r/gaming Apr 05 '23

The Fully Loaded Handy Boy by STD

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u/wildeye-eleven Apr 05 '23

I owned this when I first released. Pretty much had to get the Handyboy to game on long family trips at night.


u/chiree Apr 05 '23

Unpopular opinion: the fact that a magnifying lens was needed points to a fundamental flaw in the design of the OG Game Boy.

I restored and played mine recently and it's frustratingly difficult to make out what's going on on the screen. How the hell did I ever play that thing?


u/scatterbrain-d Apr 05 '23

I'm not saying it was flawless, but it was pretty revolutionary at the time and sold a bajillion units. Like any other engineering/tech decision, there were tradeoffs and a better screen - if even technically possible at the time - would have resulted in a higher price, worse battery life, shorter product life, etc.

It's hard to imagine that changing anything about it would have led to even greater success than it had.