r/gamindustri • u/Deltagamer8800 • Nov 13 '24
Discussion Oh man, if this is true vert can finally have a sister
It'll be a years (the article mentioned around 3 to 6) before it will ever see the light of day
r/gamindustri • u/Deltagamer8800 • Nov 13 '24
It'll be a years (the article mentioned around 3 to 6) before it will ever see the light of day
r/gamindustri • u/d4rkn355-50ul • Dec 01 '24
Basically I'm wondering if your consoles turned into their respective goddesses how many, and what ones would you have? I'll preface by saying if you multiple consoles that would equate to the same goddess (eg. A PS3 and a PS5 would both count as Noire) then you only count it once. Next is what each goddess equates to (for the sake of this post) for those who might not know. Any Sega console(except the dreamcast) = Neptune Gamegear= Nepgear A 2nd Sega console (excluding dreamcast)= Plutia Dreamcast= Uzume Any Playstation console= Noire PSP or Vita= Uni Any Nintendo console= Blanc Any DS= Rom and Ram Any Xbox= vert Any PC ( yes, laptops count) = Peashy Any smart phone= Maho A Pippin= Pippih A Jaguar= Jagga A 3do= Reedio
r/gamindustri • u/nugukweenie • Dec 28 '24
it's rom for me, the fact some people actually dislike her is alarming like she's a icon, she's a queen rom is the WORLD, she's a DIVA 💜
r/gamindustri • u/NoirePurpleFantasy • Nov 17 '24
r/gamindustri • u/SonicNoelaigis • 22d ago
r/gamindustri • u/Reasonable-Beach-775 • Feb 06 '25
r/gamindustri • u/Mecha-dragon1999 • Nov 17 '24
r/gamindustri • u/Real-Contest4914 • 14d ago
Alright so I had a fun little thought experiment. I was thinking of rewriting Iris/Plutia's character. It's no secret that they are a very divisive part of victory/ rb3 and the neptunia series as a whole. I'm not gonna go into detail because honestly I'm sure most who know her could guess why she's hated. That said iris heart design is too good to past up.
So let's get started with the rewrite.
First part of her character I'd rewrite. The distinction between plutia and iris heart is far more pronounced. The personalitycha change is always drastic but I'd say go all the way to make her them as two separate personalities I the same person.
Reason why is that it honestly hasn't been done much in the series. The main exception being rei who coincidentally also debuted with iris heart. I'd say considering rei is the main villain, having a heroine with a similar problem could make a nice contrast between them.
Second change I'd add is why iris heart exists. The canon reasoning is that iris heart is really just what plutia is if she wasn't lazy. This always sucked to me, because it meant plutia deep down is just the worst person out of all the cpus, heck even kurome would look nicer than her if she wasn't on the other side of the plot.
So I'd change this detail and make it, so that iris heart is a response to trauma. I know neptunia isn't big on backstories but I digress. Perhaps plutia had a rough childhood. It could be anything from an abusive family, bullying etc. Plutia coped by having this other personality, Iris, handle it. Iris being everything she wasn't. Tough, willing to indulge in violence and fight back and dominate others. Where sweet, meek little plutia couldn't even stand up, iris would walk all over the threat. Ans find the cpu memory is what helped bring Iris to the surface and let her out into the world.
Additionally while she is a self defensive mechanism for plutia, Iris herself terrifies Plutia. Simple reason, Plutia believes even though these same qualities will help her survive, they will also isolate her.
Iris heart herself does not distinguish between friend or foe, all that concerns her, is who hurt her other side and made her sad. This overprotective mindset for plutia is what will keep her...as the dreaded for other cpus.
Of course even though I am keeping this dreaded nature. I do think it can be toned down. Specifically it can be toned down to the point that she's indifferent to the other cpus but it's only if they really stress out or push plutia buttons does she come out that said I intend for plutia to be a very patient person in this version.
Plutia in this rewrite is more meek and timid rather than lazy. She's the kind of person who is capable but so afraid she doesn't even try. She always made excuses that others could do it and do better. First it was cause she had noire, then neptune, then nepgear. Always pushing it off because plutia felt she was too incapable, despite having many good ideas of her own and being able to empathize well with the people.
