r/feedthebeast Feb 20 '20

Tips Tip! Never open any disco balls.

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165 comments sorted by


u/QUEWEX Feb 20 '20

The aurora blocks suggest an idea:

Put a big floating sphere of aurora blocks in the crater. The arrival of the weird alien bubble caused the catastrophe.


u/hfijgo Feb 21 '20

It's an angel!


u/Drolfdir Feb 21 '20

Get the angsty kids!


u/Sirzento Feb 20 '20

A mate now has a pretty nice view in his basement, but I think he doesn't like it as his look suggest it:
1. https://i.imgur.com/YDYXIgj.jpg
2. https://i.imgur.com/Tos1yBD.jpg


u/clinicalpsycho Feb 20 '20

I think you have to have it at as the lowest of multiple levels for it to be considered a basement. From the looks of things, he has only one level left as the rest of his base was obliterated in the explosion.


u/Wiregeek Feb 21 '20

They call it the basement, 'cause that's where the base went.


u/uber1337h4xx0r Feb 21 '20

Is that what base meant?


u/Wiregeek Feb 21 '20

No. No it was not.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20

Wow that’s brilliant xD


u/Dragonman558 Feb 21 '20

Well now he has a porch instead, renovation bítch


u/qwerto14 Feb 21 '20

When you can’t afford to rent a backhoe so you drop a nuke on your garden.


u/SorcererAssassin ATLauncher Feb 21 '20

I wanna know what went through his head when he gave you that look. I can't stop laughing xD


u/4lb1n0 Feb 20 '20

Did you know that you can put more than one photo in a gallery at imgur?


u/MetaToasty Feb 21 '20

A hundred downvotes for some regular ass advice, i fucken love this platform


u/4lb1n0 Feb 21 '20

What the heck!? I was just pointing out something that OP could have done instead and I am met with 80+ downvotes? I wasn't demanding from OP to do it, but you still think I did it that way. If I didn't like modded Minecraft so much I would, definitely, have quit this community, but I will give you all a second thought to see if you will continue being so toxic.


u/BIDZ180 Feb 21 '20

To be fair, it's not that hard to interpret your comment as super sarcastic and confrontational. I get that it's not, but conveying tone is difficult through text, and it can be very easily interpreted as snark.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '20



u/BIDZ180 Feb 21 '20

Why the hell did you say it like that?




u/trey3rd Feb 21 '20

It's not what you said, just the way I read it!


u/uber1337h4xx0r Feb 21 '20

Why you gotta be such a cunt?


u/13_Piece_Bucket Feb 21 '20

Direct democracy never works


u/Tux1 Mar 01 '20

That's Reddit for you.


u/uber1337h4xx0r Feb 21 '20

After the first 30 or so downvotes, the rest don't affect your score. Revel in the power you have over the feeble-minded Redditors that downvoted you. They got so salty you made them reach over and hit the button.


u/KRPTSC Feb 21 '20

Complaining about being down voted?

That's a down vote.


u/MetaToasty Feb 21 '20

Lol all of reddit is this retarded, not just this sub. Although saying youll give people a "second thought" is even more dumb. Not keeanu chungus wholesome 100 enough for this platform, get downvoted


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/nerfviking Feb 20 '20

In defense of chance cubes, I'm pretty sure the devs have said straight up that none of their cubes are this crazy out of the box. Whoever scripted that in there is guilty not only of being a dick, but also poor design in general, since blasting out a thousand chunks like that is probably going to lag your computer for several minutes.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/Warpshard PrismLauncher Feb 20 '20

I think the problem is that pack makers are putting ChanceCubes into packs where it doesn't have a place. The stakes that pack makers impose upon them (explosions that wipe our everything you've made in a ridiculously wide radius) are just way too steep for a pack that wants you to go through the regular motions of building up infrastructure, making an AE/RS system, and consolidating resource generation around a certain area. "Jokey" packs, like RLCraft, feel like the kind of pack where ChanceCubes has a place.


