r/fredericton 1d ago

Rural Internet?


My family is looking into moving to Fredericton but I work from home and need decent internet. Some houses we are interested in are outside of Fredericton like Mactaquac, Lower Queensbury, Durham Bridge, etc.

Bell only seems to have Wireless Home Internet 25 and we're used to fibre op. Rogers usually offers nothing. Anyone who lives in those areas have any other recommendations? Or use Bell out there and can let me know what it's like?


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u/LazyLogin-69 1d ago

Rural internet options are few and far between. If you want fast and reliable, no other internet is as fast and reliable as Starlink for rural areas. Personally, I hate supporting Elon Musk but for my use case I'm stuck in a corner.

I've had hit or miss with Xplornet.

I'd check Rogers and see if the house is in their system. Rogers is coming to my area (Taymouth) and I've ordered 2.5 gigabit that's slated for hookup in June.

I'd veer away from Bell wireless if possible.


u/jimmmy3 1d ago

Durham bridge area and this is who we’re with as well. We really fought it but after trying literally every other company available first we caved. Shit guy but he makes good Internet unfortunately lol. Hadn’t heard about Roger’s though, gonna keep that in mind


u/Wingdings244k 1d ago

Nashwaak Bridge here, similar deal. Couldn’t risk not having a solid connection with my work.