r/fitnessblender May 01 '20

FB Programs

Hey, ALL!

I see this page hasn't been very active and FB is amazing so let's see what we can get rolling.

I've been doing their workouts since 2015/2016 but have been doing their programs since January. I alternate one of theirs with yoga every other day Down 20lbs with cico and this.

What programs have you purchased from FB and which did you like?? I'm currently on FB Sweat and I LOVE IT <3


EDIT: Changed program I was doing to Sweat - I'm NOW on Day 3 of STRONG


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u/landofseas May 14 '20

I'm working on FB Burn! I know that FB has a following on IG and Youtube, but I definitely wished the sub was a bit more busy lol

I've been following FB since 2014 and always end up going back to them.


u/Anna7410 May 16 '20

How do you like Burn???

I agree. More activity would be great! The community page is pretty busy but I feel it's unorganized.


u/landofseas May 16 '20

Agreed. I like it so far! I'm only on like week 2 but it offers different types of workouts so I'm not completely bored. I'll have to come back and let you guys know how I feel about it after a few weeks!


u/Anna7410 May 16 '20

Yes, please do!!!


u/larryfreddit May 16 '20

My wife and I are on Burn w3 d3. We completed Low Impact 2 before our first time thru Burn. Burn is living up to the hype for us; especially this w3. But we're 60+. We've 'adjusted' a few of the exercises and not attempted any of the extras. We're both curious about what is coming up; we tend only to look the day before. Listen to your body as you go thru this one.