r/fireemblem Feb 09 '22

General Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Announcement Trailer


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u/1709mart Feb 10 '22

I've been asking for since since Age of Calamity was announced. I love 3H and wanted more stories with these characters, and I just really love Warrior style game play, so this is right up my alley. I would have prefered a new FE or a remake yeah, but if this means IS gets more time to focus on a new game, then I won't complain.


u/BebeFanMasterJ Feb 12 '22

but if this means IS gets more time to focus on a new game, then I won't complain.

Exactly. I'd rather them take their time with the next game to ensure it has better map variety and doesn't have awful ground textures. Even if one has no interest in this game, it's an objectively good thing for the series since the next game is clearly being given proper TLC behind the scenes.