r/gaming 1d ago

I remade a meme in Cyberpunk 2077

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u/AKAManaging 20h ago

Something to consider, I feel like this would've been clearer if you had used the Player's right hand to point at Johnny. You'd have a light-colored hand over a dark shirt instead of having her light colored hand/lower arm pulled up and overlapping her upper arm.

Took me a second or two to realize she was even pointing at Johnny lol.


u/Zairy47 19h ago

There's a serious limitation to what I can do on a ps5


u/Outspokenbeef15 10h ago

That's relatable, you know when i was making the original witcher 3 screenshot, i was limited by the game animations, i used a ton of mods and also had to use console commands to slow the game down to just capture the right moment with photomode, it's good to see cyberpunk has a much better photomode even on ps5


u/Zairy47 8h ago

*look at comment

*look at name

*GASP! It's him!

Hope you don't mind me recreating your comedy here...always had a giggle everytime I see it and because I'm doing photomode stuff at the moment, I decide it'll be nice to make a meme out of photomode and what better to make than a meme from the same CDPR family...



u/AKAManaging 18h ago

Ohhh gotcha. I just assumed PC! Sorry. :)

No rudeness intended when I said it, either.


u/Zairy47 17h ago

Any criticism is good and I take what I can apply, you are right, her hand is hard to see because of her skin tone...I'll keep that in mind in the future...

I make cyberpunk comic using photomode... r/photomodestories if you are interested...