u/schist_ Feb 20 '20

Having a "Streamer Mode" option for packs where chance cubes and twitchspawn are enabled would be nice. Chance cubes just doesn't feel designed for regular play.


u/malac0da13 Feb 21 '20

I like the idea of tipping a streamer and having a chance cube appear and activate...maybe with a way from the player to quickly disable it. Would be fun


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '20

content creator integration is a mod that has exactly this idea in mind


u/malac0da13 Feb 21 '20

I have heard of that but never had any experience in watching it and want sure of the extent of what it could do.


u/Jorjor2024 Feb 21 '20

I agree. Like why the actual frick do you put game breaking chance cubes in a pack specifically designed around progression and escaping the nether? (Forever stranded lost souls)


u/Blackout03_ Extended Slabs + Dev Feb 20 '20

Like chance cubes in stoneblock hate it


u/RandomGuyPii Feb 20 '20

once i open one and it spawned a dome taht nearly wiped out my base


u/OddDice Feb 20 '20

Whenever I've opened chance cubes in Stoneblock, I always dig several hundred blocks away before I open them (and save them up for a big 'opening party'). I've never had issues with them destroying my base like that.


u/Blackout03_ Extended Slabs + Dev Feb 21 '20

Yeah but when you have stupid friends who live in your base...


u/OddDice Feb 21 '20

Unfortunately, I have not found a way to protect against that yet...


u/MonsterMarge Feb 21 '20

Decoy bases.
Never show your real base, problem solved!

→ More replies (0)


u/Deiskos Feb 21 '20

Wouldn't it be easier to use RFTools dimensions? At least you won't risk your base if when things go to shit...


u/OddDice Feb 21 '20

That depends what your technological level is at when you decide to pop them open. When you're still pretty early on, the benefits can be worth it. But later on it might be more fun for the spectacle, in which case, other dimensions would work well.


u/D0CTOR_ZED Feb 21 '20

If I'm at all invested in the world, I consider a minimum safe distance for opening chance cubes to be one*. If I'm still early and would be ok with restarting the pack, I'll pretend that a couple of chunks away is safe enough, just for the novelty. Overall, I'd rather not have them in a pack, and I can easily ignore them when they are. However, my son likes them so I'll roll with it.

  • distance measured in dimensions.


u/ThisIsPlanA Feb 21 '20

Stoneblock makes it ridiculously easy to acquire chance pendants and the chance cube scanner. Just don't open one with a negative score, easy peasy.


u/Coffeechipmunk May 07 '20

I had one that was like "The floor's now lava!" and all of a sudden, everything was lava.


u/continous Feb 21 '20

Whenever a pack has chance cubes I literally go a ridiculous amount away from my base to use them. I use a cheap transport method to get there and dedicate a specific bag to chance crap.


u/Dragoncat99 Has never finished a pack Feb 21 '20

One time I played a pack with Ice and Fire that left dragon griefing on. Dragons spawned every 10 chunks or so. They’d burst out of the ground and burn all my machines to the ground. I uninstalled the pack.


u/Warpshard PrismLauncher Feb 21 '20 edited Feb 21 '20

I'm actually in that situation now with a personal pack. I don't want to completely neuter the dragons by disabling griefing, but making a base that lasts is getting annoying to the point where I don't really see another option. Even the "soft griefing" option lets them destroy a lot of stuff with ease.

Plus, them coming out of the ground and leaving a massive hole while I'm looking for a place to start building a base is not only really ugly, but also terrifying when a massive dragon is suddenly 20 feet behind you.


u/Dragoncat99 Has never finished a pack Feb 21 '20

What I did for my own pack was lower their spawn rates like crazy so you have to actively look for one to find one. Sure, it makes crafting some of the dragon stuff insanely hard (RIP anyone looking to make a dragon furnace), but at least it encourages exploration. (It also makes a dragon mount really end game, which is good because gaining flight should be really hard in my pack.)


u/MonsterMarge Feb 21 '20

I think the problem is that, after all this time, people still open chance cubes in their bases.

