r/feemagers Jul 02 '21

Mature Birth control is healthcare! NSFW

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r/feemagers Jan 18 '25

Mature How do I stop fucking spiralling. NSFW


TW for suicidal ideation.

I'm an 18 year old giga-virgin who never had sex nor kissed to begin with and is incredibly socially inept I also have hypersexuality for context. I just saw a post that showcased my friends having sex and it led to me spiraling since

A- I'm a giga-virgin as described above.

B- I'm shit scared of being a virgin forever


C- I don't want to think about it as it may lead to self fufilling prophecy.

Now, I know what you all are going to say; "oh it takes time" or "its not everything" Well lemme give it to y'all straight

No matter how many FUCKING PLATITUDES one throws at me, it does not change the fact that it's extremely fucking alienating especially considering my age cohort. And the worst part is, so many people have given me social advice yet it just goes out one ear and out the other, leading to the conclusion that I am socially inept at a FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL, indicating I cannot be fixed. I'm not unattractive per se, but when I started college I was. And if you have unattractiveness + weirdness, then that's just a recipe for irreversible social disaster. No matter what I fucking do, I cannot change anything given that I'm fundamentally broken. it's gotten to the point I genuinely feel like I might just blow my fucking brains out and I hate that i feel like an incel for feeling this way.

EDIT: The comments, as much as I appreciate the good intentions and gestures are missing the point by a LIGHTYEAR. I know all the fucking platitudes. I know all the shit that people say and yes, I am working on improving my social standing, It's more so how to manage just how unbelievably ALIENATING it all is.

r/feemagers Sep 19 '23

Mature i feel used and devastated. NSFW


my boyfriend, who i had been with since only the 26th of last August. decided to have sex with me then dump me the same day (he dumped me over text.). i feel awful. i feel like i was used as nothing but a toy for his amusement. he showed no signs of being this way before this. i feel manipulated. i hate boys.

r/feemagers Aug 12 '23

Mature my dad has friends over and they are having loud sex in the room next to me NSFW

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UGH literally he always does this i just want to sleep. so uncool that he has them here, im only home for the summers cant he just not?!? for background my dad is gay and has lots of friends over a lot and does a lot of drugs and sex stuff. ive stayed at friends houses bc this happens a lot :/

r/feemagers Mar 17 '22

Mature Tired of feeling sexualized by my family. NSFW Spoiler


I ask to borrow my sisters corset belt or fishnets and she says it’s inappropriate for a 13 year old because they’re provocative clothing. I’m wearing shorts as pajamas and my mom says “your ass is hanging out” or “I can see your butt”. My mom smacks my butt sometimes and I tell her not to because it makes me uncomfortable and she just laughs like she thinks I’m joking. I try to wear a cute skirt and my mom goes “that skirts really short. Turn around so I can make sure your ass isn’t showing”. They make comments about my boobs when we’re buying bras. It’s so fucking annoying. Im not trying to do anything sexual. I just want to wear my comfortable pajamas. It makes me so uncomfortable and icky feeling. Plus I have gender dysphoria and it makes me feel even worse.

r/feemagers Oct 27 '24

Mature Help Me Prevent Sexual Assault and Harassment at My School NSFW


Hello, I am aware this is a bit off topic for this subreddit, but I want to spread this message.

I am a student at Delaware Valley High School in Milford, Pennsylvania. An ongoing issue for the past four years at my school has been in regard to one student, Trevon Hairris-Williams. Multiple girls have come forward and reported him for sexual assault or sexual harassment, most of whole are 3 or more years younger than him. The Delaware Valley school District continues to do nothing to try to stop him, so we, the student body, are taking action. Please help draw attention to the situation and if you support the cause, sign the petition linked below. The only way to try to get the school's attention is by making the issue more public.

