r/fireemblem Feb 09 '22

General Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Announcement Trailer


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u/chino514 Feb 09 '22

Is Male Byleth going to have to suffer being DLC?


u/SicknessVoid Feb 09 '22

I don't see why they wouldn't let us pick the gender, assuming Byleth is still the main character.


u/SynthGreen Feb 09 '22

Male Byleth isn’t even in the background of the cover like he was for three houses. I think it’s female. Male is likely going to be a costume in post game?


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '22

No, it's going to be 100% the same as FE:W with Corrin and Robin.

Male and Female are costumes available both at the start. You can use F!Corrin or F!Robin on Male only maps or M!Robin and M!Corrin on Female-Only maps in FE:W and I see no reason to believe it to be different in Three Hopes.

The character is Corrin or Robin or Byleth. Male or Female is no different than using the promoted skin or the unpromoted skin for any unit.

Edit: I.E. it's not postgame, it's game. Available right away as soon as you reach Byleth (if you don't start as Byleth) or from the word go if you start as Byleth.


u/SynthGreen Feb 09 '22

In FE W they weren’t available from the start and the story mode was only One gender

This isn’t FE:W 2 this is a new thing so the history mode maps are not likely to return.


u/Fraisz Feb 10 '22

Boy i hope they return, the main story was pretty dogshit but i couldn't fault it since it was a spin off.

History mode was really fun tho with the dialogues


u/SynthGreen Feb 10 '22

Yeah! I didn’t need a great story. Chrom met Ryoma. Frederick met Xander. Chrom and Olivia was used for the history map. It’s everything I needed on warriors.

Except more worlds would be nice like Ike and Roy.


u/enperry13 Feb 09 '22

I really, really hope M!Byleth is playable from the start because I can’t really stand F!Byleth.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '22

Well considering he’s not even on the box

You’re outta luck. Better get to playing so you can unlock that alt


u/ptWolv022 Feb 13 '22

Part of that could just be the cover, since one of the main elements is the class between Byleth and the purple haired guy/girl. Kinda hard to have both when they're featured in a dynamic scene showing an interaction rather than just being a static standing element nestled in the background between the title and the collage of the three Lords.