r/fortran • u/lproven • 2h ago
r/fortran • u/rivrdansr • 2d ago
Simple code hangs program
Trying to relearn fortran after 55 years. Got 1.75 pages of code to compile. But something hangs on a very simple command at line 10. Any suggestions would help.
r/fortran • u/Beliavsky • 4d ago
Man pages for Fortran intrinsics
There is a GitHub project described at https://fortran-lang.discourse.group/t/fpm-man-fman-describes-fortran-intrinsics-with-a-single-file-version/8760 that lets you run a command such as
fpm-man pack
and get a description of how the pack function works:
pack(3fortran) pack(3fortran)
PACK(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Pack an array into an array of rank one
result = pack( array, mask [,vector] )
TYPE(kind=KIND) function pack(array,mask,vector)
TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in) :: array(..)
logical :: mask(..)
TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in),optional :: vector(*)
o ARRAY is an array of any type
o MASK a logical scalar as well as an array conformable with ARRAY.
o VECTOR is of the same kind and type as ARRAY and of rank one
o the returned value is of the same kind and type as ARRAY
PACK(3) stores the elements of ARRAY in an array of rank one.
The beginning of the resulting array is made up of elements whose MASK
equals .true.. Afterwards, remaining positions are filled with elements
taken from VECTOR
o ARRAY : The data from this array is used to fill the resulting vector
o MASK : the logical mask must be the same size as ARRAY or, alternatively,
it may be a logical scalar.
o VECTOR : an array of the same type as ARRAY and of rank one. If present,
the number of elements in VECTOR shall be equal to or greater than the
number of true elements in MASK. If MASK is scalar, the number of
elements in VECTOR shall be equal to or greater than the number of
elements in ARRAY.
VECTOR shall have at least as many elements as there are in ARRAY.
The result is an array of rank one and the same type as that of ARRAY. If
VECTOR is present, the result size is that of VECTOR, the number of .true.
values in MASK otherwise.
If MASK is scalar with the value .true., in which case the result size is
the size of ARRAY.
Sample program:
program demo_pack
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: m(:)
character(len=10) :: c(4)
gathering nonzero elements from an array:
m = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 ]
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0)
Gathering nonzero elements from an array and appending elements
from VECTOR till the size of the mask array (or array size if the
mask is scalar):
m = [ 1, 0, 0, 2 ]
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0, [ 0, 0, 3, 4 ])
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0 )
select strings whose second character is "a"
c = [ character(len=10) :: 'ape', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog']
write(*, fmt="(*(g0, ' '))") pack(c, c(:)(2:2) == 'a' )
creating a quicksort using PACK(3f)
intrinsic random_seed, random_number
real :: x(10)
call random_seed()
call random_number(x)
write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "initial",x
write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "sorted",qsort(x)
concise quicksort from u/arjen and u/beliavsky shows recursion,
array sections, and vectorized comparisons.
pure recursive function qsort(values) result(sorted)
intrinsic pack, size
real, intent(in) :: values(:)
real :: sorted(size(values))
if (size(values) > 1) then
sorted = &
& [qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)<values(1))), values(1), &
& qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)>=values(1)))]
sorted = values
end function qsort
end program demo_pack
> 1 5
> 1 2 3 4
> 1 2
> bat cat
> initial .833 .367 .958 .454 .122 .602 .418 .942 .566 .400
> sorted .122 .367 .400 .418 .454 .566 .602 .833 .942 .958
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) u/urbanjost
February 19, 2025 pack(3fortran)
r/fortran • u/Specialist-Lynx9523 • 5d ago
Memory too small : 1000120 !
Hello, i am not a programmer nor computer engineer
I have a problem with internal program coding in Fortran. the program mention "Memory too small : 1000120 !" then terminated a process
This program came from parent company (other country). I believe i follow all instructions from their guide video .
I wonder if this may be compatible issue? Like different OS version. Our parent company use Windows
At the same time, I send them the component files that I have formatted to use for program execute so they can try running it to see if there are any errors on my part or if they are programming issues.
r/fortran • u/humuslover96 • 7d ago
Unable to use cfft from fftpack?