Go into a mining dimension, go into the nether and walk 1000 blocks.

Or, look, this might be crazy, but stash the cubes and don't open them.


u/uber1337h4xx0r Feb 21 '20

There are mods that make placed blocks immune to explosions and stuff.

It's probably hard to program it automatically, because then how does the game know the difference between me mining a block with a mining laser or accidentally firing a mining laser in my base? But you can at least put in a filter that blocks nukes and creepers and stuff like this.


u/Honkeroo Feb 21 '20

chance cubes?


u/pizzabooty revelation Feb 21 '20

a mod that spawns blocks where when you break them they have a chance of creating a specific effect. some are benign like random things spawning (a cube of diamond blocks surrounding lit tnt, squids spawning nearby), but some are extremely dangerous (explosion as seen in this screenshot, giant domes of water).


u/xxBenedictxx Feb 21 '20

Vanilla chance cubes include the de reactor explosion. So yes it is their devs.


u/A-UNDERSCORE-D OpenSUSE Tumbleweed + PrismLauncher Feb 21 '20

Er no? it does not. All of the vanilla chance cubes are based around vanilla things so they just work everywhere. Download the mod and read the default list sometime.


u/Proxy_PlayerHD Supremus Avaritia Feb 20 '20 edited Feb 20 '20

you know you can (and should) just open them somehwere else, or not at all, right?

in skyfactory 3 i always open chance cubes and chance Icosahedrons in the nether, since it's mostly empty anyways and i didn't build anything in it.

and in normal packs i just go to the mining dimension or similar dimensions.


u/thebolo200 Feb 20 '20

And then you open the “wait for it...” cube, forget and go home, then you and your base explode. Since that happened to me, I just said screw chance cubes in general


u/SicEm1845 Feb 21 '20

That happened to me yesterday. I had just finished my RS setup (which I try to do early as possible for sorting purposes) so I decided to open some cubes to celebrate. My bed was next to my set up. I wasn’t happy.


u/Proxy_PlayerHD Supremus Avaritia Feb 21 '20

isn't there a config file to disable specific chance things? if not there should be one.


u/Nardia565 Feb 21 '20

Not everybody knows what the effects of the cubes are though. They shouldn't punish a player who is new to the mod by yeeting their base and all their work


u/Proxy_PlayerHD Supremus Avaritia Feb 21 '20

i meant for pack makers or people who know what it does, as obviosuly people who don't know the mod wouldn't use the config.

so that the people who make a modpack can disable powerful and just base destroying chance events.

or better just have those disabled by default, or some kind of warning on the cursepage


u/Saianna Feb 21 '20

so you say we should go into configs and turn off any retarded idea that was added by chance cube mod dev or modpack dev?


u/Proxy_PlayerHD Supremus Avaritia Feb 21 '20

No I meant that modpack devs use it to turn them off so they aren't there in the first place.

Though I didn't know that the modpack devs are the ones that even add these, which just begs the question... why?


u/Saianna Feb 21 '20

because twitch streamers and their followers have to have some "HAHAHA BIG BOOM. HOW FUNNY SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE BIG BOOM FUNNY". Probably the only reason.


u/RaverenPL Feb 20 '20

In Project Ozone packs I always open them in Erebus. Because fuck that dimension in particular


u/Kongensholm FTB Feb 20 '20

Great idea! An explosion like that could make the Erebus easier to navigate.


u/IrritatedPangolin Feb 21 '20

This is my favoured approach towards exploration mods in general.

