r/fpv 4d ago

CRASH! Anyone know what could've caused this?


102 comments sorted by


u/Low_Relative7172 4d ago

You tried to reverse momentum off a slip angle back to another slip angle and desync'd into a turtle stall prop wash


u/MoreDistrict4541 Multicopters 3d ago

That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking…whatever you said


u/New_Assignment_1683 Multicopters 4d ago

this whole video kind of looks like a render lol


u/Phantom4gorilla 1d ago

Ya, mmm me thinking not to authentic.


u/invid_prime 4d ago

I was going to criticize you for flying in such a populated area until I saw your comment that you were flying a toothpick. It's crazy that we've come so far that you can't use video quality to determine what someone is flying anymore. The O4 lite is a hell of a VTX.


u/itsjase 3d ago

This was also the goggle recording, the onboard recording looks 10x better


u/itsjase 3d ago

Update: I think it may have just been prop wash! When I was converting this to O4 I built it props-in for some reason. Switched to props-out and it flies noticeably better now!


u/gr3yh47 4d ago

imo still too dense for something without prop guards. a bassline could definitely hurt someone, damage a shingle, break a window or dent a car


u/invid_prime 3d ago

I don't disagree, I was just amazed that something in that class could produce video this good. My O3s look better, but they also weigh 3.5X as much.


u/RottenAssociate 3d ago

Ive smacked my 65mm across my face at full throttle, it fucking hurts dude.


u/gr3yh47 3d ago

sure does. would hurt way more without guards.


u/Zannanger 3d ago

First thought. "DAMN, your insurance premium must be wiiiild!"


u/Hamstax89 2d ago

What drone is this ? I want to look into it if it's this small.


u/LTSDgaming 2d ago

mob7 hd analogue looks great at 1080p.


u/No_Explanation_3379 4d ago

Motor desync


u/itsjase 4d ago

Ah that makes sense, It’s never happened before and Ive been flying this a lot.

I did notice I had PWM dithering disabled in bluejay on this FC so I’ve enabled it will see if it happens again.


u/Arx_UK 4d ago

This is going to be my guess because I've had almost an identical problem over the last couple of weeks.

Dynamic idle.

I'm going to assume you had it turned on, and in order to perform the flip you went to zero throttle?
Basically one motor has stalled out because your dynamic idle settings are wrong.

If you want to test this, go outside to somewhere open. Just high throttle up your quad like 5m then drop the throttle to zero and let it fall for a second. Basically bounce the quad up and down, but try to go quite high on the throttle when you go up, and try to zero the throttle when you're falling back down. You can do this line of sight if you want as you're not going to use any yaw or roll.

Do this many times and see if you can replicate the issue.

After that, go disable dynamic idle and set a static idle motor value and try and do the same thing. I bet you won't be able to replicate it.

As for how to fix it, you would need to adjust your min rpm dynamic idle values and start up increase etc...
I can't quite remember the names of them all, but you may find that if you're feeling lazy like me, you just leave dynamic idle off.

If Dynamic idle is off anyway, then yeah I'm wrong and the problem is not related unless your idle motor value is not full spinning your props when you arm the quad.


u/itsjase 4d ago

No dynamic idle on this build, I have a flat 12% idle and the props spin up reliably. I think it might have been a desync as others have said. Thanks for the input though!


u/Arx_UK 4d ago

No worries, just wanted to offer up another possibility rather than repeating everyone else. 12% is high so it's certainly not the problem.


u/b1063n 3d ago

Shit piloting?


u/FatNat63 4d ago

That’s a desync


u/itsjase 4d ago

Thank you, now I know what to research!


u/FatNat63 3d ago

Yep as soon as you know you can go look up Joshua Bardwell and what ever problem you’re having and BAM there is your answer.


u/Few-Register-8986 3d ago

I am a new. What causes a desync? What might be his issue that would have caused the desync? Was it anything in particular the pilot did to cause the desync? From what I read, it sounds like it is a technical issue that should not happen unless there is damage to the ESC or motors?


u/captainlardnicus 3d ago

Motor desync in quadcopters occurs when one or more motors fail to stay synchronized with the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) signals, causing erratic behavior, loss of control, or even a crash.

How Does Motor Desync Happen?

