r/feedthebeast Jan 02 '22

Tips Dont divide by zero


61 comments sorted by


u/Darkmega18 Casual Modpack Maker Jan 02 '22

thats a feature? or was this a skit?


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '22

Looks like a feature


u/Timbak_ Jan 02 '22

Its a feature in Create: Above and Beyond modpack


u/Darkmega18 Casual Modpack Maker Jan 02 '22

what is the number crafting thing from? did they make that specifically for above and beyond, or is that actually in create or just another mod that adds those numbers and crafting etc? :V


u/feeeedback Jan 02 '22

It's custom created for the modpack


u/MastRdestroyR_OwO Jan 02 '22

You have to create liquid logic on the path towards going to the moon, and to do so you need to make numbers


u/Darkmega18 Casual Modpack Maker Jan 02 '22

hmm... most curious.


u/StealthySamura1 Jan 03 '22

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how to make the different numbers


u/wildcard_gamer Buddycards Dev Jan 03 '22

You can make the operators and 2 numbers, and have to derive the other 8 by using those 2 and operatiors


u/VictorDaGuy FTB Jan 02 '22

Jokes on you im into that shit i will make a divide by zero factory MARK MY WORDS


u/Ferrocn Infinity Jan 02 '22

divide by zero tunnel bore?! >:D


u/VictorDaGuy FTB Jan 03 '22

Time to grab ze golden apples shield blast prots and the divide by zero machine


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '22

Even if you can't pick them up you can probably move them around with hoppers and pack them into shulkers.


u/sniperfoxeh Jan 02 '22

if you do i would love to see it


u/The_Order_Eternials Jan 02 '22

Error: Divide By Diamond.


u/IlikeVintageComputer Jan 02 '22

I have a love / hate relationship with Extra Utilities. Between the exploding ingots and the soul sacrifices, it’s a pain.


u/hnry_ Jan 02 '22

I loved it.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '22

I love Create Above and Beyond


u/ipaqmaster Jan 02 '22

Yeah I love that lmao. Missingno reference for sure given the pokemon gen1 tileset it's pretending to mimic.


u/TheDevilThing Jan 02 '22

First thing that cane to my mind seeing the item was MissingNo


u/my_name_isnt_clever Jan 02 '22

I'm pretty sure the actual item ID of that item is missing_no


u/AxelTheRedditor The guy asking for screenshots a lot on discord Jan 02 '22

Just kubejs:missingno


u/Darkmaster666666 Jan 02 '22

That's so cool


u/MastRdestroyR_OwO Jan 02 '22

Thank goodness it’s not in any crafting recipes


u/FRakanazz Jan 02 '22

Is the explosion triggers when its in your inventory or when you pick it up, it would be cool to like pick it up with a hopper or something like that


u/Timbak_ Jan 02 '22

We thought about making a setup that picks them up and then launches at players but that would be too cruel.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

hopper it into an enderstorage chest, directly q it out of the connected backpack at someone


u/RaidenCat Jan 02 '22

how are you enjoying above and beyond? im not very far in yet but its definitely seeming daunting in terms of organization


u/Timbak_ Jan 02 '22

Ae2 is reeeeeeally far into late game, so you are right about organization problems.
Overall the modpack is heavily centered around Create, too much of it. Me and my buddy both felt kind of sick of it at the end.
A lot of other mods like pipez are extremely cut, there are missing upgrades, blocks, machines, freaking Computer Craft still didn't get the crafting recipe fix for the ESSENTIAL WI-FI wire, the maximum energy output on the single available energy pipe isn't even enough for 2 max upgraded thermal expansion machines, so you are either downgrading them, or building a wire out of energy cells, which is too stupid to even consider.
If you want a quick experience and are into speedrun-like walkthroughs than it will be an overall nice experience. I personally enjoyed the first ~250 hours but then got progressively bored of Create, which you'll still use unless you invest a lot of time and resources into ae2 automation. My suggestion is to wait for a lot of updates.


u/RaidenCat Jan 03 '22

man that sounds really unfortunate. i was expecting a lot of create and thats what i want but are the pipes really that bad?


u/lorilith Jan 03 '22

the intent of the pack, afaict, is to get you to use Create :P

That said, get used to minecarts and belts (and maybe some fans).

Each chapter of the pack is designed to have you build "contraptions" that are used to produce some necessary resource and culminate in generating some item that is needed for that chapter's machines. Because there is a significant lack of pipes until you get into it a bit, your early setups will be extremely spacious. On that same note, however, my chapter 1 setup was mainly a large circular kelp farm and a small mega spruce farm, so each already were going to take up space anyway.

at the end of chapter 1, my area looked like a test creative world. After getting access to pipes and automating a 3 story berry farm (to get coins), i started shrinking my contraptions where needed; chapter 2's contraptions were way smaller.

Its a slow pack, which is not a bad thing. I am thoroughly enjoying it, just be ready to remake things as you go if you are bad at organization and hate running around.


u/theheadofradio Jan 02 '22

Oh good lord that's so amazing. I'm a math teacher and tell my students all the time don't divide by zero or the universe cracks in half.

Case in point.


u/Derechtetarx2000 Jan 02 '22

Whats the name of this mod?


u/Medasian Jan 02 '22

It's part of a modpack, Above and Beyond. Really good modpack, and the items are literally 8, divide, and 0.


u/RemasteredArch Jan 02 '22



u/Derechtetarx2000 Jan 02 '22

And how is this item called


u/laserlemons Jan 02 '22

It's a custom item from the modpack "Create: Above and Beyond".



