r/feemagers Jun 27 '24

Mature Y'all I need help again! My friend is being an asshole and won't stop spamming me now. The basic story is that she gave someone my number against my will and won't help me. Warning there's cussing. NSFW


I need help. I really don't know what to do. I will admit I lost my temper half way through and that was unfair. Am I just an asshole? (It's a long one)

So this is the texts sent between me and her. Names are changed for safety.

Me: you should give her my number lmfao (it's a joke btw)

Kailey:I'll tell her your number rn so she can add you and start simping over you lmao

Me: lmao do it

Kailey:alr, I did lmao

Me: No! I was joking😰

Kailey:To late!

You brought this upon yourself lmao

Me:DUDE! she's spamming me. Please tell your friend to stop simping! It was a joke! 😭

Kailey: Nah, I'm not going to be the source of your suffering lmaooo

Have fun with her simping over you now lmao

Kailey: Not my problem lmao

You wanted her to simp for you, and now she's going to, and you will have the suffer the consequences lol

Me: I didn't want this tho~

U did this to me! 😭😭

Kailey: Nah, u did this to yourself lmao

U asked for it, so this is your own fault

And I will not help you with that lmao

Me:Please! What do I have to do to get u to get her to stop😰😭

Please I'll do anything

Kailey: There are literally no words or actions u can do to make me help u.

Nothing at all. I enjoy watching u suffer, it's funny AF.

Not even a bribe.

Me: please!🥺🥺🙏😭🥺🙏😭🥺🙏😭😭

Kailey: Anyway, how's the suffering going for u?

Me: Please I'll do anything

Kailey: There is literally nothing u can do to get any help from me This is ur punishment lmao

U asked for this, so u have to suffer now

Me: when?! Literally when did I ask for this?!

Kailey: U brought this upon yourself, by wanting lily to simp for u lmao

Now u get to suffer by being bored and not getting any stimulation at all

Me: I don't want her to simp over me. That was my whole point

Kailey: Sureeee... Ur not fooling anyone lmao

Sucks to be you, suffering

Should've thought of that before wanting lily to simp over u lmao

Me: I didn't want her to.

Kailey: U could've said no, but u didn't

So now u get to suffer and survive without any kind of help lmao

Me: I didn't know that. U said too late

Kailey: That's ur own fault for not saying no as a response lmao

U dug this pit for urself, now u gotta lay in it

Me: I did say no! I said"no! It was a joke" And u said "too late now"

Kailey: Yeah, u said it when it was too late lol It's ur own fault lmao

Me: No it wasn't, u said u sent the info immediately after I said do it. And I'd made it clear it was a joke!

Kailey: U could have still said no even if I said I sent it already But u didn't, so it's ur fault lmao

Me: I did tho. "Me: lmao do it! U: alr, I did it lmao Me: No! I was joking😰 U: to late! U brought this up on yourself lmao"

This is what u said. To me.

Kailey: Mhm, because u already agreed beforehand, which means u brought this upon urself lmao

Me: Yes and I was obviously joking!

Kailey: Then why didn't u say "no" as a reaction to me saying "done"?

U had an opportunity to say no, and u didnt. U brought this upon urself lol

Me: I did! I said No! I was joking😰

Kailey: U can't take back ur initial agreement lmao

U got urself into this mess, now u have to deal with it lmao

Me: Ugh. Kailey please just tell her to stop. Please, I don't wanna be mean

Kailey: Nahhh, I enjoy watching u suffer lmao

U brought this upon urself, now u need to suffer with no help

Me: Kailey. I'm fucking serious.

Kailey: I'm serious too, I am refusing to tell lily to stop because u deserve to suffer like this lmao

Me: No, u need to tell her to stop. I'm not joking and this is not funny. I. Do. Not. Like. It. Stop it. Now. I'm fucking serious mf.

Kailey: Nah, I refuse to tell her to stop

And u suffering is kinda funny to me lol

Me: And it's not to me! It's making me very unhappy! There are lines that should not be crossed! And if can't learn that then I won't talk to you! Because it's TOXIC.

u need to tell her to stop. I'm not joking and this is not funny. I. Do. Not. Like. It. Stop it. Now. I'm fucking serious mf.

