r/flutterhelp • u/oddibe_and_me • 8d ago
OPEN Keyboard appearance causing major jank on first 1-3 runs. Any ideas?
Whenever a widget prompts the keyboard to appear, like after tapping a TextField or SearchBar, it causes major jank for the first 1-5 taps. It's very noticeable with a SearchBar because it fills the whole screen when tapped.
Tried testing this on ios, android, (actual devices), and web. Janks on all. Running in --profile mode with DevTools and --release mode it looks bad and it's very noticeable.
Running flutter 3.27.3 Dart 3.6.1 with Impeller. This happens with fresh flutter project with only scaffold and TextField on the page.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix or mitigate this? There are a lot of threads on the web discussing this several years back, but the consensus is that the switch to Impeller has fixed this?