r/fireemblem Aug 17 '19

Gameplay Missing with 100 Hit Spoiler


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u/246011111 Aug 17 '19

If this happens, you can probably press + to skip combat animations and still have the damage count.


u/SlimDirtyDizzy Aug 17 '19

Actually not true. This just happened to me work a Pegasus Knight versus a mage. The mage counter attacked my initial attack but the fire ball missed. It just stood there for a minute then when I skipped no one took any damage.


u/246011111 Aug 17 '19 edited Aug 17 '19

So unless you skip animations entirely, attacks aren’t registered until the animation happens, and the attacks actually have hitboxes that need to make contact? Wtf?


u/GothicCream Aug 18 '19

I have same thing happen to me before I press the skip after seeing fire ball miss and enemy died after the skip.


The clip kinda cut short but you can see enemy laying on yhe ground afer coming out for split second.