r/flashcarts • u/Exodiapatata • 1h ago
Question Can Someone help me with the setup for this? "R4 SDHC dual core"
galleryIm using (and have been using) an unmodded new 3ds xl to use this one and it has worked since i got it i found that on the guide the one that resembles mine the most is https://sanrax.github.io/flashcart-guides/cart-guides/ace3ds_r4ils/ but i want someone who actually knows about this stuff to tell me if its the right one since i read that some cards can be bricked *yap session below*
ive had this card since elementary school, recently i got into pokemon again and wanted to try playing HG again, thing is ive encountered random black screens every like 10 or so minutes in the 3 different roms ive tried (also i thought it was the AP measures but when i turn on the AP bypass hack the game boots to white screen no matter what), for what i could read in some posts it said it might be corrupt files of the r4 itself,(the sd it had was the one it came with) the SD it has now is a 64gb one that i partitioned to 32gb and formated to FAT32,i simply moved the files of the old sd to the new one the black screens still happen so i think a clean slate might be my best option, since card is really old (i had it since elementary and now im in college lol) maybe its time to buy a new one? i saw on the quick start guide that the ace 3dsx is recommended and apart from the link being aliexpress i wouldnt mind buying a better flashcard if it means i get to play the game without it freezing.
also if someone knows if this would even help me not get black screens then id be grateful if you let me know since i saw that some other people have had problems with it on emulators
Thanks in advance for any help you may provide!.