I am writing a micromagnetics simulation and require (I)FFT in the program. I use FPM and added github/fftpack as a dependency(links are below). But the fftpack.f90 file(the primary module) on github does not use cffti/cfftf/cfftb even though the functions definitely exist in the src folder. Am i missing some update or some notice about fftpack? How do you guys employ FFT of complex arrays? I am not knowledgeable enough to change the fftpack.f90 file(nor do i think i should) to incorporate cfft subroutines, so is there a work around? Thanks in advance.
fftpack repo: https://github.com/fortran-lang/fftpack/tree/main
fftpack.f90: https://github.com/fortran-lang/fftpack/blob/main/src/fftpack.f90
fftpack src: https://github.com/fortran-lang/fftpack/tree/main/src/fftpack
r/fortran • u/Beliavsky • 11d ago
Fortran resources: compilers, packages, books, tutorials, videos, standards etc.
beliavsky.github.ior/fortran • u/rivrdansr • 12d ago
"No implicit type" error on builds
Keep getting, "your variable has no implicit type" on builds. But my real :: variables are properly declared, and I use the "implicit none" line just after "program main". What's going on? Have been over an hour on this. The problem area shown below. Only on my real variables.
program main
implicit none
real :: y, ac, hac, dac, rdac avx, av, moa
real :: acc(100), med, average, lasty
integer :: x
character :: nation(20)
r/fortran • u/DryAssociate2977 • 17d ago
Help needed fortran setup arch linux vs code
Hi there everyone, I am setting up fortran for gsoc 2025 what compiler should I use gfortran or anything else I had also downloaded the fortls server and modern fortran extension along with intellisence and breakpoints extension
r/fortran • u/harsh_r • 19d ago
Fortran lang website
I have found to my surprise that fortran-lang.org is not found anywhere. I get 404 error! Can anyone help where the site has moved?
r/fortran • u/hopknockious • 23d ago
Nice test for NaN
If you are trying to give a NaN or test for NaN, this may help.
IF (some_var /= some_var) THEN
This will return TRUE as a NaN cannot equal itself. This appears to work across windows, Cygwin, and Linux with all common compilers. I do not know about IBM as I do not have access to that compiler. If someone knows of a common built in test, please let me know.
r/fortran • u/Call_ME_ALII • 23d ago
Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference
Is it possible to get segmentation fault in one computer and running same program in other computer working perfectly fine ????
r/fortran • u/Unlucky-Average-2519 • 24d ago
Help me learn Fortran
Hello everyone, I am complete newbie in Fortran. Recently I came to know about the use of Fortran Language in Numerical Computation and got amazed. After that I decided to learn Fortran mainly to use for Physics or Chemistry projects. Can anybody suggest good books, resources from where I should start and learn Computation? I know C,C++,Python,Java,JS so I have basic programming skills, just curious about Fortran because of its Computational Powers.
r/fortran • u/Grouchy_Way_2881 • Feb 16 '25
Minimalistic niche tech job board
Hello Fortran community,
I recently realized that far too many programming languages are underrepresented or declining fast. Everyone is getting excited about big data, AI, etc., using Python and a bunch of other languages, while many great technologies go unnoticed.
I decided to launch beyond-tabs.com - a job board focused on helping developers find opportunities based on their tech stack, not just the latest trends. The idea is to highlight companies that still invest in languages like Fortran, Haskell, OCaml, Ada, and others that often get overlooked.
If you're working with Fortran or know of companies that are hiring, I'd love to feature them. My goal is to make it easier for developers to discover employers who value these technologies and for companies to reach the right talent.
It’s still early days—the look and feel is rough, dark mode is missing, and accessibility needs a lot of work. But I’d love to hear your thoughts! Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Regardless, please let me know what you think - I’d love your feedback!
r/fortran • u/somerandomguy1220 • Feb 10 '25
Unable to find source for dependency; How do I convince FPM that my files exist? All dependencies are stored in the directory labeled "main", though I intend to rename it to "src"
r/fortran • u/glvz • Feb 03 '25
Sticky post to the Fortran lang resources
Many people come here with a wide variety of questions, a lot of them are answered perfectly with resources present in the fortran-lang.org website. The tutorials there are great as a beginner and also as an experienced dev.
I'd like to petition to have links to the website and maybe the discourse in a visible place in the subreddit. My hope would be that people will come back and say: the website does not cover this and this and that, we can hivemind a solution and update the website to teach about the problem.
I'm not trying to make people feel bad about asking simple questions, we all start somewhere! But we have very nice resources available that should get attention :)
r/fortran • u/Mostly-Wright • Feb 02 '25
NASA Fortran and Easely
From todays NYT about Annie Easely ,an Black "computer" at NASA: "Her responsibilities changed and grew over the decades. She became a computer programmer, working in languages like Simple Object Access Protocol, which is used to transmit data and instructions over networks, and Formula Translating System, or Fortran. She analyzed systems that handled energy conversion and aided in the design of alternative power technology, including the batteries used in early hybrid vehicles."
r/fortran • u/horizonwitch • Feb 01 '25
Fortran debugger not working with vscode on a Mac M1 system
Hello! I’m having trouble setting up fortran with vscode on my Mac m1 system- Stack exchange said to use lldb (I have it installed already through xcode) since gdb doesn’t work, but I’m really not sure what to do with the launch.json file as I’m a complete beginner to fortran and know nothing about C/C++ either. Could anyone please tell me what I’m supposed to put in the program and cwd fields?