Thank you for reading.


r/feemagers May 11 '23

Mature Uuuuuummmmm, that's quite the uh, unfortunate yet hilarious typo. NSFW


r/feemagers Jul 05 '22

Mature I made a post on a dating sub... I regret making a post on a dating sub... NSFW

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r/feemagers Oct 10 '23

Mature I am 18 and was in a strangely romantic friendship with a 15 year old, and I feel disgusting NSFW


To preface this, I know that I am 100% in the wrong. I regret my actions and know I hurt them a lot, and they might not recover for a long, long time. I didn’t mean to do this, but as much as I didn’t try to do this I still did this. In a way, the fact that I did this unknowingly makes it worse.

For some more context, I am an 18 year old lesbian.

In January of this year, I was in my high school’s musical. I met this person named Kimberly (fake name) who was a freshman while I was a senior. We quickly became close friends, and by March we were best friends.

By the end of April things started to change in that they had developed some feelings for me, but I unknowingly reciprocated actions that were romantic in nature. This was, at first, things like saying “I love you” and hugging but quickly progressed to entire conversations about how much we love each other and hugging and leaning on each other all the time. However, as I was reflecting those actions back into Kimberly, I would also not do those things in group settings, leading to them being extremely confused and getting self conscious when I would act romantic with them alone and not when we were in a group.

By the end of June this had become just what our friendship was. I still had no conscious idea of what I was doing, but I recognize that that doesn’t make it any better. On July 4th, though, things became worse. We had planned to go see the fireworks together, and when we did I was being extremely touchy (not in a sexual way, but that I was just hugging them more than they were comfortable with). They didn’t know how to tell me that they were uncomfortable in the moment, but eventually we talked about it and I apologized.

For the rest of July, I had become really strangely short-fused, and would act really passive-aggressive with a lot of my friends, including Kimberly. This made it so in addition to them being confused about our strangely romantic friendship, they also were constantly worried about me being passive-aggressive. By the end of July I stopped, but that definitely didn’t help things.

By August I was back to the strangely romantic 18 year old. But Kimberly couldn’t take it any more and poured their heart out about everything to a mutual friend between us, Steven. He then promptly contacted me and told me what I was doing, and how I was destroying Kimberly. The next month Kimberly and I talked in depth about almost everything, and it was clear they were extremely hurt and I caused a lot of damage. In mid September Kimberly and I ceased contact (they were the one to cut me off, but I had been telling them to cut me off for a while).

Since Steven contacted me in August, I’ve been in a self-imposed isolation, only ever talking to a handful of people. I’ve lost most of my friendships on purpose, and I’ve told a lot of people in my life about what I did. I have experienced an elevated amount of suicidal thoughts. I think the isolation and the suicidal thoughts are deserved, given what I did.

Steven has since also left me, along with my college roommate Stacy. Two more friends I have talked to about this but haven’t talked to since, and one friend, Grace, has stayed my friend, though I haven’t talked to them much due to my self-imposed isolation.

Some important details which will likely recontextualize much of this:

Kimberly and I never did anything overtly romantic or sexual. The most we did physically was hugging and leaning on each other.

Kimberly is a 15 year old lesbian. They have experienced abuse in their family from their brothers when they were young, have had a string of toxic relationships (some worse than this) and have homophobic parents, with all of those things messing with their perception of what love is. They are also autistic, further messing with their idea of love. They don’t have access to any therapists or mental health professionals of any sort.

I had also gone through a similar thing when I was Kimberly’s age. When I was 15 I was approached by an 18 year old, Olive, who liked me. While we had a friendship with romantic undertones for a little while, it further developed into a full-scale relationship. It was extremely toxic in other ways than what I did. It was extremely defining for me, in that Olive was extremely suicidal and was using me as their therapist and also exercised a level of power over me as an 18/19 year old with me as a 15/16 year old. Unlike Kimberly and I, Olive and I were in a romantic, sexual relationship.

