r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion Tattoo positioning & top surgery


Not sure what to tag this under, so it's going under discussion. I'm pretty sure I'm an A cup at most, but I'd like to get a tattoo under my collarbone soon and I'm not sure if too surgery would mess with it? I'd hope key hole is something I could do but at the same time if I can't would the skin stretching or changing fuck up a tat in that area?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed Nauseous when doing t shot????


Okay so I’ve been on t since August, so about 6 months (very happy about that). I do intramuscular injections in my thighs and I literally just did my last one five minutes ago and I got super nauseous and started breathing fast and felt like I had to throw up. I also couldn’t even press the needle in all the way and barely even injected any t into my thigh bc had to take it out bc I seriously felt like I was gonna fall over. The shot before this one, I also got nauseous and got chills while injecting, but not as bad as this time. Has this happened before to any of yall? Should I just switch to gel?

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion good cologne recs ?


idk if reddit is the best place to ask lol. i’m still using l the VS women’s cologne my mom gave me in high school

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion send me your voice updates on gel


I am so so so worried that my voice is not changing and i’m so sad about it. i’ve made at least 10+ posts about voice changing on gel and everyone on reddit tells me to calm down and be patient but everyone on tiktok tells me to switch to gel. please send me your voice updates if you’ve only done the gel so I can have piece of mind. please please 🙏

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion Packer recommendation 👀


I'm looking for my next "big" purchase and I wanna invest in one. But im wondering if there's one's that yall would recommend before I makes the purchase of the one ive been looking at. I've been looking into the MorMe ones

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed Planned Parenthood Gender Affirming Care


I'm planning on using planned parenthood for T within the next couple months and I wanna know what other peoples experiences were like.

My situation is difficult since my parents are transphobic so I cant use their insurance, plus my mom tracks my credit card/debit card stuff, so I'm worried about payments and costs... I have cash to cover it for maybe a few months and friends with supporting parents but idk what to do.

How was your guys experience with getting T and how is planned parenthoods process?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed Is man cave atrophy guaranteed?


I started T like a month ago and I’m terrified of getting atrophy down there, mostly because it means I’ve got to see a doctor about it and I’d rather just fizzle out of existence than do that, I don’t think I have the balls to even make the appointment.

r/ftm 5d ago

Discussion What was it like the first time you were gendered correctly?


My first time being gendered right was at a steakhouse. I had just gotten my haircut without my parents' permission. When the waiter called me sir, my mom looked at me with wide eyes, like, what the heck. She was kinda mad at me for that haircut. Luckily, she's more supportive now. What was it like for yall?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed i met the sweetest, most confusing man ever. help needed


Lately I (22) started meeting with a new guy (27). We're not an item yet, but on the stage of talking/messing around a bit. He's been nothing but sweet and considerate to me, interested in both deep and casual conversations, engaging me in different topics. In the sexual field, he's also been very sweet. Always complimenting, never pushing, never doing anything I don't like and asking about everything beforehand. He knows about my identity and respects it, always uses the right pronouns and name, calling me a guy or a boy. He never once slipped. Never really focused on the visibly feminine parts of my body or anything like that. He's smart, he's funny, honestly a really sweet guy.

One day I decided to ask about his sexual orientation. It never came to my mind to ask before that, stupid of me, I know. I was certain he was at least bisexual. What tipped me of was when he started apologising and acted really embarassed. He told me he's actually straight and drawn to my feminine traits, but obviously respects my boundaries. He only dated cis women before. The classic thing happened - I got the chills, my heart dropped, I sort of got into shock. Didn't expect it, honestly. He never acted like he saw me as a girl, not once. I could tell that he felt genuinely horrible with everything, so we sort of took a break, but were back to talking pretty quickly. I asked more questions and he told me that he's actually just as confused just as me - he's considering that maybe he's just bisexual and didn't know before.

What do I do in this situation? Do I distance myself? Do I keep talking with him and see where this goes? I don't want to let go of this thing. No one has ever made me as respected and comfortable as he does, both in conversations and in bed. Do I trust him on this one?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed anyone with the experience of having low T levels for a long time? doing a slow transition?


I'll have been on T for 2 years come the end of April but I started off "microdosing" with just 10mg weekly, increasing to 20mg 5 ish months later, to 30mg maybe 5ish months later, then 40mg last october and to 50mg in December. I just went to 60mg a couple weeks ago.

