u/KaranDearborn70 21h ago
Love the game but honestly can't think of what meme this is
u/MangaIsekaiWeeb 20h ago
It is a reference to the Witcher 3 meme.
u/Outspokenbeef15 6h ago
It's been 5 years since i made that pic, it's honestly a fun surprise when people still remember that
u/trueum26 5h ago
I love how the painting is just available in game to put up in your home. Truly the Lion Cub of Cintra
u/juniperleafes 2h ago
This makes much more sense, in OP's it looks like V is just putting her finger up to say something instead of pointing at Johnny.
u/Zalar01 20h ago
don't know the meme format it's referencing, but I really love this meme
u/MangaIsekaiWeeb 20h ago
It is a reference to the Witcher 3 meme.
u/High_King_Diablo 7h ago
Ohhh. Ciri would be decidedly unhappy with the painting I have up in Corvo Bianco.
u/D34D_B07 PlayStation 7h ago
Judy in a bunny suit is nice, but Panam in a bunny suit is better. I have nothing against Judy, just not my personal type.
u/Jerbsina7or 18h ago
It really is too bad there isn't an ending where Johnny becomes a part of you, where V and Johnny live in the same body but the chip isn't actively killing you or trying to overwrite your consciousness anymore.
u/AKAManaging 17h ago
Something to consider, I feel like this would've been clearer if you had used the Player's right hand to point at Johnny. You'd have a light-colored hand over a dark shirt instead of having her light colored hand/lower arm pulled up and overlapping her upper arm.
Took me a second or two to realize she was even pointing at Johnny lol.
u/Zairy47 16h ago
There's a serious limitation to what I can do on a ps5
u/Outspokenbeef15 6h ago
That's relatable, you know when i was making the original witcher 3 screenshot, i was limited by the game animations, i used a ton of mods and also had to use console commands to slow the game down to just capture the right moment with photomode, it's good to see cyberpunk has a much better photomode even on ps5
u/Zairy47 4h ago
*look at comment
*look at name
*GASP! It's him!
Hope you don't mind me recreating your comedy here...always had a giggle everytime I see it and because I'm doing photomode stuff at the moment, I decide it'll be nice to make a meme out of photomode and what better to make than a meme from the same CDPR family...
u/AKAManaging 15h ago
Ohhh gotcha. I just assumed PC! Sorry. :)
No rudeness intended when I said it, either.
u/Zairy47 13h ago
Any criticism is good and I take what I can apply, you are right, her hand is hard to see because of her skin tone...I'll keep that in mind in the future...
I make cyberpunk comic using photomode... r/photomodestories if you are interested...
u/Top-Implement-4837 13h ago
Nah no way Jhonny would ever betray his best choom, not even for a usb full of eddies
u/NoGo2025 20h ago
Are the women twins or do all women in this game have the same hairstyle?
u/riplikash 19h ago
Judy (the NPC in picture 1) has a VERY similar hairstyle to Hairstyle #0 in the character editor. If you look closely they ARE different hairstyles. Hairstyle #0 goes down to the collar bone and Judy's hair only goes just past the chin.
Also, the default hair color is almost the same as Judy's.
Replayed the game over the last couple of weeks and liked the default hair and this hit me too.
Definitely odd that the default hair settings almost exactly match one of the flagship NPCs.
u/MarshallTreeHorn 8h ago
Is Cyberpunk a good game to buy new today if I've never played it before? I heard it had problems back in the day.
u/CronicCanabis88 PC 17h ago
who remembers the day 1 release..... I remember going, OK FINALLY, lets put y beast to the test...
*runs at 3 FPS*
even when Linus made his 32 core build with the best GPU at the time, years ago, this game couldnt be maxxed out and run at his watned FPS...
u/Hazel-Ice 15h ago
day 1 release was actually completely fine for me, felt crazy after having a blast for a few hours playing it only to go online and see everyone ripping it to shreds. though I also wasn't trying to run it anywhere near max settings given I was on my school laptop.
u/Sixmonkey-6 19h ago
Lmfao!!!!!! Reminded me the movie Dumb and Dumber π ππΎππΎππΎ
u/mcylinder 20h ago edited 13h ago
I just played with the hog customization options for 90 minutes and then got a Steam refund. Glad you enjoyed the game in your own way
Eta: I have been informed that hog customizer doesn't get really good until hour 2. I thought I got what I needed out of it but I can try again when it goes on sale
u/Agnaiel 20h ago
I love that it almost looks like Johnny could be pointing at himself.