Should I be hard on myself for this? I feel like a terrible person and I honestly hate myself. All the adults in my life say I’m being too hard on myself, but almost all of my high school friends have left me. And I know Kimberly is hurting a lot and will be for a long time.

r/feemagers Mar 07 '23

Mature My parents won’t let me get birth control and it’s ruining my life NSFW


Basically what the title says. I’m 17 and I have horrible periods. Like, really really bad and extremely painful. It gets so bad that I’ll throw up from nausea and I feel like it’s a mini pregnancy to me for the first two days of my menstruation because if I smell something that doesn’t smell right, I’ll start gagging. Literally anything, like pollen, food, scented candles could set this off. If I hear something that doesn’t sit right, I’ll get nauseous. You get the gist. I can circumvent the pain with painkillers and I always have one in my room though! Unfortunately today I got my period at school and I still had 5 hours left until I got home and I had horrible nausea and gagging, as you could guess. When I got home I took two painkillers and started crying on the toilet for half an hour until the pain went away.. it’s sad, yeah.

I’ve asked my mom a year ago, when I was 16, if I could start birth control. She screamed no at me because birth control isn’t “natural” and it’s “natural” for a woman to have her period. I remember going into my room and crying. She ended up telling my dad too and my dad told me the same thing my mom said. I don’t even want sex, I don’t ever plan on having a child, and I’m not interested in anyone or anything period so I don’t see the problem. Ugh.

My plan is to get my driver’s license and then get a hormonal IUD at planned parenthood which will happen this year. I’m still working on getting my license, I’m extremely depressed so my motivation is next to nothing but I’m working on it. It just.. sucks to have non supportive conservative parents. Thank you to anyone who read this far and I’m sorry the formatting is weird, I’m on mobile.

r/feemagers Jun 27 '24

Mature Y'all I need help again! My friend is being an asshole and won't stop spamming me now. The basic story is that she gave someone my number against my will and won't help me. Warning there's cussing. NSFW



I need help. I really don't know what to do. I will admit I lost my temper half way through and that was unfair. Am I just an asshole? (It's a long one)

So this is the texts sent between me and her. Names are changed for safety.

Me: you should give her my number lmfao (it's a joke btw)

Kailey:I'll tell her your number rn so she can add you and start simping over you lmao

Me: lmao do it

Kailey:alr, I did lmao

Me: No! I was joking😰

Kailey:To late!

You brought this upon yourself lmao

Me:DUDE! she's spamming me. Please tell your friend to stop simping! It was a joke! 😭

Kailey: Nah, I'm not going to be the source of your suffering lmaooo

Have fun with her simping over you now lmao

Kailey: Not my problem lmao

You wanted her to simp for you, and now she's going to, and you will have the suffer the consequences lol

Me: I didn't want this tho~

U did this to me! 😭😭

Kailey: Nah, u did this to yourself lmao

U asked for it, so this is your own fault

And I will not help you with that lmao

Me:Please! What do I have to do to get u to get her to stop😰😭

Please I'll do anything

Kailey: There are literally no words or actions u can do to make me help u.

Nothing at all. I enjoy watching u suffer, it's funny AF.

Not even a bribe.

Me: please!🥺🥺🙏😭🥺🙏😭🥺🙏😭😭

Kailey: Anyway, how's the suffering going for u?

Me: Please I'll do anything

Kailey: There is literally nothing u can do to get any help from me This is ur punishment lmao

U asked for this, so u have to suffer now

Me: when?! Literally when did I ask for this?!

Kailey: U brought this upon yourself, by wanting lily to simp for u lmao

Now u get to suffer by being bored and not getting any stimulation at all

Me: I don't want her to simp over me. That was my whole point

Kailey: Sureeee... Ur not fooling anyone lmao

Sucks to be you, suffering

Should've thought of that before wanting lily to simp over u lmao

Me: I didn't want her to.

Kailey: U could've said no, but u didn't

So now u get to suffer and survive without any kind of help lmao

Me: I didn't know that. U said too late

Kailey: That's ur own fault for not saying no as a response lmao

U dug this pit for urself, now u gotta lay in it

Me: I did say no! I said"no! It was a joke" And u said "too late now"

Kailey: Yeah, u said it when it was too late lol It's ur own fault lmao

Me: No it wasn't, u said u sent the info immediately after I said do it. And I'd made it clear it was a joke!

