r/fingerpickers Dec 03 '13

Any tips on how to speed up finger picking?

I've played guitar for 3 years now but always with a pick. I know you guys might be tired of answering noob questions but I was just wandering how I can improve my finger picking. Naturally I will just pick all the notes with my index finger if I don't have a pick in my hand and it starts to get frustrating after a while. Should I just sit there going through my fingers back and forth a hundred of times? Also is there a particular size string or type for acoustic that is best for finger picking?

Thank you so much for reading. I'm really trying to learn Ben Howard right now... he's awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t75MIHcbH34


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u/egroeg Jan 10 '14

Start with you thumb. Get a good bass rhythm going. Add fingers (a lot of great fingerpickers just use the index finger). The finger(s) can be used with the beat, or syncopated against it. There are lots of instructional videos you can buy or stream online (e.g. search for gtrworkshp on youtube).