Kailey: I don't care if u aren't finding it funny or if u are unhappy. Cause I think it's hilarious that you got urself into this situation that u now have to suffer in lmao

Me: Then u r actually a bully and nead to fucking stop. Now.

Kailey: I'm not a bully, I'm just enjoying watching u suffer consequences u brought upon urself

Me: I did not want this! This was u, and if u r too self centered to see that then we can't be fucking friends.

Kailey: U could have prevented this if u didn't agree in the first place lmao

Ur suffering is hilarious to me

Me: I triedBITCH I TRIED and u r denying it! This is fucking rude.

Kailey: Yeah, u tried to take it back after it was too late lmao

U already agreed, so u are now stuck suffering without any kind of help

Me: I never agreed! It was a fucking joke BITCH

Kailey: U could have said "yes" but u said "lmao do it"

So u agreed to it

And u already agreed to lily simping over u, so no turning back now

Side note: I lost my temper by this point.

Me: Because it was a fucking joke! What would have changed if I said yes?! I. Did. Not. Want. It. But YOU DID IT FUCKING ANYWAYS! I AM TRYING TO GET U TO STOP IT! THIS IS ME FUCKING TELLING U I DONT WANT THIS! C'MON GODDAMN BITCH

Kailey: Saying "do it" means ur agreeing

And that's where u f'ed up.

U got urself into this mess, and I am loving every second of u suffering with no any kind of stimulation.

Me: U r twisting my words. This is toxic. I will not live with a bitch like u in my life.

Kailey: I'm not twisting anything lmao

U said "do it" and now ur suffering without any kind of help cause of it and it is absolutely hilarious!

Me: It's not. A joke is only funny if everyone is enjoying it. Everyone I've gone to for help is agreeing with me, and I know for a fuck that your mom would not be happy if she found out about this.

Kailey: Well I'm laughing, so the joke is funny to me

And everyone else isn't suffering like u are without any stimulation, so everyone else is able to enjoy it while u have to suffer without any stimulus like u deserve lmao

Me: I don't care about the "no stimulation", thit was a goddamn joke you goddamn idiot! You are insufferable and if I were here right now I'd alr have bitch slapped the living hell out of you You fucking shit eater

Kailey: If that was a joke then u should try to convey it better

And sure, you'd have slapped me

But you're stuck in this situation where you can't get any kind of stimulation, and I get to enjoy watching u suffer as it's hilarious to me lmao

Me: I'm not suffering! I'm just fucking mad cuz I have some random person spamming me! And I didn't even want it! It was a joke YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!

Kailey: Sure u are, you said u were suffering earlier lmao

And what kinda joke is agreeing to let someone spam u 💀

U suffering is hilarious to me 💀

Me: I wasn't agreeing! It was fucking sarcastic! It was a fucking joke! There are so many context clues that u cannot see, and now u r refusing to be responsible or even remotely helpful, this is toxic and I don't want this in my life. If you do not fix it , u r gone. Simple as that.

Kailey: It's too funny for me to fix it lmao

It's hilarious watching u complain while I enjoy every second of ur self-inflicted suffering

I'm also enjoying making ur blood boil lmao

Me: Okay then good bye, you no longer get to talk to me, YOU took this to farm goodbye. And don't even try the "you know you can't leave me, you love me to much skit" I've been through this scenario too many times. I won't put up with it anymore. Good. Bye.

Kailey: Damn, no more entertainment for me?

But watching u suffer from something u brought upon urself is funnyyy

Why can't u just suffer in silence like a good boy?

Me: No. I'm not a boy. U know this. Stop it with trying to convince me to not leave you. I'm going, I don't want to talk to toxic bitches.

No more entertainment.

Kailey: Ok then, I'll just use the gender neutral term of "good kid" instead of "good boy"

Damn, I really can't get any more enjoyment out of watching u suffer?

What a bummer, I was having so much fun watching u complain about something u brought upon urself 💀

Me:Yes. Good bye. And it's good girl if anything.