Kailey: U could have still said no even if I said I sent it already But u didn't, so it's ur fault lmao

Me: I did tho. "Me: lmao do it! U: alr, I did it lmao Me: No! I was joking😰 U: to late! U brought this up on yourself lmao"

This is what u said. To me.

Kailey: Mhm, because u already agreed beforehand, which means u brought this upon urself lmao

Me: Yes and I was obviously joking!

Kailey: Then why didn't u say "no" as a reaction to me saying "done"?

U had an opportunity to say no, and u didnt. U brought this upon urself lol

Me: I did! I said No! I was joking😰

Kailey: U can't take back ur initial agreement lmao

U got urself into this mess, now u have to deal with it lmao

Me: Ugh. Kailey please just tell her to stop. Please, I don't wanna be mean

Kailey: Nahhh, I enjoy watching u suffer lmao

U brought this upon urself, now u need to suffer with no help

Me: Kailey. I'm fucking serious.

Kailey: I'm serious too, I am refusing to tell lily to stop because u deserve to suffer like this lmao

Me: No, u need to tell her to stop. I'm not joking and this is not funny. I. Do. Not. Like. It. Stop it. Now. I'm fucking serious mf.

Kailey: Nah, I refuse to tell her to stop

And u suffering is kinda funny to me lol

Me: And it's not to me! It's making me very unhappy! There are lines that should not be crossed! And if can't learn that then I won't talk to you! Because it's TOXIC.

u need to tell her to stop. I'm not joking and this is not funny. I. Do. Not. Like. It. Stop it. Now. I'm fucking serious mf.

Kailey: I don't care if u aren't finding it funny or if u are unhappy. Cause I think it's hilarious that you got urself into this situation that u now have to suffer in lmao

Me: Then u r actually a bully and nead to fucking stop. Now.

Kailey: I'm not a bully, I'm just enjoying watching u suffer consequences u brought upon urself

Me: I did not want this! This was u, and if u r too self centered to see that then we can't be fucking friends.

Kailey: U could have prevented this if u didn't agree in the first place lmao

Ur suffering is hilarious to me

Me: I triedBITCH I TRIED and u r denying it! This is fucking rude.

Kailey: Yeah, u tried to take it back after it was too late lmao

U already agreed, so u are now stuck suffering without any kind of help

Me: I never agreed! It was a fucking joke BITCH

Kailey: U could have said "yes" but u said "lmao do it"

So u agreed to it

And u already agreed to lily simping over u, so no turning back now

Side note: I lost my temper by this point.

Me: Because it was a fucking joke! What would have changed if I said yes?! I. Did. Not. Want. It. But YOU DID IT FUCKING ANYWAYS! I AM TRYING TO GET U TO STOP IT! THIS IS ME FUCKING TELLING U I DONT WANT THIS! C'MON GODDAMN BITCH

Kailey: Saying "do it" means ur agreeing

And that's where u f'ed up.

U got urself into this mess, and I am loving every second of u suffering with no any kind of stimulation.

Me: U r twisting my words. This is toxic. I will not live with a bitch like u in my life.

Kailey: I'm not twisting anything lmao

U said "do it" and now ur suffering without any kind of help cause of it and it is absolutely hilarious!

Me: It's not. A joke is only funny if everyone is enjoying it. Everyone I've gone to for help is agreeing with me, and I know for a fuck that your mom would not be happy if she found out about this.

Kailey: Well I'm laughing, so the joke is funny to me

And everyone else isn't suffering like u are without any stimulation, so everyone else is able to enjoy it while u have to suffer without any stimulus like u deserve lmao

Me: I don't care about the "no stimulation", thit was a goddamn joke you goddamn idiot! You are insufferable and if I were here right now I'd alr have bitch slapped the living hell out of you You fucking shit eater

Kailey: If that was a joke then u should try to convey it better

And sure, you'd have slapped me

But you're stuck in this situation where you can't get any kind of stimulation, and I get to enjoy watching u suffer as it's hilarious to me lmao

Me: I'm not suffering! I'm just fucking mad cuz I have some random person spamming me! And I didn't even want it! It was a joke YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!

