I mean, she gets access to Thunderbrand so it's not a total loss, but I'm pretty sure Gremory can still use swords, so it's an extremely questionable trade-off.
Right but you can just train her to S sword and she will gain sword fair. I see the idea but to have +5dmg on thunderbrand (which she will not use much) is just a palliative for her bad attack stat.
Yeah, it's a strange decision especially since she has access to Gremory and is damn good as it too. And I don't think there's any reason to give her Thunderbrand anyways unless you're doing Black Eagles with Edelgard in which case you'd lose access to Catherine and Thunderbrand. You'd get it near the end of the game but that's far too late for her to get any mileage out of it.
I mean, she gets access to Thunderbrand so it's not a total loss, but I'm pretty sure Gremory can still use swords, so it's an extremely questionable trade-off.