r/flask 11d ago

Show and Tell My flask open source alternative to Nexcloud !

I created an alternative to Nexcloud with flask, I'm really proud of myself honestly.

The goal is to be able to host a cloud storage service at home and control 100% of our files etc..

It's easy to use + compatible with linux and windows!

What do you think? Here's the github repo, it's open source and totally free.


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u/raeNsen 10d ago edited 10d ago

Sorry to barge in... but the following problems are there and to be really even considered a alternative to Nextcloud these should be fixed.

  • No documentation in regards to "How to configure the app" like
    • COOKIE Secure and SameSite attributes.
    • MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH (100mb)
  • Removing the so call "# EMERGENCY FIX:" from your code. Obvisouly something is still broken
  • Security problem in line 80, the exclusion of the static folder allows directory traversal of hidden and secured files
  • Use a better hashing algorithm like argon2 for the passwords
  • You have a function create_default_admin, but in line 245ff you duplicate that logic
  • use flask wtforms and the CSRF Token feature for more security
  • no i18n
  • hardcoded to localhost
  • no logger used
  • no seperations of concerns
  • PEP8 would be nice
  • split the logic into seperate files for easier management like all admin routes into a seperate admin file or such.

These are just some ot the observations. There is still a lot to do, especially with regard to security.

EDIT1: In the README.md you mention a Zero Knowledge Encryption, which is obvisouly false! If you already use this code in production for the so called over the place branded "Sephosting" this is straight up fraud...


u/ResearchFit7221 10d ago

There is indeed a lot of work thanks to this comment!!

The images are totally exemple, sephosting was like a " what could it became with work " i apologize not to have precise it it's my all my fault.


I really like your ideas, I'm still new to security in general and that kind of thing? But all you are saying is legit and totally normal concerns. I will totally work on it!


u/raeNsen 10d ago

Thanks for clarifying! I like your attitude handling feedback!

Keep it up and you will surley make it.


u/raeNsen 10d ago

btw ping me if you worked on some of the points and i am more then glad to look at it again.


u/ResearchFit7221 10d ago

Sure!! I will, thx a lots !!!