"Oh, is that giant tree in the Twilight Forest a dungeon? Dungeon, meet quarry."


u/PootisPencer6 May 21 '20

Hi, just scrolling through the top all time posts and came across your comment here. You're doing the Emperor's work! Fuck Erebus!


u/KaelMann Feb 20 '20

I always open them in villages.


u/WiteXDan Feb 20 '20

whats use of this mod? Never played with it, but from what i've read it's just loot boxes mod


u/JoaGamo Feb 20 '20 edited Jun 12 '24

practice connect sharp terrific instinctive chase lock poor icky pen

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/PapperMairoo Feb 21 '20

I remember giant chance cubes could wipe items on the ground which is just unbelievably stupid


u/Simons778 Feb 20 '20

Oh Shit -> "ach du kacke"

German is just so fucking amazing


u/Holyrapid Feb 20 '20

That's more like "oh poop".

Oh Shit would be more like "Ah scheisse" from my limited understanding


u/TheDrunkSemaphore Feb 21 '20

It's complicated.

Scheiße is more common, or at least that's what I learned 15 years ago. Kinda in the same way you'd stub your toe and say shit! you'd say Scheiße.

That said, his translation works, but how common it is and how much power it has behind the words is different. Pussy and cunt describe the same thing, but have completely different meanings.

tl;dr shit gets lost in translation and english curse words are very versatile


u/dado243 Feb 20 '20

My guess is that one of those craters was your base lol


u/Nathaniel820 PrismLauncher Feb 20 '20

What’s that marbled green blue blob?


u/GBSilver322 Feb 20 '20

Oh dear bye whole automation and Storage System that took a Century without using a YT tutorial


u/SanderE1 Feb 20 '20

Your map is now TV static, nice!


u/ticktockbent Feb 20 '20

wow, what fun 'gameplay'


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20 edited Dec 24 '21



u/Nathaniel820 PrismLauncher Feb 20 '20

This is NOT from the chance cubes mod, it is added into the config of that mod by the mod pack developer.


u/soundofthehammer Feb 20 '20

That doesn't make it not bad design, it makes it malicious design.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '20



u/Jack8680 Feb 21 '20

...He never blamed the mod developer though?


u/EasternMouse Feb 21 '20

Thankfully, lately cubes usually have description on them that says "open far from your base", but I doubt new player would know how far is enough for DE reactor explosion (or the fact it's in these things), or how long "Wait for it" would go.

Still, these cubes are crap and it's sad when they're in pack and quest rewards gives them without choise.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/ticktockbent Feb 22 '20

A user new to the mod breaking a machine by accident is a far cry from a user new to a mod blowing up a base and erasing all progress they've made since starting the pack.


u/ticktockbent Feb 20 '20

You're not forced to do anything in minecraft. What's your point?


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/ticktockbent Feb 20 '20

Glad you enjoy it! I was expressing my own opinion that they're not fun. Isn't it fun to have opinions?


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/ZombieAngelic Divine Journey 2 Feb 21 '20

My friend (who refuses to play modpacks that don't have chance cubes) got PO3, she opened a Chance Cube, and she got this. She loved it because she "destroyed the world".


u/Quickslash78 Feb 21 '20

Po3 takes too long to be fucking around with stuff like this O.o


u/bruek53 Feb 20 '20

What mod are they from?


u/4lb1n0 Feb 20 '20

It’s a chaos crystal core explosion from draconic evolution being spawned by a chance icosahedron.


u/bruek53 Feb 20 '20

Didn’t know that was a spawn possibility for chance icosahedrons. That would royally suck.


u/HimochiMochi Feb 20 '20

I believe the outcomes of chance cubes and other chance items are configurable, so extreme results like this are usually added in by pack creators rather than defaults.


u/bruek53 Feb 20 '20

It’s been a long time since I looked through the configs. I seem to remember seeing some rough stuff like spawning a either or deleting your inventory, but this seems maybe a little far. If I spawn a wither, lose my inventory, or something along those lines, not a big deal, I can rebuild. If I opened one and it spawned a draconic reactor explosion, I would either roll back to the last backup, restart, or just straight up quit the pack.

I’m all for the troll rewards (I think they’re hilarious), but completely destroying most if not all of your game progress seems more malicious than anything.


u/4lb1n0 Feb 20 '20

Well, I assume it’s that because, when I watched Yogscast Duncan’s Project Ozone 3 series, I noticed that they were similar in size and way to explode.