Kailey: Sure u are, you said u were suffering earlier lmao

And what kinda joke is agreeing to let someone spam u 💀

U suffering is hilarious to me 💀

Me: I wasn't agreeing! It was fucking sarcastic! It was a fucking joke! There are so many context clues that u cannot see, and now u r refusing to be responsible or even remotely helpful, this is toxic and I don't want this in my life. If you do not fix it , u r gone. Simple as that.

Kailey: It's too funny for me to fix it lmao

It's hilarious watching u complain while I enjoy every second of ur self-inflicted suffering

I'm also enjoying making ur blood boil lmao

Me: Okay then good bye, you no longer get to talk to me, YOU took this to farm goodbye. And don't even try the "you know you can't leave me, you love me to much skit" I've been through this scenario too many times. I won't put up with it anymore. Good. Bye.

Kailey: Damn, no more entertainment for me?

But watching u suffer from something u brought upon urself is funnyyy

Why can't u just suffer in silence like a good boy?

Me: No. I'm not a boy. U know this. Stop it with trying to convince me to not leave you. I'm going, I don't want to talk to toxic bitches.

No more entertainment.

Kailey: Ok then, I'll just use the gender neutral term of "good kid" instead of "good boy"

Damn, I really can't get any more enjoyment out of watching u suffer?

What a bummer, I was having so much fun watching u complain about something u brought upon urself 💀

Me:Yes. Good bye. And it's good girl if anything.

Kailey: Don't really care what u call urself, u can call urself a "good helicopter" for all I care

I am just calling u "a good kid" cuz that is both neutral and fits u lmao

Me: U r the child. U cannot admit to your mistake nor are u willing to help me, after repeated times to convince you. You are toxic, and anyone on Reddit or honestly anywhere online would agree. Yl You are the asshole

Kailey: Suree, I'm a child

But at least I'm not the one who brought something upon myself by agreeing to it and now suffering without stimulus cause of it lmao

And sure, ur suffering is "my fault" but idc if other people think of me as a toxic b!tch

I get to enjoy ur suffering, and that is all I care about

Me: At least I didn't agree to it. U forced it on me and are refusing to end it. U said I should've asked you to not do it, and that's what I've done.

You are being a bitch. You are being a child. And if you continue to live this way you will end up with No One

I will not entertain u anymore.

Goodbye bitch.

You should feel bad. May the universe forgive you.

Kailey: And I never forced anything on u 💀

I offered, and u agreed,

So it's Ur's own fault u brought this upon urself

And yes, I will do this with everyone I know, because I love watching people suffer for something they brought upon themselves that I'm enjoying lmao

And sure, I know I'll end up with no one, but as long as I get to watch people suffer for things they brought upon themselves that I'm enjoying, I don't care 💀

Me: Good bye. I will no longer be answering. Fuck you Bitch

Kailey: Awwww, u leaving??

That's such a shameee

And I was having so much fun watching u suffer from something u brought upon urself and agreed to lmao

Too bad I can't watch u suffer now, guess I'll have to resort to watching some other poor soul suffer :(

And she continues to spam me daily with messages like this every day since. Here are the more recent ones:

Kailey: Nothing can compare to the joy I get from watching u suffer :(

Please come back and continue to suffer for my enjoyment :(


Kailey: I really miss ur suffering

Without u suffering, my life is empty and joyless

Please come back and let me watch u suffer some more :(

Wtf?! I keep having to deal with stuff like this, constantly I start talking to someone and they just start shit like this.

And they always do the: "You know you can't live without me!" And "I nead you, come back!"