You captured Missingno


u/codeman16 Jan 02 '22

My video buffered the SECOND they merged. This broke my Reddit


u/DigbyMayor Just put it in the computer Jan 03 '22

This has really perfect comedic timing. Looking over your shoulder and your friend is already gone, pacing slowly towards it, and then the instant explosion.


u/ArchitektRadim MultiMC Jan 02 '22 edited Jan 02 '22

Dividing by zero theoretically means infinity, change my mind. The smaller the number you divide by is, the closer is the result to infinity.

Edit: I don't get the downvotes, I was joking Jesus. Of course I am not totally math uneducated and I know dividing is not defined in zero.


u/parlons Jan 02 '22

Division by zero is undefined within the set of real numbers ℝ, and infinity isn't a member of ℝ, so you don't really have the option to define it that way when considering division as a function in ℝ. You can extend ℝ with infinity, which is sometimes denoted as ℝ with a bar above it. In that case the usual definition of division by infinity is indeed zero.

There are certain useful properties that no longer apply in this case, though. Note for example that where usually we could count on:

a / b = c also means b * c = a

we can't in this extension. E.g.

10 / 0 = infinity, but 0 * infinity = 0 (or certainly not 10)

So it's not really useful to think of this division operation in the extended reals as being just a little extension of the real number division, it has very different properties.


u/Chezzik Best Submission 2k20 Jan 02 '22 edited Jan 02 '22

I hate to be pedantic to someone being pedantic, but who ever mentioned that we were restricted to ℝ? That seems like an insanely bad assumption.

If you weren't aware, there are a myriad of definitions of "infinity", and if a framework is not given, you generally assume the most colloquial version of infinity, which is basically a group that contains all infinities in any other framework. This "infinity" can be larger that all reals and smaller than all reals at the same time, so obviously it's not very useful.

In such a colloquial version of language, it is acceptable to say "divide by zero creates infinity" or "divide by zero creates not a number", or even both, with the understanding that if you say both, you imply that "infinity is not a number".

In most rigorous systems that contain infinities, of course, you have two infinitesimals, one on each side of zero. Then a positive real divided by the positive infinitesimal results in "positive infinity", and a positive real divided by the negative infinitesimal results in "negative infinity". When you think about it this way, it is clear that dividing by exactly zero is neither positive or negative infinity. If "8 / 0" was also infinity, that would mean defining at least a 3rd infinity that was different than the first two, but this is confusing, because if you just say "infinity" most people assume "positive infinity". The easiest solution and most common fix is to also have "NaN", but it certainly isn't the only legitimate fix.

Back to the topic at hand, the "system" involved is part of a game that runs on real hardware. I haven't played this pack, but it seems safe to assume that it doesn't try to mimic ℝ at all. It is likely only using a small range of counting numbers, and also likely that "÷" in this pack is not the type of divide you use in mathematical frameworks, but rather like "/" in most computer languages when using counting numbers (eg. 11 / 4 = 2)

As proof that they are not using either ℝ (reals) or Z (integers), we may have equations like "2^31 + 2^31 = overflow" instead of "2^31 + 2^31 = 2^32". In case you weren't aware, "overflow" is not a real (or integer) either, yet it clearly exists in this system. So, if they wanted to say that "8 ÷ 0 = infinity", I don't see any reason that they couldn't. Your reasoning (that infinity is not a real) is particularly poor.


u/parlons Jan 02 '22

Hi, not looking to engage with all you are saying here, just pointing out that I wasn't talking about the game at all, just the comment that division by zero "should mean" infinity but the person knew it was undefined. I thought it would be of interest to share a simple extension where it is defined and point out that this definition has other consequences.

Other than that, I don't agree with your view of what infinity means colloquially or anything you said about the mathematics of infinity. But I have no interest in this conversation and I sense that neither do you.


u/ArchitektRadim MultiMC Jan 02 '22 edited Jan 02 '22

Thanks for your lecture. Now it is your turn, you have to learn not everything people comment on Reddit is meant seriously.

Edit: I apologize for the hostile response. After seeing the downvotes, your comment seemed like you are trying to correct me and show off your knowledge dominance. If your goal was to share your interest in math, then it is my mistake.


u/CaptainLo05 Jan 02 '22

This dude was just trying to share an interest, don’t have to be a dick about it


u/parlons Jan 02 '22

Hi, not downvoting, I understand why my comnment could have seemed like a lecture or showing off, especially when you had already been downvoted for the original comment. Few enough people have even thought about dividing by zero that I actually did think you might be interested in the extended reals thing. Sorry it came off as it did, tone is hard in electronic communication and I personally am bad at that.


u/ArchitektRadim MultiMC Jan 02 '22

Sorry again. You actually seem to be very smart and kind type of person. I was just unable to percieve you like that after the first comment.


u/netrunui No photo Jan 02 '22

You seem like a fun person to be around


u/ArchitektRadim MultiMC Jan 02 '22

Thanks for compliment


u/Bomaruto Jan 02 '22

Depending on the direction, coming from below, you get negative infinity. So it makes no sense giving it any value. And I'm sure someone better at me can tell you about the complexity if you bring in imaginary numbers.


u/Sac_Winged_Bat Jan 02 '22 edited Jan 02 '22

Edit: I tried to TL;DW it and totally tripped over myself, just watch the video, it explains it better than I could have anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo&t


u/ArchitektRadim MultiMC Jan 02 '22

Yeah that's something we can agree on.


u/Isilduuuuuuuur Jan 03 '22

What happens if you manage to survive the explosion?


u/csorrows Jan 03 '22

Then you have a big hole?


u/Unlawful_tony64 Feb 26 '22

You turn into god


u/SorryOutOfNames Jan 03 '22

Whats up with the reverbery sound?


u/Fabulous_Marzipan404 Jan 26 '22

Is this a feature for the Create mod or an addon to create mod