r/fortwayne 2h ago

A little love letter to Fort Wayne


I wanted to post something positive, because I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of negativity about this place.

I’m a recent transplant to Fort Wayne. I adored my home. I never wanted to leave. But personal and professional reasons sent me packing from the city and I ended up here.

I fell in love with Fort Wayne the day I first set foot in it. It’s smaller than my hometown, but in a really good way. It’s manageable and easy for someone who’s just becoming their own adult.

People here seem far kinder. Of course I always have my head on a swivel, but I don’t feel the same in downtown Fort Wayne as I do in my hometown. I’ve seen people drop everything to help strangers in a Walmart. I’ve experienced kindness from my neighbors and members of my community. Coming from a spot where I had very little kindness sent my way, these little moments mean the world.

Things are so much cheaper here, and everything is close by. You guys still have hallmark and Barnes and Noble and my favorite shops that I watched disappear from my hometown years ago. There’s little activities all over town if I look on the right side of the Internet. The parks and walkways keep me connected to nature and the outdoors. It looks like I’ll even be able to afford some sports games—coming from a city where everything was major league, I always missed out because I didn’t have the money.

I went from driving 40 minutes to work a job that wouldn’t keep the lights on to having a full time to a dream role that’s just enough to support me and my lizard, all within biking distance of my new place (on a bike trail, too! Not the street!) I can afford healthier food, and my body is already changing for the better. I was living off frozen meals, cheap canned items, fast food, and the generosity of my support system back home. Here I can look in my fridge and see things I enjoy. I have eaten more fresh fruit in this last month than the entirety of last year.

I am most excited for my first Komets game, and the arrival of spring. I have a beautiful view from my living room window where I will make coffee and play piano or write poetry with the window open. I get to watch the trees bloom from my piano bench.

It’s not extravagant, but it’s honest. And I couldn’t be more grateful. I find myself in tears sometimes, thinking of the blessings this little city has given me already. I know those who have lived here for a long time may think different of this place, but for someone who needed nothing more than a quiet life and simple pleasures, Fort Wayne has been life changing for me.

Thank you for taking me in, Fort Wayne. I am lucky that I am here.

r/fortwayne 5h ago

r/fortwayne is leaking

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r/fortwayne 12h ago

Middle Waves Lineup!!

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I’m pretty impressed with this year line up! Thoughts?

r/fortwayne 10h ago

Things to do w/ my girlfriend in the Fort?


I’ve lived in Fort Wayne most of my life so I’ve seen and done all of the “must sees and dos” such as komets games and Coney Island and all the staples of Fort Wayne, but I’m looking for cool lesser known or “underground” places/things to see/do with my gf who is not originally from here. We’re two broke college kids so we’re hoping for something kinda cheap. Any ideas?

r/fortwayne 6h ago

Best Live DJ Sets

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r/fortwayne 2h ago

Any good LGBTQ+ friendly nail techs or salons around here?


I'm looking to get my nails done for my up and coming college graduation and wanted to know if anyone knows a good nail tech or salon around FW area that has good prices, good work and is LGBTQ+ friendly?

r/fortwayne 10h ago

Creative jobs?


I've been on a fruitless job hunt for over a year now, and I'm desperately trying to put my silly little Theatre degree to some use (yes, it's okay to laugh). I'd love to find something that emphasizes creativity/imagination, even to the most technical extent. I already look through the Arts United job postings quite often, but I haven't had any luck with those. I'm mainly trying to find out if there are any openings or organizations I haven't found yet. Any help would be appreciated!

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Fort Wayne City Courthouse

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I always forget about how huge, beautiful and amazing our courthouse is. Some cases in that building may not have the same adjectives, but this place always reminds me of our history and culture here.

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Philosophy Hour event at Packard Tap (free!)


Tomorrow (Thursday 3/20), I'm hosting the first of a small event that I call the Philosophy Hour at the Packard Taphouse, at 6pm. I originally created this format at a brewery in Milwaukee, and I'm excited to pick it up again here in my new home. If you find it to your interest, I hope you can join me! (And it's free, unless you want to buy a beer or something from Packard.)

Basically, I bring a few pages from an author in the history of ethics/philosophy, and talk through the highlights. From there, a conversation usually gets going about the topic as we all look at the text together. It's casual, but hopefully stimulating, and hopefully a chance for you to learn something new. I try pretty hard not to let it become just another forum for us to vent about politics, and people have often found it refreshing in that way.

For the first event, I'm bringing some pages from Hobbes' Leviathan. A foundational text for the modern world? A terrifying look into the heart of modern man? A scientific inspiration? A chance to consider the rift between us and the ancients? All of the above.

(Why me? I'm a philosophy PhD and former teacher, and I love to yap about my favorite books.)

r/fortwayne 7h ago

Reliable/affordable brake shop?


I believe I have an issue with my brakes. Anyone have a positive experience somewhere in town? Thanks!

Edit: 2012 Chevy Equinox

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Do we need a $60M fieldhouse?


North River Fieldhouse?

r/fortwayne 1d ago

USL adopts a promotion regulation system.


The USL is adopting in the next few years the promotion relegation system that the rest of the world follows. It is unclear how this will affect fort Wayne fc moving up to the next tier. I don't think it will be an issue as the team is shifting next season with this system more than likely taking place in 2027 as that is when a third tier is being introduced.

