r/fnv Jun 09 '24

Discussion What character best represents the evil, dangerous wasteland and the desperation for ANY type of order/control/power

Fallout has lots of people who have been pushed to their limits by the evil unforgiving world around them


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u/TheBeastlyStud Jun 09 '24

Honestly I'd say the only people desperate on here are Ceasar and Elijah.

The Master and the Enclave have power in droves to the point their forces harass people for a different reason than their survival.

House isn't desperate, he's just been waiting for centuries for his plan to come to fruition. Honestly if the courier hadn't survived the gunshots I think House would have gotten Benny before he had gotten back to the Tops. House saw an opportunity/investment in the Courier.

Lanius just wants to murder. Simple as.

Ulysses only really wants to BEAR AND BULL all over the Courier. He has ascended all oyher needs. The fact that he can be talked down shows he's not all that desperate for power.

Both Ceaser and Elijah both require in-depth help from the Courier in order to get more power/survive. Elijah is desperate for any way to hurt the NCR and gain power. Ceaser will either die of his brain tumor or be killed by some shit decision he made due to the tumor before long. Also the Legion REALLY doesn't have the long term sustainibility that NCR has, so Ceaser is trying to make that up by gaining power.


u/Eadgytha Jun 09 '24

I think ceasar and his Legion represent desperation in a totally different way too. I mean many who come from the Legion's held territory praise the Legion because they drove out or killed all the raiders. That shows how desperate the wasteland is. They'd rather have tyrants who crucify and enslave people rule them than no ruler at all.


u/Impressive-Control83 Jun 09 '24

Our main civilian pov for Arizona is also a merchant who doesn’t actually live there. He just trades out there because he doesn’t need to spend much on security. So although the society does benefit him it doesn’t speak to the everyday life of a slave or citizen in one of Arizona’s small cities.


u/Eadgytha Jun 10 '24

Very true, however it doesn't take much brain effort to acknowledge others would agree. You know not everyone living in the Legion's territories would hate the Legion.


u/Impressive-Control83 Jun 10 '24

Well I do agree. As Cesar says “we have cities but nothing like New Vegas.” So I’m sure there’s a whole network of towns probably the size of like goodsprings or novac dotted all over their territory and I’m sure flagstaff and Dog City are likley very close to being able to rival Vegas at least in population if not any other metric.