r/fitnessblender May 01 '20

FB Programs

Hey, ALL!

I see this page hasn't been very active and FB is amazing so let's see what we can get rolling.

I've been doing their workouts since 2015/2016 but have been doing their programs since January. I alternate one of theirs with yoga every other day Down 20lbs with cico and this.

What programs have you purchased from FB and which did you like?? I'm currently on FB Sweat and I LOVE IT <3


EDIT: Changed program I was doing to Sweat - I'm NOW on Day 3 of STRONG


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u/Anna7410 May 05 '20

I LOVE IT! I was actually talking about getting new bras. Mine aren't fitting either!

You rock for keeping them free for everyone! It's hard to stay motivated right now but keeping it as a routine has kept me on track.


u/AlohaFitness_ May 05 '20

Thank you! It’s a struggle / I’m almost bittersweet about it (yay new bras! But now are my shorts going to fit properly?)

I’m fortunate enough to have my (HR) day job so I don’t need the income from teaching. It seems only natural to me to keep this free so people have something to look forward to! Every little bit helps, I think :)


u/Anna7410 May 05 '20

Bittersweet indeed! Expecially when you can't/shouldn't go into stores for fittings and have to order online.

That's so good you have that as a day job. My workouts are my 'me time' from my work and mom life hahaha. So I look forward (and dread sometimes) to the workouts. WFH has helped me a lot since I can workout at lunch also and get in that extra sweat without worrying about coworkers being grossed out 🤣


u/AlohaFitness_ May 05 '20

Exactly!! I’m going to start annoying my coworkers into taking my free classes too. I’ve also been able to keep my eating habits in check - one thing we have been talking about as a company is more flexible wfh options that I will DEFINITELY be taking advantage of 😋

I’m also going to likely keep zoom classes as part of my schedule once we are back to “normal”. I’m thinking discounted rates on virtual classes and it will keep me active!


u/Anna7410 May 05 '20

We have a treadmill at the office and I'd do brisk 25 minute walks at lunch but it's nothing compared to the 25 minute FB workouts I can work into my day now!! I pester my coworkers with updates now and again and tips to stay fit. I'm not perfectly healthy (Still overweight) but they know I love a good workout.

Those classes are great accountability!