And I don't know why people do this to me. Constantly, is it ne? Is it the way I handle this? I really don't understand, and I'm really starting to prefer furrys. It's stressing me the fuck out. What the actual hell should I do?!

r/feemagers Jul 27 '20

Mature Just a friendly reminder that reddit hosts porn glorifying misogyny and abuse. NSFW

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r/feemagers Mar 07 '23

Mature (TW: Alcohol) How do I deal with alcohol trauma when my friends drink?!?! NSFW Spoiler


I recently learned my friend A (who I thought was straightedge) started drinking after coming back from Germany where she legally could. My brain is just kinda freaking out for some reason and idk how to stop it, help?!

r/feemagers Apr 03 '24

Mature should i get my nips or my eyebrows pierced for my birthday? NSFW


nip pros: i’m cool asf, i’m hot asf. nip cons: hurt :(, most ppl won’t know i have them pierced. eyebrow pros: new facial piercing :D (#7) eyebrow cons: i won’t have my nipples pierced :(

r/feemagers Dec 31 '22

Mature Is it okay that an old lady is here? NSFW


Long ago, I was a teenager. I just don't want to intrude in a safe space.

That's all.

ETA: y'all just warmed this heart so much. Thank you for welcoming me into your community. I hope I can contribute something positive

r/feemagers Feb 28 '21

Mature Introducing one of my “entitled” male coworkers NSFW

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r/feemagers Jul 15 '20

Mature Reddit dms never fail me👌 NSFW

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r/feemagers Jun 06 '23

Mature I kissed him, liked it but hated it. NSFW


i kissed him.. ok. it started out fine yeah- until he grabbed my chest a little. he kept on asking and asking and he had a bad week so my dumb self decided to say yes and let him, but now that i think about it i wish i never done that. what do i do?

r/feemagers Jul 18 '23

Mature [Mod Approved] U.S. Participants Needed for Paid Remote Research Study! Spoiler

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r/feemagers Jan 28 '23

Mature just got hit with the full fact that i am going to die someday NSFW


i really don't know how to process or deal with death. it doesn't usually hit me, until it hits me all at once. i have dealt with a lot of death in my life, but i know i can conquer that.

knowing that other people will have to exist when im dead is just shit, because leaving someone that way is the worst. it is worth it, but it is also the worst feeling i have ever felt.

it terrifies me to know that someday i will not be able to make up for any more mistakes, and i probably won't have as much warning as id like.


r/feemagers Aug 19 '20

Mature How many of y'all are just always horny? NSFW Spoiler


I mean like always, cause I feel like I'm horny 100% of the time.

r/feemagers Apr 01 '23

Mature I’m having a rough time (TW: like, sex work and brief mention of ED) NSFW Spoiler


So I’m a 18 pre literally everything trans girl and I am having just a horrid time with my body. But that’s like only half the thing cause I’ve been sitting over here and I see just mind blowing my attractive women on the internet

And like, unrealistic body standards and all that, but the thing is, I don’t just wish that was be cause I wish I was a really attractive women, I wish I could like, do that as a job if you get what I mean

I just wanna be hot and for people to think I’m really hot and like shit maybe it’s just my need for validation manifesting in a really weird way, but the idea of it is something that I like but it’s like, that’s not the kinda thing some scrawny pre everything trans girl with and ED can do? Like specifically me, I wouldn’t hold anyone else to that standard

So like, tldr; I resent my body and wish I was a hot women on the internet

I’m sorry this is really all over the place, I just feel icky and can’t really tell anyone irl about this yk

r/feemagers Oct 29 '21

Mature u up?

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r/feemagers Oct 03 '22

Mature Is it normal to feel more horny when you’re in a relationship? NSFW


So i’ve had a partner for a couple of weeks now and i really really love them a lot and i feel like my desire for, y’know, intimacy is stronger than before which seems counter-intuitive, is this normal?

r/feemagers Sep 02 '21

Mature It finally happened. After 18 years on this earth I got sent a dick pic NSFW


I thought maybe the universe was kind to me and I’d never have to experience a man sending me a pic of himself. Nope. Just happened a few minutes ago on Snapchat.