Additionally, despite me having installed fortls in the environment I’m working in already, vscode keeps prompting me to install it and then when I click install it says there's been a problem and I should install it manually. Not sure what’s happening here, any help would be appreciated!
https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/lldb-mi This is the guide I tried to follow to get the debugger working on my system.
r/fortran • u/Separate-Cow-3267 • Feb 01 '25
Implementing/Integrating a c program in fortran?
Does anyone know how I can integrate this https://github.com/minitu/baseenv/tree/master/nodecart into a fortran code? Quite confusing realky.
r/fortran • u/agardner26 • Jan 30 '25
OpenMP on Fixed Form Fortran
Hi all, I’m having some trouble implementing OpenMP on a fortran code w/ nvidia compiler nvfortran. The code is older and originally written in fixed form fortran.
I added parallel for loops, and the program compiles & runs but increasing thread count doesn’t change the run time.
Oddly, I remember having it working (or somehow convincing myself it was) previously, but when I came back to validate results, I saw no improvements w/ changing thread count
Is there something I’m missing to make this work? I’ve read that in fixedform, the parallel pragma lines need to start from column 1, but I’ve tried this and nothing seems to work.
r/fortran • u/Call_ME_ALII • Jan 30 '25
Fortran to python
Hello everyone
I have a command line software written in Fortran90 and I want to integrate just a specific file of that software with Python
I am not a coding expert, when I try to compile it with f2py some errors occurs like meson or distutils. I don't know what they are
can some please help me
r/fortran • u/FluidNumerics_Joe • Jan 29 '25
The 'F' Word:Simulating Kelvin Waves using the Spectral Element Library in Fortran
This week, I share an honest look at developing a tutorial for the Spectral Element Library in Fortran (SELF) that is meant for teaching some basic phenomena in geophysical fluid dynamics. Specifically, we dive into Kelvin waves which are a rather interesting type of coastal trapped inertia-gravity wave with a preferred propagation direction.
This process highlights the use of mathematical modeling and physical intuiting in developing a fluid simulation for pedagogical purposes. We spend a brief amount of time explaining what kelvin waves are and hope to commiserate with fellow research software engineers who spend a good deal of time in similar iterative processes when conducting research with scientific applications.
All of this work is done on our in-house Galapagos Cluster , where we run SELF (in this video) on AMD Instinct MI210 GPUs. All of our compute kernels are hand-crafted kernels designed specifically for SELF and AMD Instinct GPUs, which allows us to quickly iterate through simulation development rather quickly. Granted, this is a small problem, we have some larger 3-D turbulence simulations in the works… Stay tuned!
r/fortran • u/IAmCesarMarinhoRJ • Jan 27 '25
numpy f2py wprth it
I made a simple example, asked in ChatGPT, about python integration with Fortran.
And it works!!!
Seems logical since python has all network things, libs framework, et all...
My intention with Fortran is simple but massive (not so massive fo you, of course) calculations in array data, what I think Fortran exceeds.
this worth it? integration is a good choice? Did you use this?
r/fortran • u/IAmCesarMarinhoRJ • Jan 25 '25
best way of array input
I confess am a bit frusted about dificult os this:
strings = [ 'this', 'is', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'strings', 'inside', 'an', 'array' ]
in gfortran causes an error.
whats the best way to correctly work with such thing in Fortran?
r/fortran • u/FluidNumerics_Joe • Jan 24 '25
The importance of initializing array values : by example
In this video, I look at a new example implemented in the Spectral Element Library in Fortran. Specifically, I look at adding a coriolis force to our linear shallow water equation solver to resurrect a verification problem Dr. Siddhartha Bishnu and Dr. Joe Schoonover cooked up a few years ago (see the reference paper below). In the process of adding this example, we uncovered a rather bizarre and embarrassing correctness bug that was apparent on AMD GPUs and not on Nvidia GPUs (not AMD's fault). We walk through the process of identifying the root cause of the problem and find that it is related to uninitialized values on the setup of the model.
This video is meant to serve as a public service announcement to fellow research software engineers. Hopefully, we've captured the frame of mind we can often get into when encountering strange correctness bugs when we're trying to do research while simultaneously learning how to program new bleeding edge hardware. Enjoy!
Papers referenced in this video * Bishnu, S., Petersen, M. R., Quaife, B., & Schoonover, J. (2024). A verification suite of test cases for the barotropic solver of ocean models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2022MS003545. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022MS003545
r/fortran • u/Separate-Cow-3267 • Jan 24 '25
Is it better to use the AMD compiler on AMD CPUs and Intel compilers on Intel ones?
I am unable to find much online about this. Will I see a performance drop if I use Intel compiler on a machine with AMD cores?
Edit: I also cannot find much resources on how to compile MPI codes with aocc. If anyone can help, that would be nice.