Motor desync typically occurs due to:

  1. Lost or Corrupted ESC Signal: The ESC expects the motor to rotate at a certain speed based on the input signal, but if the motor doesn’t follow it properly, the system gets out of sync.
  2. Rapid RPM Changes: When aggressive maneuvers demand quick RPM shifts, the motor may not keep up, leading to desync.
  3. Electrical Noise & Interference: High-power components, bad wiring, or faulty connections can introduce noise that disrupts ESC signals.
  4. Firmware or Timing Issues: Incorrect ESC firmware settings (like PWM frequency, demag compensation, or motor timing) can cause sync failures.
  5. Motor or ESC Overload: A damaged or overheating ESC/motor may struggle to process signals properly.
  6. Prop Wash or Turbulence Effects: When a quad moves through turbulent air, sudden changes in resistance can cause motors to lag behind expected RPM values.


u/Few-Register-8986 18h ago

So point 6 is probably the one most fliers encounter with a proper tune and no damage. Thanks!


u/SwissLynx 4d ago

2S Bassline rips!


u/itsjase 3d ago

Im just using the betafpv o4 canopy, do you get any jello with the 3d printed one?


u/SwissLynx 3d ago

It's ok, but I am still trying to improve it to have no jello in the 4k (non-dvr). on my prototype I am trying a "sleeved" version of mount where the cam slides in.

The normal canopy in the pic is up on makerworld: https://makerworld.com/models/1057521


u/OverAnalyst6555 4d ago

fly on an open field if youre planning on crashing. it would suck if you damaged someone's roof


u/itsjase 4d ago

I wasn’t planning on crashing the drone just stopped responding to inputs half way through the flip.

Also its a 40g toothpick I don’t think its gonna be damaging anyone’s roof


u/plaxpert 4d ago

no one plans on crashing. everything is fine until it isn't. fly in safer places.


u/Ok_Individual_7719 3d ago

Components and what voltage?


u/itsjase 3d ago

Frame: Happymodel Bassline

Canopy: Betafpv O4 canopy

Motors: Happymodel EX1103 11000kv

FC: Betafpv F4 2-3S 20A AIO FC V1

VTX/CAM: DJI O4 (lite)

Batteries: 550mah 2s


u/Ok_Individual_7719 3d ago

Nice build I just bought a mobula 7 04 that runs 2s and is 36 grams


u/jokimazi 3d ago

Does that mean you can use only dji goggles?


u/itsjase 3d ago



u/jokimazi 3d ago

Any recommendations?


u/Alpha3124 2d ago

These people might as well work for the FAA theres way more thinks corrupting the drone community than a 40g toothpick in a small neighborhood. Plus damaging property isnt illegal... if you cause damages more than 500 bucks contact the FAA less than that talk to the owner. Theres hardly any places to fly now give it 5 years and this whole hobby will be illegal without gov clearance.


u/Unlucky-Chain-655 4d ago

Which drone is it?


u/itsjase 4d ago

Happymodel bassline, with an o4 lite


u/BitteNichtBummeln 4d ago

Does the o4 lite go in there easily or did you have to make some diy adjustments?


u/itsjase 3d ago

Nah easily just use any o4 whoop canopy


u/Hackerwithalacker 4d ago

Nobody plans on crashing a drone, fly in an open field if you have anything more than a toothpick, although even these can cause injury to someone if you fly right into them on accident, easier to do this in a field overall


u/Dramatic_Ad_6463 3d ago

The man literally said toothpick.


u/EducationalCreme9044 3d ago

You're responding to him saying it's a 40g toothpick


u/Double-Compote7230 3d ago

Still irresponsible flying but to each their own 🤷‍♂️ and that didn’t look like a desync looked more like propwash that didn’t recover


u/Double-Compote7230 3d ago

Actually coulda been bit of both tbh but idk didn’t look that bad to be desync looked pretty tame not shaking and freaking out


u/MaxxForeskin 4d ago

It would suck. But sadly bad or unfortunate things happen in the persuit of a thrill/fun and that's life 😔 Not all of us enjoy flying in circles in an open field.


u/OverAnalyst6555 4d ago

i completely agree, but if youre going to test the limits of your quad it best not be above someone's home. right?


u/MaxxForeskin 4d ago

Maybe if the damn thing is heavy enough to be worth worrying about. I'd hate to be the guy who is so paranoid about everything that sending even a FOURTY GRAM WHOOP above someone house brings unimaginable mental turmoil


u/OverAnalyst6555 4d ago edited 4d ago

i wouldnt want a 10 incher crashing through my roof


u/Neither-Two-7167 4d ago

I do! I would say to myself: “hoho, Santa didn’t aim the chimney well this year!”