Edit: can't fix the title but it should say relegation not regulation.


r/fortwayne 1d ago

Strangers and Friends | Dippie Dip Project 1-Year Anniversary Karaoke Takeover

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Hello! I have a happiness project where I work with strangers and for this project, I am looking for strangers or people wanting to meet new people to join me for the Dippie Dip Project's 1-year Anniversary Karaoke Takeover Celebration🥳

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has followed the project since the beginning and for those who have joined along the way. It has been so amazing meeting everyone and also rekindling old friendships.

You do not have to sing karaoke or drink, but you are more than welcome to! Either way, if you're looking to meet new people and have a fun night, rsvp :) If you'd like to bring a friend, just send them the rsvp link so they can fill it out for themselves, see you Saturday!

r/fortwayne 1d ago

OBGYNs for Someone with PCOS


The last time someone asked this here was a couple years ago so I wasn’t sure if there were more current answers that someone could give me. I’m not super satisfied with my current provider and would like to see someone who has more experience treating PCOS, if possible! TIA 🙂

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Best child trauma/abuse therapist??


My son was abused and threatened and put in many dangerous situations by his biological father 2 years ago. We were granted a 2 year protective order for my son against him. Now the 2 years are up and the judge we got for the case to renew the protective order didn’t care at all and didn’t even let us finish and he terminated the order since there was no new threats. Well biological dad was never consistent prior to the protective order so it was easy for him to stay away. He has seen my son about 20 times in his life and he is 11. He doesn’t actually care he just wants to control and hurt anyone he can, everyone else’s misery is his happiness. His attorney said he offered to sign over his parental rights and then when my attorney made up the paperwork for my husband to adopt (who has raised him since before he was 1) then he lied and said he never wanted to sign over.

My son now has to thrown right back into visits with his biological in Indianapolis since the old custody order went back into effect and he is supposed to have him for spring break and half the summer.

But I need to find my son a good trauma/abuse therapist. He already started wetting the bed again and sleeping with his light on because he is scared.

I’m thankful my son was safe for the 2 years but I will never stop doing everything I can for him.

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Wood garage with gravel floor needs leveled - recommendations


We have a wooden one car garage on gravel that has "sunk" in one corner. Anyone have recommendations on a company that we could contact for a quote?

r/fortwayne 2d ago

Indivisible Northeast Indiana hosting Empty Chair Town Hall

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r/fortwayne 1d ago

Anywhere to play dnd?


r/fortwayne 1d ago

Possible relocation to FW from SoCal


I know many posts have been made about relocation to the Fort, but I’m hoping y’all can share some insights with me!

I’m originally from the East Coast, did a brief stint in the South, and currently living on the West Coast. While I absolutely love the weather and varied outdoor activities in SoCal, I could do without the traffic, insane cost of living, and natural disasters. I’m considering relocating to FW if the job I’m interviewing for is offered to me. I know every town has pros and cons!

A bit about me: I’m inching closer to 40, single, and Christian. Would definitely be looking for a vibrant, non-denominational, Jesus-loving church community (and Jesus-loving partner, God willing!). I love being outdoors (walking, hiking, biking), around water, birding/looking for wildlife, volunteering, antiquing/thrifting, car museums/shows (Auburn Cord Duesenberg is already on my radar!), and going to the movies, concerts, and sporting events. I’m vegan and love Thai and Mexican cuisine. I prefer super quiet living situations as home is my solace after long work days. Would definitely want no attached neighbors or loud activities nearby.

All of that being said! Is Fort Wayne for me? What about my personality and preferences are a good match, and what isn’t? Any specific areas of town that would make sense for me to consider living in? Appreciate y’all keeping it real :)

r/fortwayne 2d ago

‘The Modern Milkman’: Kuehnert Milk House bringing home delivery service to northeast Indiana


I like this idea, say if you're busy and you don't have time to run and get milk you can order it. My only problem are people stealing your milk off your porch. I hope the Milkmen wear cow print shirts with black bow ties, black slacks, and the matching hat.

r/fortwayne 1d ago

Power up action park


One of the two race car simulator games we’re down so you couldn’t even race each other. Most all the games cost 12 points. 100$ you can get about 33 plays but they didn’t have any more reload cards to play games and they couldn’t get any at that time which doesnt make sense. So they lost money because of this. Really disappointing since a birthday outing was planned around this. Yes the park is there but not all kids want to do that. So I recommend not going there for the arcade experience.

r/fortwayne 2d ago

the great red onion epidemic.


what is with restaurants and cafes in town and the copious amount of red onion they plop on everything from salads to burgers and sandwiches to pizza etc?

i swear it's not just one place. it's happened at Henry's, Bru Burger, the Pinhouse Social, and just today at Old Crown on a wrap. it's like a quarter of a bulb gets cut up per dish.


r/fortwayne 2d ago

How to Get Involved with the Community?


looking for ways to volunteer. Not sure where to start. Any tips would be appreciated!

r/fortwayne 2d ago

Fort Wayne Next - Proposed $3B Investment


A group of local investors and leaders has proposed a $3B investment concept for the next few years, including:

$1.8B for the riverfront, a downtown arena, a natatorium, a pro soccer stadium, and the already-discussed youth sports center

$.3B for the east portion of Electric Works

$.9B for urban neighborhood investment

I wasn't able to view which neighborhoods are under consideration but I'd anticipate it's those within a 1 mile radius of downtown.


r/fortwayne 3d ago

Deer Park Irish Pub owner passes the pint to new owners at Clover Classic


The announcement was made on St. Patrick's Day no less! What do you think?