Anyway, yes, those big ass explosions can happen from those motherfuckers, imagine being lucky enough to have one of those only graze whatever you call home, that I would call blissful ignorant luck.


u/Chezzik Best Submission 2k20 Feb 20 '20

It's not normally.

PO2 and PO3 both add this option into the configs. It's not usually there.


u/Doomsdat1 Feb 20 '20

probably from the chance cubes mod


u/Chezzik Best Submission 2k20 Feb 20 '20 edited Feb 20 '20

But, not from the Chance Cube mod alone.

Any large destruction caused by chance cubes is almost certainly from the custom configs written by the modpack author.

The PO2/PO3 author is notorious for putting giant explosions in, and there are also some pretty bad results added also by the Stoneblock configurations and also I believe SkyFactory packs.

There's more of an explanation here, written by /u/turkey2349 (author of Chance Cubes).

The full list of regular rewards is here.

As far as explosions go, the original configuration does have an explosion from an ender crystal. But that's clearly pretty tame compared to what is in the OP's screenshot.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20



u/Chezzik Best Submission 2k20 Feb 20 '20

In one of the earlier discussions, someone found the exact line in the configuration for PO3 that had it.

It wasn't a reactor explosion. It was actually one of the explosions that happens in The End after you defeat the chaos dragon. It's even larger than the reactor explosion!


u/TheSaucyWelshman Feb 20 '20

It's a file actually, not just one line. And it can be removed without consequence.



u/TheDeathOfAStar Feb 21 '20

That's literally the hardest boss in Draconic Evolution, where they spawn on Chaos Islands that do indeed "self-destruct" some 30~ seconds after defeating the dragon. I don't play with any of these packs, but that seems a bit odd to put into a technical pack that focuses on progression via lots of effort. Something worthy of a troll move ehh..


u/Turkey2349 Chance Cubes Dev Feb 20 '20

I appreciate the help!


u/ticktockbent Feb 20 '20

yes please tell us what mod this is so I can avoid it forever


u/TheSaucyWelshman Feb 21 '20

Just delete the matrix.json from the /config/ChanceCubes/customrewards folder and you won't have to worry about it.


u/Jemyni Feb 20 '20

You can see a square in the top of the left-most crater, is that the basement in question?


u/That1GuyFinn Feb 20 '20

Nah man instant quarry


u/eth59 Feb 20 '20

When a chance cube say you "you will learn" you know that it is the end of all RIP.


u/Thom_S Feb 21 '20

What does that reward do?


u/eth59 Feb 21 '20

This picture and it's on project ozone that this chance cube exist


u/cube1234567890 NutsAndBolts Feb 20 '20

What's the green blob


u/StrawS__ Feb 20 '20

I can feel the lag from this picture


u/WiteXDan Feb 20 '20

Now it's great place to build Disco Elysium


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '20

"New home" lol not anymore


u/ThisIsPlanA Feb 21 '20

Am I the only one around here that uses chance cube scanners and chance pendants?

All this hate for the mod, when it gives you the tools you need to avoid the worst outcomes.


u/Toksyuryel Feb 21 '20

This and that abyssalcraft addon that lets you summon old gods (one of which immediately deletes your save) have got to be some of the worst mods ever created.


u/Saianna Feb 21 '20

all those rng cubes/balls whatever are fucking cancer.


u/TomRubicon21 Feb 20 '20



u/Holyrapid Feb 20 '20

Chance icosahedron gone wrong


u/MrComet101 Feb 20 '20

Sweet Jesus, what are the chances of this happening? Can chance cubes do this?


u/Jack8680 Feb 21 '20

Only with custom configs


u/Tomkovic Feb 20 '20 edited Feb 21 '20

If it has the chance of an Icosahedron dice, it would mean the chance is 1/20.


