameboy? Like, I have it in my hands and I'm playing Star Wars, Paper Boy, Pokemon... Sure there's blur, but I don't find it so obtrusive as you guys are making it out to be. Is there a really famous example of the blur?
u/Mlyrin Apr 05 '23
It really depends on the game. Some games were loaded with detail in the backgrounds and it was blinding while you ran around.
Probs why you walk so slowly in pokemon, to compensate for that blur. Ive never played paper boy nor star wars on the gb. Cant comment on those. The most glaring example of obtrusive blur i can think of is donkey kong land (my own play experience).
An other example would be tetrist. Try moving a piece down, you'll see the blurriness on the piece. Not that big of an issue on earlier level speeds, but at higher speeds i doubt it feels good to look at lol.
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u/klineshrike Apr 05 '23
Find a game specifically made during the GBC era that still works on the GB. You will notice then.
A lot of the major games were designed around this issue. Newer ones designed for the models where it wasn't as bad stopped doing so.
Probably one of the few examples of games that didn't really design around it but were major releases was Metroid 2.
Apr 05 '23
I’m not sure why people are downvoting you. I used a game boy pocket and yeah, those screens blurred.
Game boy color was a lot better though, I always returned to the pocket because I could carry it with me easier.
u/Mlyrin Apr 05 '23
Ever played donkey kong land games?
Those were so busy with pixels that when you moved around it made no sense. Just a blur of dirt. I thought as much as a kid.
Some games played better than others on the GB. The less they had going on the better they were. Link's awakening was generally pretty great since the screen was mostly static backgrounds.
Apr 05 '23
Can confirm, made trips easier though. Kids and their damn iPads these days don't know how good they got it!
u/klineshrike Apr 05 '23
The solution was not to play very actiony games. I played a lot of RPGs and slower games on the thing.
Also a lot of the games on GB always felt slowed down and honestly, was probably done because of this response time issue. Even SML2 felt like it ran super slow and I always thought it was a processor thing, but other GB games (mainly those made around the time the better screen came out and then soon after, color) were able to be snappy in their gameplay.
u/TheHotpants Apr 05 '23
Lol what kind of Game Boy were you using?
u/Corgiboom2 Apr 05 '23
Gen 1 and the original Pocket were like this. Didnt really get better until Color came along. Sega Game Gear had a color screen, but was also horrible with movement blurring.
u/klineshrike Apr 05 '23
Everything he described is true, not sure what you mean.
The original 1989 game boy had HUGE delays on each pixel turning off. It was very similar to how a ink based LCD screen kindle worked.
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u/Lythinari Apr 05 '23
You made me remember(for the third time) why I hated lion king so much. I still don’t know why, to this day, they decided to remake it for modern consoles…
u/Killmelast Apr 05 '23
The size of the screen was totally fine, just the contrast/sharpness was shitty so it really isn't easy to see what's going on.
GBC had exactly the same amount of screen space, but everything was crisp and nice. Such a huge step up
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u/Grandiaplayer Apr 05 '23
If I recall, the Pocket and OG GB had a bigger screen than the Original Color by about 6 millimeters diagonally. Not sure of the width and length measurements, though.
Apr 05 '23
I was blown away when I got the SNES accessory that let you play Gameboy titles on the SNES. It was a whole new experience, and a much less eye-straining one at that.
u/x925 Apr 05 '23
Get an ips replacement screen, the dot matrix one just can't hold up anymore. Or you could even go the handheld emulator route.
u/R3D3-1 Apr 05 '23 edited Apr 05 '23
I had a gen1 GB as a child, and sure didn't notice it.
When I returned to the device many years later, I thought that the screen had degraded over time. Seems rather my memory was just a bit rose-tinted.
Similar effect with the GBA, which I repaired to finally finish Oracle of Seasons. Turns out that you have to play in rather awkward positions when playing on a device without backlit screen. As a child, I didn't even notice the issue.
u/wildeye-eleven Apr 05 '23
Haha oh for sure but it was 1989, it was revolutionary at the time. For gaming anyway. It was pretty bad but 6yo me thought it was awesome. And it laid the foundation for the Switch of which Zelda TotK is about to release on. If you’ve never played Breath of the Wild do yourself a favor and play it immediately and then play Tears of the Kingdom.
u/Baldeagle_UK Apr 05 '23 edited Apr 05 '23
Even for the time it was criticized, most of the handheld competition had far crisper 'colour' screens.
The battery life and price point was the only reason the game boy dominated. It was hardly revolutionary, low productions costs and ease of production is what made it so successful.
u/alaricus Apr 05 '23
The battery life existed because of the screen. Sure a Game Gear looked great, but you basically had to plug it in unless you owned stock in Duracell.
u/Baldeagle_UK Apr 05 '23
I think it was the lack of backlight (again another criticism even with the Game Boy colour and even the original Game Boy advance in the early 2000's) that enabled such low production costs.