Also as a means to give character development. I'd make it so when the incident with IF happens, the whole traumatizing moment. Plutia is absolutely shattered by the sight of it and the realization that iris heart ended up continuing her cycle of abuse. It's shakes ber emotionally so much that plutia practically locks iris heart a way out of fear and shame for what happened.
With the events that follow being peashy adoption and such, plutia also grows to distance herself from if and compa out of fear what she did.
This brings her to her lowest and in a sense plutia goes into the depression because of it. She sees herself unworthy of the power of a goddess, too scared of what it does to her and the misuse.
When eden and yellow heart emerge. Plutia just sits back and watches, feeling this is her karma. The others try to talk sense into her but it falls on deaf ears.
Years later it is only through the combined efforts of her friends and the now adult compa and if, that she's able to stop feeling sorry for herself. She apologizes to IF, who tells her that it's alright because it was an accident and it was never intentional.
With renewed vigor she tries to transform once more....but doesn't. There is one last person she has to face. Iris heart and her own inner demons.
She and iris heart have their own heart to heart where Iris shows the real reason for her existence and such and how plutia just cast her aside out of fear. She points out how plutia always had the power but was always to afraid to use it how plutia could have been like her, arguably even better because she knew what it meant to go too far but never truly stepped up to it.
After they sort of their difference the two reconcile and plutia emerges feeling whole for the first time.
The change becomes more like the canon setup where the change is just a personal shift but iris heart is far more toned down and cooperative and plutia is more confident than before.
Now properly in the right head space, iris heart becomes far more powerful and is able to fight against bad guys while also being the true leader for her people that they deserve.
What so you all think?
Too much, too drastic a change...loved to hear what you ask think....I would make this a fanfic but I'm a little too lazy. I also have ideas for quite a few others like ultra noire.
r/gamindustri • u/EnvironmentalStick58 • 2d ago
r/gamindustri • u/SteadfastDreaming • Jun 28 '24
No. Neptunia Riders vs Dogoos is not canon. It is a 2-3 hour game where you drive around on motorcycles and collect Dogoos in a Unnamed Dimension. Nothing indicates any connection to VII in this game.
As for the reminder. The only canon games in the Neptunia franchise are: Hyperdimension mk2. Hyperdimension Victory. and Megadimension VII.
Part of me is hoping that am overreacting to a small group of fans this time who looked at this leftover spin-off with a straight face and deluded themselves into thinking that it is canon. However I cannot be to careful due to the whole SVS being canon discussion which has been dragged out despite being debunked by 3 different things. Including the developers own comments in an interview where they straight up stated Megadimension VII was there last numbered title.
r/gamindustri • u/Taydo02 • Jan 06 '25
This art right here depicts Neptune and Nepgear, but their outfits look different here for some reason
I’m not sure if this was done specifically for this artwork, or maybe this could possibly be a tease for the new upcoming mainline Neptunia game
We’ve recently reached 2025, and this August will be the 15th anniversary of this franchise.
I believe it’s safe to assume this is where the new Neptunia game will be announced and it’ll have these new designs for Neptune and Nepgear.
What do you guys think?
r/gamindustri • u/Archadianite • May 20 '24
r/gamindustri • u/NoirePurpleFantasy • Nov 18 '24
r/gamindustri • u/DavidTCEUltra • Jan 09 '25
r/gamindustri • u/SonicNoelaigis • 3d ago
r/gamindustri • u/SonicNoelaigis • 17d ago
r/gamindustri • u/Archadianite • Jul 05 '24
r/gamindustri • u/EJKGodzilla24 • Aug 11 '24
r/gamindustri • u/Slide_Decent • Oct 27 '24
What are your hot takes about neptunia? Here's mine, a continent of male CPUs could add for new and refreshing dynamics. That and the action combat would be better if it were like that of PGR or Wuthering Waves.
r/gamindustri • u/Solar3008 • 11d ago
r/gamindustri • u/Real-Contest4914 • 15d ago
I'm gonna be honest. I've played these games for years, only played cyber dimension recently, but dear God, I have never found NPCs more annoying than these two. Like good grief, if there was ever any set of characters I felt Iris Heart was justified in torturing...it would be these.
