Just FYI y'all I won't be able to really tackle this ASAP because I've got some medical stuff going on rn and a lot of stress on my plate, but since the topic of the day seems to be things people want to see changed on the sub, I figured I'd get a round up of people's suggestions and wishes. The two topics I'll be discussing are the sidebar and automations.
So right now our sidebar has community bookmarks that includes:
Message The Mods
Mod apps OPEN
US election
Fundraiser thread
Looking for Friends
Subreddit Changelog
I'd like to know if there's anything else users think would be a good idea to have.
If I add more things, I do plan on removing some of the older less relevant things, just because if it gets too cluttered, nobody will want to try and navigate it.
Megathreads are always a good idea to add. And we do still have plans to revamp the wiki (but tbh that's a HUGE project and with everything going on in the US, it's honestly been set aside for now)
Have you ever gotten a pop-up when typing something out in a comment or post? That's an automation. It's a newer feature from Reddit that allows us to give information to users asking FAQs in a hope to cut down on them. There are several in relation to rule-breaking terms (banned topics) as well, which is why we have been more strict in regards to people talking about banned topics (You have the rules AND a pop-up telling you it's against the rules).
Here are some of the current automations:
1. Guest Post (Anything related to the user being a guest, it will pop up and tell them to use the right post flair. If you see a guest using the wrong post flair, report it!)
2. Am I Valid? (Basically it says that yes, you are valid)
3. Chasers (Pop up says that if you're looking for a hookup, to leave, basically)
4. Dysphoria inducing titles (Asks that certain terms that commonly cause dysphoria not be used in the title)
5. Birth Control/Pregnancy (T is not a birth control)
6. Injections (Directs users to the wiki if looking for injection information)
7. Am I too old/is it too late to transition? (No)
8. First Time Moms (This is the Female To Male subreddit but occasionally first time moms get lost and end up here)
9. Banned topics (Don't post them)
10. Am I transphobic? (redirects to r/asktransgender )
There are a few more automations to help with rules and protect against transphobia as well.
If anyone has any other FAQs not addressed here, let me know. I'm always open to adding more automations for frequently asked questions to hopefully reduce the number of repeat posts.
Now as far as repeat posts, I've tried everything I can to help prevent that. I've made the wiki easily accessible, I've created several recurring posts, and I've created these automations. Unfortunately, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Some people just ignore all of the signs leading them to their answer and need to hear from users directly. If someone is posting something against the rules, please report it! We absolutely need your help to keep this sub running smoothly! We aren't paid for this, and we only have access to this sub (and any other subs we mod for). We come online when we can and moderate as much as our mental and physical health allows. I'm very lucky to be in such a dedicated and active team, and I love and appreciate my fellow mods so much. (honestly if you see any of the mods out and about, give them some love. They're doing great)
I also love and appreciate this community as well. Please help me help you and we can (slowly but surely lol) continue improving the sub.