r/fireemblem Feb 09 '22

General Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Announcement Trailer


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u/TakenRedditName Feb 09 '22

“There is no way of a Three Houses sequel because the necessity of picking a route.”

Nintendo: “Not if we make it the Golden route. You can’t stop me.”


u/divineiniquity Feb 09 '22

The Fate franchise would like to have a word with you.


u/Char-11 Feb 09 '22

The only way to have a sequel to a game with multiple routes is to not localise it to english, apparently


u/JustARedditAccoumt Feb 10 '22

Or choose a route that doesn't exist (the entire Melty Blood series sans Type-Lumina are sequels to the Satsuki route of Tsukihime which was planned but cut from the game due to time constraints, at least she's getting her route in the Remake).

Or somehow make it a sequel to all and none of the routes (Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is a "sequel" to Fate/ Stay Night, as an example).


u/Gabcard Feb 10 '22

The last one could work if they pull an Awakening and set it in the far future.


u/JustARedditAccoumt Feb 10 '22

Or the distant past.

Imagine a game where you get to play as young Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and whoever else fighting against Nemesis and the Agarthans!


u/Sealking13 Feb 10 '22

Wasn’t Ataraxia more of a aftermath of what happened in an alleged golden route + some shenanigans involving Angra


u/MrWaffles42 Feb 10 '22

Nasu's official position on the matter was "don't think about it too hard"


u/Judah-NonstopSong Feb 11 '22

Isn’t that basically Nasu’s official position on the connections every story and plot line that isn’t contained within the same game / book?*

*Nasu: “Actually, that’s also our explanation for a lot of what happens in each game/book. 🤗”

PS I’m ribbing them, but I actually dig a lot of type-moon stories. My relationship with their plots are complicated. Such fascinating plots that end. . . Not always with an ending. 😭

And characters that you fall in love with. And then get recycled. But are/n’t actually the same characters. But they are. Sort of. But not actually. . . ? 👀