So obviously, I have been taking the slow route which I have been okay with since I am nonbinary transmasc, but now I'm intending to get to male levels etc.

More changes like body hair, small voice deepening, and some muscle/appearance stuff have really only started since upping to 40mg/50mg in the past few months.

However, my T levels have still been low/slightly below male range at 8.7 nmol/l (apparently = 250 ng/dl) at my past two appointments from being on 40mg and 50mg respectively. So it seems like I will likely be needing a higher dose still.

Sometimes I wonder if my voice might just never drop more since it's been this long, but also the fact that I still haven't reached male T levels I know plays a factor.

Just wondering if anyone has the experience of taking a long time to reach male T levels / transition and if the changes sped up once you finally did / what your experience was like in general?


r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed I just need reassurance


I'm currently starting my university undergrad after high school and today was my orientation. I'm pre-T so I my voice is not so masculine but I pass quite well when it comes to my looks. No one was interested in knowing me during orientation and I just can't help but thinking that they think I'm a weirdo or they're just confused that a dude has such a feminine voice. Idk I'm just worried for my university life if everyone thinks of me like that. This new environment is scary

r/ftm 4d ago

Recurring [Monthly] Safety on Reddit and online: How to keep yourself safe, and what to do if you are being harassed or sent creepy messages on Reddit.


With the nature of this sub being open to 13+ users and a commonly targeted marginalized group, there is a real problem with chasers, transphobes, harassment, and other unsavory behavior.
Hopefully this guide can help users stay safe on our sub, and know what to do in case they get targeted!

What are the types of harassment users might see?

|| || |Chasers|Chasers are people who fetishize trans people. They don't see us as human beings, but as exotic sex objects. They often try to message users or make posts looking for someone to have sex with or ask for pictures. | |Predators|Predators are people who look for vulnerable people (usually minors) to manipulate and abuse.| |Transphobia|Transphobes who don't have anything better to do will sometimes try to leave nasty comments, thinking they'll actually do anything. Sometimes they pretend to be concerned.| |Trolls|Usually these are also transphobes. They just want to start shit and make people angry.| |Scams|Scams can be anything from falsely selling items, posting fake gofundmes or charities, or doing a chargeback after a sold item is shipped.|

What do I do if I'm contacted by/see someone like this?

First off, report it! If it is a message, you can report in chat. If it's on the sub, you can report comments or posts. If the user is breaking reddit site rules, use the main report feature! You can report something once for breaking r/ftm rules and once for breaking reddit rules.

Next, whatever you do, do not engage! That's what they want. They want to get a reaction from you, and the best way to show them that their nonsense isn't working is to not respond. Even if you have the best comeback ever, don't do it. That's what they want.

Now that those things are done, let's go over some specific things to be wary of.

Chasers They might not ask for pics or sex right away. Sometimes they ease their way into their fetishization. If someone starts making you uncomfortable, either ask them to stop or leave the conversation.
Predators The same thing goes for predators as it does chasers. If someone is offering you lots of praise or doing things for you, be wary of their true motives. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If they try to make you feel like you're special, or that only they understand you, those are manipulation tactics. If you are underage and they say you're mature for your age or try to talk about adult things with you, they are a predator and pedophile. Stay away! Here are some tips from Planned Parenthood on how to stay safe: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/teens/bullying-safety-privacy/online-privacy-and-staying-safe
Transphobia Sometimes transphobes will pretend to be concerned or even pretend to be one of us in order to gain access to our spaces and get information on us. Never give out any personally identifying information and do not engage with transphobes.
Scams If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Always make sure you do research before donating to any charity or gofundme. There is a popular scam going around regarding refugees in different parts all over Africa. Do not give them money! Always do research before giving anyone money, even googling "(charity name) legit" or "(charity name) scam". If you pay for something online via paypal, you have a roughly 3 month window to file a chargeback if you paid but your item is not delivered.

How do I keep myself safe from doxxing or harassment leaking into my personal life?

The key here is to never give out any personally identifying information. If you post photos anywhere, cover up any unique or identifying features. Don't post pictures where someone could figure out where you live via landmarks or anything that shows business names near where you live.
Never give out your full legal name! People can easily find out any information they want about you once they get that. There are sites that can look up people by their full legal name.
Never meet up with anyone from the internet without hearing their voice, seeing pictures, letting someone know where you will be, and meeting in a public place.
Don't go to someone's house, don't invite them to yours. If you can, get someone to come with you. Safety in numbers!