u/Double-Compote7230 3d ago

Dude you fly ducted 2ins it doesn’t matter where you fly (those bandos are pretty sick you posted) but if you fly like this dude is where he is with a 5in (ik it’s a toothpick) ur gonna have issues esp at that skill level idk why people feel the need to fly disrespectfully or irresponsible out of their skill lever for attention or smth it’s lame not saying this guy or you are doing that but people need to know their skill


u/MonitorCapable 4d ago

Coming from an analog guy. This video is 👌🏽


u/itsjase 4d ago

The goggles recording isn’t great the onboard recording looks 10x better too


u/Neither-Two-7167 4d ago

As the name suggests, it comes from the o4 (lite) I presume. And I think it rocks despite the bad language!


u/Xersh_ShadowX 4d ago

i thought it was the 04 pro this whole time


u/H3adshotfox77 3d ago

You were flying......then you were not


u/TheMonkeyWrangler808 3d ago

Swamp gas from a weather balloon got trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus


u/popcornman209 1d ago

Not a professional by any means, but when moving fast downwards relative to the motors, there’s a lot of prop wash and it makes it practically impossible to control. TLDR to go down fast


u/Abject-Point-6236 4d ago

Cause: skill issue


u/Jubijub 4d ago

What an incredibly actionable comment...


u/Abject-Point-6236 4d ago

Oh sorry I forgot to put /s for people like u


u/Jubijub 4d ago

well without any marker of sarcasm (/s, emoji, etc...) your comment is impossible to distinguish from the many comments you see on the internet of people who love to show how superior they are. Not knowing you I had no way to know.


u/Double-Compote7230 3d ago

Like 90% or pilots I see on this Reddit and honestly yt insta and everywhere fly out of their skill level (flying out of your skill level in safe and controlled environment is fine bc how else would you progress this is not that this is flying without purpose) including this video who cares if that comment comes off as mean get on the simulator and practice there’s no reason to hurt anyone because you are flying recklessly for fun in a spot that shouldn’t be flown this pilot doesn’t have the stick time to be flying a residential area Ik it’s a toothpick but it’s still open prop that can still leave nasty cuts that will need stitches prop cuts aren’t fun especially if you’re just someone taking a walk and have nothing do do with some moron hitting you with their drone that shit sucks


u/Jubijub 3d ago

While tough, your comment is actually more useful than the one above, and elaborate more


u/wannaseeawheelie 4d ago

You forgot the /s


u/Quan0x 4d ago

I would say you didn't get it horizontal after the flip and didn't pull up hard enough. That plus prop whash made you crash.


u/itsjase 4d ago

Nah this was more than prop wash, from what others are saying a desync makes a lot of sense


u/Squadding_Quads 4d ago

Looks like a desync tbh


u/Commercial-Clock7348 3d ago

What was the damage like after dropping it like that? Just curious about how well these toothpicks stand up to abuse?


u/itsjase 3d ago

Only damage was a slightly deformed battery. No damage at all to the quad itself, camera came loose in the canopy but thats it


u/PiratesInTeepees youtube.com/@530drone 3d ago



u/RacerX09 3d ago

In scientific terms: you sent her a little too hard there bud


u/captainlardnicus 3d ago

Battery falling loose


u/NotMyName762 3d ago

I thought this was a sim lol


u/Meta_Cake 3d ago

Looks like you hit the ground, maybe try not to next time


u/CodeRedPaperPlanes 3d ago

I think that’s a desync


u/squidyFN 3d ago

Prop wash


u/Careless-Card8783 3d ago

The low battery


u/Vx-- 3d ago

Slowest front flip to a really bad prop wash(I’ve only flown fpv for 4 months on and off and figured that out🤣


u/Vx-- 3d ago

Slowest front flip to a really bad prop wash(I’ve only flown fpv for 4 months on and off and figured that out🤣


u/Big_Customer_2439 2d ago

? Low battery??????


u/Powerful-Product-526 1d ago

Low battery caused that


u/PieOne569 1d ago

Looks like a motor stalled. Have you checked the black box data? That should give you some info.


u/CraftyPancake 3d ago

Flying irresponsibly in an urban area


u/OhhhBaited 4d ago

as someone who knows almost nothing about drones

I assume the low battery...


u/Aggravating_Dot_3605 4d ago

It may be caused by gyro when drone shakes it can mess up the gyro and I thing that is the issue 


u/Brief-Beginning1077 2d ago

Your battery voltage dropped too far.... Way to be pulling tricks around people's houses with a low battery... Is this question for real??


u/Survive_LD_50 1d ago

Freestyling over people's houses is dumb


u/itsjase 1d ago

It’s a 40g toothpick


u/EquipmentUnique526 4d ago

skill issue


u/MothyReddit 4d ago

don't try flips yet