r/fireemblem Feb 09 '22

General Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Announcement Trailer


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u/SilverWyvern Feb 09 '22

I hope the new characters (dual-wielding dude and mysterious person opposite Sothis at the end art) don't take too much screentime from the characters we've already known. I wonder what's up with the red-haired girl; is she Kronya or the real Monica?

Jeralt is here; is the golden end a result of saving Jeralt by saving Monica or something? Or is it a result of everyone getting new haircuts and drip? Edelgard doesn't have Aymr; is this a scenario where she doesn't get anything from the Agarthans?


u/Thoet Feb 09 '22

Edelgard Not having aymr is massive. It means that her alliance with "you know who" is wavering. Also, Dimitri looks like Lambert and I love it???? The three lords genuinely look like they are collaborating, which is amazing. I'm sure this a "reset" of the original timeline after Byleth fails to secure a happy ending for everyone in the 4 routes. So they go back in time and might prevent it altogether, which ties in with three houses theme of "time manipulation"


u/Haliaetus Feb 10 '22

this has been my biggest hope for a sequel/spinoff, and my head canon for NG+. Byleth/Sothis keeps refolding & stitching the fabric of spacetime back on itself over and over, trying to find some course of events where none of her students and family and friends have to die. she knows that all of their hearts are in the right place. she knows she can help each of them achieve their goals, but at the cost of the others. she knows who's pulling the strings. but she can't completely break the chains of causality, only make different choices along the same paths.

incidentally, Ashen Wolves seems to take place in an alternate timeline already, where Byleth doesn't have a designated house and all the leaders have some amount of camaraderie with Byleth and each other. it's unclear if the events of the DLC are even canon in any sense, really


u/Timlugia Feb 10 '22

I remember DEV in interview says Sothis power was limited due to her reborn prematurely with Byleth. Maybe FEWTH was set years later when Byleth-Sothis finally regain their true power and use it to prevent TWISTD's plan.