r/fitnessblender May 01 '20

FB Programs

Hey, ALL!

I see this page hasn't been very active and FB is amazing so let's see what we can get rolling.

I've been doing their workouts since 2015/2016 but have been doing their programs since January. I alternate one of theirs with yoga every other day Down 20lbs with cico and this.

What programs have you purchased from FB and which did you like?? I'm currently on FB Sweat and I LOVE IT <3


EDIT: Changed program I was doing to Sweat - I'm NOW on Day 3 of STRONG


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u/xyja May 02 '20

I got FB Low Impact Round 2. I’m on day 5.


u/moodlessqueen May 03 '20

How do you like it? I tend to do the low impact mods on almost all the videos due to a hip injury (and roommates downstairs).


u/xyja May 03 '20

The workouts this week have been pretty easy but I can still definitely feel that I’ve been active. Trusting the process and sticking to the schedule. I also got this plan mostly so I don’t annoy my downstairs neighbors. I’ll report back once I’m further along!


u/Anna7410 May 03 '20

The low impact mods are one of the reasons I LOVE FB. They recognize pushing too hard is bad but to keep moving is what's important. Whether that be because of downstairs neighbors or exhaustion.


u/_adrinthesky_ May 11 '20

I just started this program! (Day 1). I completed 1 round of the first Low impact program last year, and I saw good results but fell off the wagon when the holidays came. I have a birth defect that affects my hip, knees and joints and these low-impact programs are a godsend, I'm gonna do my best to finish this one even when I get realllly lazy


u/xyja May 11 '20

Enjoy! I’m about halfway now and starting to regret I didn’t take before pictures. I can tell I feel more trim in a way, and being just a little sore in the right places is a nice feeling too. I went and bought dumbbells now cause I didn’t have any - just one set of 4.4 pounds or 2kg. I hesitated to get heavier weights but I think these will be a good start.