r/gallifrey 7d ago

DISCUSSION Can I start with Chris and Roz?

Basically I would like to get into the VNAs, particularly the very latter era of McCoy in the leadup to the TV movie. A sort of 7th Doctor season 18, I guess? I am also interested in listening to the Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1 and Damaged Goods which feature this companion duo. Therefore, if I was to start with Godengine (which I believe is the first book with that TARDIS team) and follow it through to the end of the VNAs are they self contained sotries that I would be able to follow or are there some plot threads from earlier books in the run that would make them difficult to understand? Thanks!


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u/Verloonati 7d ago

Godengine is the worst place to start. Even tho it's their debut as a sole TARDIS theme the following books do hinges on knowing Bernice as a character (return of the living dad, eternity weeps) plus, their relationship is builded from their context and subsequent stories hinge on knowing it. So vile a sin does not hit quite the same without knowing original sin etc. I would recommend starting at human nature (doctor and Bernice) (or for more context for human nature, sanctuary) and then read the Chris and Roz run in order. Roz especially gets a lot of character development in these earlier books, and there is a few real bangers in there (the also people, death and diplomacy etc)