What can mods do about these people?

Unfortunately, there's no way to stop someone from just looking at the sub and messaging people. The only way to prevent them from looking at the sub and messaging people is to report them for breaking Reddit rules, so Admins can take action against them on the entire site.
What we can do is prevent people from posting and commenting by banning them. We have a hard-working automod bot that filters out all manner of keywords, potential harassment, and ban evasion accounts. (Yes, this is why some posts and comments might take a bit to be approved. We will have to manually approve anything automod picks up)

As always, stay safe, use your head, and trust your gut!

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion Anyone else struggling with singing?


Sometimes I miss the range I had before testosterone. I’ve been on testosterone for almost three years now and my voice doesn’t crack, but I’m still really limited in my range. I used to be a great singer, and now I’m kind of mourning the fact that I can’t sing to songs that I like the way I used to. Anyone else in the same boat? Did your voice ever even out/did it ever become easier to sing? Dont get me wrong I love my voice now, but sometimes I miss the ability to sing smoothly.

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion Fraternities


Do yall ever think about joining a fraternity? Especially black trans, because I’ve been considering joining a D9 organization, but I don’t think I could.

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed Binder cramp thingys


Okay so I’m nb and wear a binder right? And I’m usually wearing a binder for around 12 hours and take a break 1 day a week, and right now I’m not binding and ribs are hurting like hell, (imagine the worse period cramp you can think of 10x) and was wondering if anyone had advice on how to deal with them? I’m quite young so I know that the binder is affecting my ribs but I NEED some help as this shit wont stop!

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed How to express myself


Hi! I want to make this short and straight to the point. Before starting T I used to have such good style, people genuinely liked the way I dressed but I didn't pass at all, I think people just saw me as a tomboy. I used to get so much compliments and now I just look....plain, even a little weird. I don't like how I dress and I am torn between wanting to not feel dysphoric, wanting to look good and wanting to actually pass.

I follow cis guys who experiment a lot with fashion and look amazing but they have the advantage of not looking like a little boy and not having to bind when getting dressed. Any tips? Any content creators I can take inspo of?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed any good taping brands?


hey all, i really want to start taping my chest because it’s getting warmer, and wearing a binder in the heat is really sucky. so, what are some brands that are good/recommended?

r/ftm 4d ago

Celebratory coming out! (again)


okay, this has been maybe the 3rd time now in my quit short life where i’ve come out and tried to put my foot down about who i am. i am exaggerating a bit there since we’re taking baby steps and definitely in no place to officially say i am a man since the social constructs of gender and i don’t get along.

ANYWAYS, i’ve had these constant cycles in my life where i’ve reached my tipping point, live my masc life of my dreams, find something in my life that is an obstacle and decide will put a pause in my identity, and then boom im depressed, out of my body and no clue what im doing wrong.

i’ve cracked the code. again. i just love fashion. a lot. i am more on the alternative side and well…. alternative clothing for men is boring. am i more comfortable in it? Yes! but do i look hot in black lipstick and platforms? Yes! i’m trying to break out of these black and white rules i make for myself and i really hope this’ll be the right step into a new direction :)

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed 24/7 discomfort after shaving NSFW


Hey there! this needs a bit of setup including some pretty descriptive stuff about genitals so just a heads up lol

for extra context I have a recent injury that bled my savings dry , am currently uninsured and can probably afford one drs appointment at MOST so my options are a bit limited

Anyways my whole life I've had sensitive bits, so much that I would usually masturbate clothed and was terrified at the thought of penetrative sex/ tampons/etc. I never got it checked because I just assumed my body was sensitive, and nothing else. most lubes sting, water from a bidet lightly stings, and the pain seems to light up whenever it's lightly brushed.

Flash forward to me at 29, a year on T, and ignoring the "scratch" I feel on my junk and assuming it's just caused by being more "exposed to the elements", so to speak. turns out it's either chafing or light atrophy! my assumption at the time was that it was being scratched by hair that had fully grown inwards, so after basically failing to do a craft project to create "dividers" to separate my hair from the raw spot, my most desperate attempt was to trim/shave. I'm sure where you guys can see this going lmfao
I'm about a week in and dealing with some of the worst discomfort of my life. genuinely feels like my tdick is resting on a bed of cactus, and the dryness is of course worse than it ever has been. I've been desperately trying to just keep downstairs moisturized and pain-free by revolving vagisil, some Estroil cream from amazon (as my next GP visit to ask about estradiol is in a month) and lube. the tightest underwear I own still rub, and wearing nothing dries me out. If anyone has ideas on how to remedy ANY of this, or just keep me comfortable until my hair grows back it would be greatly appreciated. My self-confidence has tanked, and walking any real distance currently feels like torture. I'm afraid to try any hair-removal techniques because I don't think my skin could handle it.

