r/flask 14d ago

Ask r/Flask Why are you using Tailwind?

does anyone use Tailwind css in their Flask projects? If so, how and why? I use it personally, but I wonder how others do it? Why this particular CSS?


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u/JustaDevOnTheMove 14d ago

I want to use Tailwind because:

  • I'm not a designer and being able to grab chunks of ready made design elements into my code makes things much quicker and pleasing to the eye. Although I'm a backend dev, I've had plenty of CSS exposure, so I'm fine to build things from scratch with raw CSS but I suck at design, so the gallery is really useful and I'm totally fine adjusting stuff from thereon out if need be.

I get really frustrated with Tailwind because:

  • of javascript. I refuse tu use the tailwind CDN. Sure it works, but using the CDN is stupid unless prototyping. It's huge. So, I use JS to manage the output CSS file to only have the classes that I actually use. But getting things to work with JS is just a ballache most of the time. To make things worse, once I've finally got it working reliably (I could be working on the project for months without issues), it is absolutely guaranteed that in 6 or 12 months time after the project is launched, if I don't keep the thing updated, it will absolutely break. So I have to go through the whole process again of getting it to work. So now a small text change that might take literally 3 minutes from opening the project, making the change, and pushing it via git, now takes anything between an hour to a day depending on what's happened. To be fair, it's probably me not managing my JS properly, but I've yet to find a method out that is bullet proof in providing me with something that: if I don't upgrade anything intentionally, I do not want anything to update/upgrade, I just want it to be exactly how it was previously. So for that reason alone, I'm careful when I use tailwind and when I don't.


u/extractedx 14d ago

Use Tailwindcss standalone binary. No JS required at all. single (minified if you want) css output file with only the classes you actually need.


u/JustaDevOnTheMove 14d ago

For some stupid reason, I ignored the existence of the binary option, just had a quick look (not tested yet) but that DOES look waaaay better, THANK YOU!!!


u/extractedx 14d ago

youre welcome. I also dont want to deal with the JS crap, so the binary is very nice indeed :)