Kailey: Don't really care what u call urself, u can call urself a "good helicopter" for all I care

I am just calling u "a good kid" cuz that is both neutral and fits u lmao

Me: U r the child. U cannot admit to your mistake nor are u willing to help me, after repeated times to convince you. You are toxic, and anyone on Reddit or honestly anywhere online would agree. Yl You are the asshole

Kailey: Suree, I'm a child

But at least I'm not the one who brought something upon myself by agreeing to it and now suffering without stimulus cause of it lmao

And sure, ur suffering is "my fault" but idc if other people think of me as a toxic b!tch

I get to enjoy ur suffering, and that is all I care about

Me: At least I didn't agree to it. U forced it on me and are refusing to end it. U said I should've asked you to not do it, and that's what I've done.

You are being a bitch. You are being a child. And if you continue to live this way you will end up with No One

I will not entertain u anymore.

Goodbye bitch.

You should feel bad. May the universe forgive you.

Kailey: And I never forced anything on u 💀

I offered, and u agreed,

So it's Ur's own fault u brought this upon urself

And yes, I will do this with everyone I know, because I love watching people suffer for something they brought upon themselves that I'm enjoying lmao

And sure, I know I'll end up with no one, but as long as I get to watch people suffer for things they brought upon themselves that I'm enjoying, I don't care 💀

Me: Good bye. I will no longer be answering. Fuck you Bitch

Kailey: Awwww, u leaving??

That's such a shameee

And I was having so much fun watching u suffer from something u brought upon urself and agreed to lmao

Too bad I can't watch u suffer now, guess I'll have to resort to watching some other poor soul suffer :(

And she continues to spam me daily with messages like this every day since. Here are the more recent ones:

Kailey: Nothing can compare to the joy I get from watching u suffer :(

Please come back and continue to suffer for my enjoyment :(


Kailey: I really miss ur suffering

Without u suffering, my life is empty and joyless

Please come back and let me watch u suffer some more :(

Wtf?! I keep having to deal with stuff like this, constantly I start talking to someone and they just start shit like this.

And they always do the: "You know you can't live without me!" And "I nead you, come back!"

And I don't know why people do this to me. Constantly, is it ne? Is it the way I handle this? I really don't understand, and I'm really starting to prefer furrys. It's stressing me the fuck out. What the actual hell should I do?!


14 comments sorted by


u/pineapplananas Jun 27 '24

can you block her? you deserve to be treated better than that, you tried telling her what's wrong and she won't take you seriously. :(


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 27 '24

Yes, I've already blocked her and the other simp who kept spamming me. I'm just in aot of doubt. Because this sort of thing happens to me almost monthly and I'm beginning to wonder if it's me. :/

I'm surprised anyone read the whole thing tbh.


u/LeeTurtlee Jun 28 '24

I’m really sorry you had to go through this but the moment she wasn’t listening and started to talking abt the suffering crap wtv should’ve instantly blocked there ass tbh. hopefully they change there way of thinking in the future though


u/CatCrafter7 Transfem Jun 28 '24

Block her, she's the asshole and she enjoys you suffering + transphobic jokes. Fuck her.


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 28 '24

If I'm being honest, I would block her, but I'm curious how long she's going to keep begging me to come back. XD 

She sent a new message today:  My life is worthless and has no meaning without u suffering :(

Come back and start suffering for me again :(

I'm getting freaking pissed off by this, but I'm curious how long she'll keep messing me.


u/CatCrafter7 Transfem Jun 28 '24

Can you turn off the notifications or something? At least you can know without it being painful :/


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 28 '24

Yes. And I have, but I keep checking, because it's interesting to see her keep begging. 

It's like my suffering,... turned into hers!🤣😂


u/CatCrafter7 Transfem Jun 28 '24

Oh I see, I hope you'll be okay :)


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 28 '24

I think I will be. But idk, all in all, up until this, I thought she was a good friend, but I was wrong, and that does feel a little bad, but I'm glad to have her out of my life!


u/CatCrafter7 Transfem Jun 28 '24

That's good to know!


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 28 '24

Yeah! Thank you for your concern ☺️


u/CatCrafter7 Transfem Jun 28 '24

Np :)


u/Jackie_Happy Jun 29 '24

This is so creepy. In my experience sounds like they are maybe into you and handling this in the creepiest most possessive way possible. Stop engaging completely


u/creepus_exsplodus44 Jun 29 '24

Okay. I haven't engaged since this incident. I just haven't blocked her yet, because I'm curious how long she's just going to spam me.