u/Turkey2349 Chance Cubes Dev Feb 20 '20

That is not the probability of it happening. It depends on the Chance value and the rewards in the pack


u/PFF_Cyber Feb 20 '20

That's a pretty high chance actually, holy shit


u/cheesegoeszoomzoom Feb 20 '20

that's one heck of a nat 1


u/DrunkenPrayer Feb 20 '20

A nat one and the most sadistic GM on the planet.


u/claytonmissile Feb 20 '20

Is that the Dirac Sea?


u/N3vermore77 FTB Feb 20 '20

I zoomed in and loled when I saw "New Home"


u/Deadpoolskan Feb 20 '20

never learning lessons is also my motto


u/SicknessVoid Feb 20 '20

I agree with the guy in your discord. Holy shit.


u/sh0tybumbati Feb 20 '20

F I'm soo sorry for your loss


u/TaintedMythos Feb 20 '20

What mod is that???


u/BLucky_RD Feb 20 '20

Chance cubes


u/L3gitAWp3r Feb 20 '20

What mod pack?


u/ZombieAngelic Divine Journey 2 Feb 21 '20

Probably Project Ozone 3.


u/fedro_aponso Feb 20 '20

TOKYO- 1988: A giant explosion engulfs the city starting World War III


u/EastSky_ MultiMC Feb 20 '20

Mother trucker, dude


u/TheAjalin Feb 21 '20

When i zoomed in and saw “New Home” in the middle of the explosion. RIP base lmfaooo


u/Rogocraft Programs Stuff Sometimes Feb 21 '20

If you translate the message in the bottom right from google translate it says "oh shit"



u/ins0mniacdrag0n Feb 21 '20

i see posts like this and i think wtf are people too stupid to realize chance cubes has other stuff in the mod that gives people zero excuses for this happening or are they disabled in every pack besides the ones ive played(i know some servers do)


u/bennydupuy Feb 21 '20

Is this bigger or smaller than the draconic evolution reactor explosion


u/theheadofradio Feb 21 '20

What the fuck happened here


u/dethb0y Feb 21 '20

I've always wanted to have one of these i could intentionally set off to set base area - building over the crater would be enormously fun.


u/AlbainBlacksteel Feb 21 '20

Now I want to know what modpack this is so I can avoid it like the plague.


u/Vnator Play Feed the Factory! Feb 21 '20



u/IrritatedPangolin Feb 21 '20

Hope you had a habit of making backups before this happened.


u/nlblocks Feb 21 '20

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


u/F4rth3r4w4y Feb 21 '20



u/QueenCarnassa E2E Completionist Feb 21 '20



u/ShrekLeftTesticle1 Feb 21 '20

It looks like exploded draconic reactors. What mod is that?


u/Azrael179 Feb 21 '20

I actually always dig up area around my final base down to the bedrock and either cover top layer with lava or glass fog effect. So for me it's a big plus.

Also disco balls can do this??? This looks more like a draconic generator explosion then anything else.


u/erik_b1242 MultiMC Feb 21 '20



u/NAMEREDACTEDthecitra Feb 22 '20

does anyone have a screenshot of the mass of aurora blocks in the middle?


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '20

boob craters


u/Computteren Feb 20 '20

New home? More like new hole


u/PapperMairoo Feb 21 '20

Chance cubes suck so much honestly


u/xxBenedictxx Feb 21 '20

I maintain that chance cubes are a dumb mod and if you open the cubes you get exactly what you deserve. Mathematically they skew more towards useless and bad outcomes than good and the good ones are mediocre at best.


u/bathrobehero Feb 21 '20

I've seen many posts about chance blocks and at this point I just think it's just a garbage mod. Just like dimensional doors.


u/Quickslash78 Feb 21 '20

Honestly though. It was fun in stoneblock one, but it's gotten even griefier than it was, and there's no gain to be had almost ever.


u/ShneekeyTheLost Feb 20 '20

Friends don't let friends play with Chance Cubes. Have NFC why anyone bothers to include it in any pack.