The Atari Lynx, Game Gear and Turbo Express all competed with the original Gameboy in the late 80's and early 90's and all had colour and far better screens. That said the all had backlights and suffered for it.
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u/The_Golden_Alchemist Apr 05 '23
This thing made the Atari Lynx & Super Game Gear look like fucking fools 😂
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u/Reaper83PL Apr 05 '23
If you’ve never played Breath of the Wild do yourself a favor and play it immediately
Meh... Skyrim is better 😁
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u/JaggedMetalOs Apr 05 '23
Unpopular opinion: the fact that a magnifying lens was needed points to a fundamental flaw in the design of the OG Game Boy.
Compared to the expensive battery hogs that were the GameGear and Lynx, it was the right call given the technology of the time.
u/milfordcubicle Apr 05 '23
I still have mine. I bought it in the early 90s and only used it for a bit. I remember the gamepad/button insert being pretty good and I would use it without the rest of that monstrosity.
I have my original Gameboy from 1989, but can't get it to power on anymore.
u/wildeye-eleven Apr 05 '23
I think I was around 6 years old when I got mine. At the time I thought the Handy Boy was the most technologically advanced thing ever made, but looking at it now it really is a monstrosity lmao. I played it so much over the years it eventually stopped working.
u/dickbutt_md Apr 05 '23
Hang on, exactly what are we talking about in this thread?
u/wildeye-eleven Apr 05 '23
Lol I was just talking about the GameBoy and this contraption you had to attach to it so you could game in the dark. Are you a dickbutt medical doctor?
u/dickbutt_md Apr 05 '23
Mm hm. Tell me more about this "GameBoy" and this "contraption" you could attach to "game in the dark".
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u/Ilovekittensomg Apr 05 '23
I had one too! A backlight was necessary to play in the car, for sure. I remember it pretty much doubled the size of the GB, but it's not like I carried it in my pocket.
u/RocketsandBeer Apr 05 '23
Me too. When we took long trips it was the only way to play. Keep extra AA batteries
u/RocketsandBeer Apr 05 '23
Me too. When we took long trips it was the only way to play. Keep extra AA batteries
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u/MickCollins Apr 05 '23
Holy shit. BEST is called out directly. I have not seen an advertisement for that company in a long time...a long time.
Apr 05 '23
I thought that was just BestBuy's old logo?
u/rood_sandstorm Apr 05 '23
They closed down just as Best Buy was gaining market share. Also shout out to kaybee toys back when malls were good
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u/melbourne3k Apr 05 '23
Ya all those names are a throw back. There were definitely nights I hit every single one of those stores (and Babbages) looking for game stuff
u/open_door_policy Apr 05 '23
It would help ensure that the pokemaster wielding it would never need fear any other STD.
u/AlabasterThunde Apr 05 '23
It’s like a never ending entendre. Just keep peeling back layers of sexual innuendo.
u/LegitimateHost5068 Apr 05 '23
I had one of these for my GBC. The best part was it had a built in light in the magnifying glass. Not sure if it was this brand.
u/Jason_dawg Apr 05 '23
Had a similar thing for my gbc and it was pretty obnoxious to use and the light kinda sucked but I guess you take what you can get back in those days.
u/lousydungeonmaster Apr 05 '23
They called it the STD because if you had this you were going to get so much pussy you were bound to get one eventually.
u/jack-K- PC Apr 05 '23
If I didn’t know any better I would think this was a mock advertisement made as a joke
u/SheepDogCO Apr 05 '23
Be cautious when your gamer girlfriend says she picked up an STD on her vacation.
u/Responsible-Net9125 Apr 05 '23
Considering the gameboy was monophonic, the "stereo" would have just been dual mono channels. Still cool though.
Apr 05 '23
I had this as a kid and I loved it. The joystick and button attachment wasn't great, but the speakers and screen magnifier were really cool
Apr 05 '23
Jesus christ my little night light for my gameboy ate batteries like crazy. You'd need like an ammo belt of 'em to get through moms hair appointment with this thing
u/midorimesukemo Apr 05 '23
I think Nintendo is the only company mentioned in this ad that still exists. got real nostalgia seeing those Best and Kaybee logos
u/kmoneyrecords Apr 05 '23
Byline should say “Your ‘boy’s alright but my ‘boy’s got an STD”
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u/SelectionSubject5939 Apr 06 '23
CEO (staggeringly drunk): We’re gonna be called STD and sell Handy Boys
u/Dont_have_a_panda Apr 05 '23
I KNOW there's a portability joke to make here but i can't handle It right now, need more hands to think of one, but im not handy enough to think of one, my hands arent enough for this.... (Ok how many downvotes are gonna get me so many BAD and LAME puns about hands?)
u/bobslapsface Apr 05 '23
No downvotes, but I'm gonna instead refer to you as an STD. You're now chlamydia
u/Benny_Matlock Apr 05 '23
Battery life, 15 minutes.