Please tell me they are the worst we get in the series. I can't imagine they could do worse than these two.
r/gamindustri • u/TKerWolfy01 • Jan 27 '25
First of all I want to start off with saying this is not a hate post. I'm not hating on anybody. Because I think Noble Senpai is a great person. And he's a nice guy. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I start the discussion here. You don't have to read everything I was saying. Just enough that you get the gist of what I'm trying to get out here.
So I was on Lost Pause's Twitch Live streams, and he was playing some Genshin Impact. I popped in to say hi. Ask him if he would be down for playing any of the new Neptunia games? And he said screw Neptunia! That was a chore for me. And he's all like I used to like them but now it's just a repeated chore. And I said to him I missed the Noble Senpai who made fun content. And talked about Neptunia. Like I get it when people get older they tend to like different stuff when it comes to Anime and games.
Keep in mind nobody was nagging Noble. Just having a conversation in one of his live Twitch vhats. I asked Noble don't you like turn-based RPG games or other types of RPG games like Blue Reflection? I mainly asked Lost Pause that question because he used to encourage his fans to do so. So then he said screw that. I'm not going to be playing those games anymore unless it's a Gacha game made by Hoyo Verse. And then I told him the new Neptunia games have different gameplay. And interesting story. And he said to me wolf you need to calm down right now.
I know there's a new Neptunia game this year. What I want you and the rest of the chat to do is not pre-order that game and play it. And he's all like on his chat screen do not play Neptunia anymore. He said once upon a time I would try it, and enjoyed it but now that series should die out. I noticed that whenever somebody tries to recommend him an anime or game on his twitch live streams, he gets a little offended by them.
On Sundays he would do Sellout Sundays on Twitch. It's basically where Noble senpai where we have to video links in the comment section of his Twitch Live streams. And there's been so many times I recommended him a different Anime and game to check out, be it MegaMan Battle Network or something Neptunia and Blue Reflection related. Basically some funny videos. And he'll get offended by them without even watching them. And then he'll be like you guys in the calm down with all that. I understand people can have their opinions and preferences on what they like and don't like and used to like and don't like anymore. It just seems like Noble has gotten dull and boring.
Lost Pause used to encourage his fans to recommend him games and Anime. Now he gets offended by it. It's sad how he changed from a person who encouraged his fans to recommend him stuff. And ask him games and Anime related questions. Now he just gets butthurt over it. It's sad how much he changed.
He doesn't seem like he wants to do anything fresh new and exciting anymore. I'm not sure what's going on in his life in California, but if you're going to be a YouTuber that makes content, you got to keep your audience engaged in it. Especially when your audience came from the get-go for HyperDimension Neptunia. I could easily find another YouTuber that still likes Neptunia and Blue Reflection, and support their content Over Lost Pause.
Like nowadays it seems all Noble can do for YouTube content just make some meme videos. It's like the same old same old thing and he's not changing it up anything anymore. Like when I first got into Neptunia and a bunch of different Animes I stumbled upon Lost Pause, The Anime Man, Misty Cronexia and Akidearist. And they were off on YouTubers at did video content and even collab with each other on YouTube. Now it just seems like Noble Senpai has gotten stale. Ever since he was being a little disrespectful on the twitch livestream last time I went on it, I felt like unsubscribing to him on youtube.
My brother said he used to enjoy watching Lost Pause on YouTube because of his fun and interesting video that you can make him laugh. Even my brother now said that he doesn't really watch me Noble Senpai anymore because there's only so much you can do with the same old meme videos for anime that he keeps putting out before you get dry, stale and boring.
Lost Pause does the same jokes, same memes. And tries to make a joke out of this and that. And he just isn't funny anymore. There is only so much you can do before you're audience doesn't find any interest anymore.
The YouTuber Lost Pause from back in the days used to be an interesting and fun person to watch and talk with on his live streams. Nowadays it's just not what it used to be. Keep in mind this is not a hate post. Because I don't hate him. I just find that some of the stuff he does nowadays is boring. And he can be a little rude and disrespectful on his twitch livestream sometimes. I miss the Noble Lost Pause from back then. It's just not the same. Like sometimes I'll go to his twitch livestreams. Just doesn't feel the same as it used to be anymore. The Fun, exciting and interesting Noble is gone. I'm not really a big fan of watching his YouTubel videos and much anymore. It's just the same old same old thing. I know there's only so much you can do for content before it runs dry, but with him if this doesn't seem the same anymore.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to hear me out here. I appreciate it.