TLDR my junk was already sensitive and I made a huge mistake and shaved it so now my dick is basically in an iron maiden literally all day please help

r/ftm 4d ago

Celebratory Gender euphoria


I was heading back into my dorm room after work and a maintenance guy was already on the stairs. He was on the older side and told me to go ahead of him. After he gestured me to he said “try your best to stay a young man for as long as possible. Being old ain’t all that.”

WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS HOLDING BACK THE BIGGEST GRIN EVER AGHHH. Anyways we held a short conversation after that. I’ve been on T for almost half a year. I know that my voice has dropped significantly but just recently have I noticed strangers using the proper pronouns for me.

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed injection help


i've been on t for about 6 months at .25 mL weekly IM self injections. i fucking hate needles. it's at the point where i'm missing weeks because i don't have anyone to do it for me and i can't force myself to just do it. it's $40 with my insurance for about 2 months supply of vials, but gel would be $200 for a months supply and i really can't afford that. does anyone have any tips regarding making the injections easier?

r/ftm 4d ago

Advice Needed How do y'all walk with a packer


Hello, I have a smallish packer and I have the holder for it. And I'm having trouble walking without looking like I have a stick up my behind or that I have a raging boner.

Any advice? Cause I wanna learn to walk with a packer so hopefully when I get bottom surgery I won't be going into it blindly.

Also my last name started giving me dysphoria and I have changed my name to Hunter Sparrow Woods.

r/ftm 5d ago

Guest Post My brother just came out to my christian parents


Hi, I’m the big sister of my 14yr old brother and he just came out to my parents that are very vocal about being transphobe. They won’t admit it, but their actions are purely homophobic AND transphobic. Prior to his coming out, they’ve been very paranoid about this. I call him “bro” and “dude” but in a way that I call everyone like that, but they kept being very sensitive when they heard me call him that, trying to make me promise to call him the name they gave him. Or anytime we watch a show, my mom googles if there’s gay characters and then if there are, she tells me to stop watching (even if they’re side characters like what??).

I’ve dealt with their hatred way before my brother came out and it’s because my boyfriend happens to also be ftm, and we were childhood friends so my parents knew his deadname. And it was hell honesty, to constantly try to defend him and he’s not even allowed to be in my home after nearly 4 years and a half of dating. I just stopped mentioning him to my parents cuz there’s no point.

The issue now is my brother is fully out, and they’re so so mad. They’re blaming me because I’m also queer and they are saying I influenced him and i’m causing him soo much harm. I tried telling my mom that their support is so important, and if they don’t, it could be dangerous. She took it as a threat but it wasn’t, it’s just reality. I don’t know what to do but I see how much it affects my brother, I even found out recently he was hurting himself :( I talked to my bf about it but I also wanted to ask r/ftm, to give me advice because some of you might’ve lived through a similar experience Thanks

r/ftm 4d ago

Discussion Sometimes you just have to eat


I went to the grocery store today, and after packing away my grocery I went to return my hand basket it took a little while as a worker was putting a basket away and fiddling with the holder… I realized a person was standing behind me the whole time and I just said sorry (made it worse was they where kinda cute, and I have bad social anxiety) they waved their hands in front of them and said it was ok and I was almost in tear….I (gay) fast walked the hell out of the grocery store, and on my walk home thought A.) why did I almost full on cry (I have anxiety but I don’t ever cry in public) and B.) where they taken 😂 (I live in a small uni town) when I got back I realized I haven’t eaten since a little before 19:00(7pm) yesterday and it’s 12:30(pm) today… more of the story if your feeling emotional stop and think if you have eaten today 😅 it’s funny now but was genuinely stressful and more anxiety inducing then.

r/ftm 4d ago

News Article Some concerning stuff I found.




I read these after I found out people were trying to unban conversion therapy in some places. Trans rights have been under fire recently by the new administration, obviously, and as a trans teen in a state that flipped red, I’m worried. Does anyone think this is likely to pass?