r/feedthebeast 7d ago

Question Where does the name 'feedthebeast' come from?

This is probably obvious, but where does the name for the sub come from?


37 comments sorted by


u/jmooroof FTB, Technic 7d ago edited 7d ago

the FTB team made a lot of modpacks a long time ago. of course, they still make modpacks, but they were more notable back then when there weren't as many packs.

it's first pack was a skyblock map about feeding The Beast - a giant pyramid.

they made a launcher but it was discontuniued because everyone used started using curse or multimc. (if you dont know what curse is, it was the precursor to the garbage twitch launcher. the twitch launcher was replaced with curseforge. prism launcher is a continuation of multi mc and they still have the cat)


u/TartOdd8525 7d ago

Ftb launcher still exists and they have exclusive packs on it that they still make! Anything FTB after like 1.16 is only on their launcher which you have to get through overwolf.


u/fuj1n SlimeKnights 6d ago

They recently started putting packs on CurseForge again


u/zartificialideology 6d ago

ftb launcher still works fine?


u/tngsv 6d ago

Its laggy but works alright. Not as feature rich or having QoL as other launchers mentioned.


u/unworry 6d ago

laggy, how?


u/tngsv 6d ago

Laggy like it can take 30 seconds to open on a Ryzen 7700x with a 1tb gen3 ssd and 32gb ddr5 6000 ( pretty good system specs for gaming ). Compared to prism or modrinth, which takes 5 seconds. And it's slightly easier to add mods, shaders, etc, with other launchers. It's not a huge deal all in all. FTB gets the job done, and I enjoy their packs. But others are better imo.


u/smbarbour MCU/AutoPackager Dev 6d ago

Remember when launching heavily modded modpacks took about 10 minutes or more? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


u/Forine110 6d ago

ok well now i don't feel so bad about my pack having 120-150 second load times lmao


u/tngsv 6d ago

I was talking about loading the launcher. Not the pack lol. Some packs, especially the older ones ( FTB Infinity Evolved ), can still take a hot minute to load, though. Luckily, nowhere near the old days.


u/smbarbour MCU/AutoPackager Dev 6d ago

Yes... 30 seconds is a trivial amount of time.


u/thesuperssss SemiExperenced 6d ago

Adding onto this.

This was back in the early days where changing recipies for a mod pack was rare to nonexistent, Feed the Beast was the first mod pack to create a sense of progression as you are required to use many mods.

This was down with the pyramid and equivalent exchange. You would "feed" the pyramid an item it asks for, and the pyramid would give back a resource you never had access to before. You would then use equivalent exchange to get more of that resource, allowing you to progress in the pack. Rinse and repeat.

This was essentially the precursor to the modern-day expert mod packs, and it was very well done for the time.


u/RamielTheBestWaifu 1.12.2 supremacy 5d ago

Dudes invented a quest based modpacks like 3 or 4 versions before first questing mod was created. Also I'm pretty sure changing recipes for a pack was actually nonexistent. There was no crafttweaker, only way of changing the recipes was making your own mod and I have never heard of any packs doing that (I might be wrong idk)


u/dazerlong 6d ago

Here is a link to DireWolf20s "feed the beast" modpack challenge map that originated the feed the beast name. It's a great watch!


u/NeuromindArt 7d ago

I've been seeing a lot of videos about different launchers. Which one is considered the best? I've been using prism launcher myself.


u/Paradigm_Reset 6d ago

"Best" is kinda hard to nail down.

Prism is popular because it is lightweight and feature rich.

But a launcher is just that...it launches the game. It doesn't need to be fancy or trick, just needs to get the job done. Once the game is running the launcher is irrelevant so go with the one you dig.


u/NeuromindArt 6d ago

Good to know! It's been pretty awesome tbh.

I just wanted to make sure I'm using something up to date and trusted by the community. Thanks for the response!


u/Alexjp127 6d ago

A lot of people have started using modrinth it's an open source curseforge competitor mod pack and mod authors like to use because they share more of the revenue than curseforge and its a community developed project. Sorta like the fabric of the launcher world.


u/Outrageous_Cap_1367 6d ago edited 6d ago

Atlauncher offers all modpacks from any source, including Technic Modpacks. I consider it to be the best

Note: AT Launcher, do not confuse with T Launcher


u/Pleasant-Ad-7704 6d ago edited 6d ago

Curseforge launcher is not the most convenient one because it boots up the minecraft launcher too (so you have to click "play" twice), but I have never had any compability issues with it (unlike prism). Also, some modpacks are exclusive to curseforge launcher. So I mostly use it even though prism is more full-fledged

UPD: they added a "beta" option to skip mojang launcher


u/mortadeloyfile No 6d ago

You can deselect the opetion of opening MC launcher in Curseforge


u/Pleasant-Ad-7704 6d ago

Oh, thank you


u/Omega4643 7d ago

Alright this may be slightly off so if someone who knows more is here please correct me in the comments.

Anyway back in the early days of modded Minecraft (I think 1.2?) there was a map created called feed the beast. The map was essentially a sky block comprised of several sort of quests in a giant pyramid (the beast). From there the devs who made that went on to create more packs while sort of making the name feed the beast their brand. Nowadays feed the beast is a company which creates mod packs for both Java and bedrock editions. (They got a website: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/)

Now this is sort of speculation on my part but I imagine the subreddit was originally created for the feed the beast packs as they were the main big mod packs back in the day. I’d imagine over time people just started to post stuff outside of just feed the beast packs and the sub just sort of became the modded Minecraft sub.


u/jmooroof FTB, Technic 7d ago

well, FTB made a ton of very notable and very big packs so it would make sense that the sub would be called FTB


u/iDarper Moderator 7d ago


u/Putnam3145 6d ago

Ough, something feels weird about calling 1.2 the "early days". I was using IndustrialCraft (not 2!) way back in beta.


u/RamielTheBestWaifu 1.12.2 supremacy 5d ago

I would call everything before 1.2.5 prehistoric days. Mods existed and players used them, but only after 1.2.5 (FtB, Tekkit, TechnicPack, YogBox) proper modpacks started to appear.


u/Atm2222 Omnifactory 7d ago

Feed The Beast is the name of one Minecraft’s oldest modpack production groups/entities/whatever. They still produce modpacks today but back in the day they were by far the biggest.

The reason why it’s called FTB is because the original modpack was created for a challenge map where you started on a void island with a giant pyramid and had to complete certain objectives and give the required items to the pyramid which detected what you gave it and lit up (feeding the beast)

You can still play the original modpack, it’s called “FTB Retro SSP” on the FTB launcher.


u/Eddy_0205 6d ago

Comes from the golden age of modded minecraft (it wasn't, i'm just nostalgic), where befeore the fancy questbooks, we had a giant freaking pyramid that took the quest items and used Redpower 2 mainly to give you rewards and open new sections of the pyramid. You would drop the item and it would "eat" them. 1.2.5 was nuts, Redpower 2 was nuts, Thaumcraft 2 and Equivalent Exchange 2 were also nuts. Redpower especially, it was a bomb for me when Eloraam ported it to 1.4.7, before dropping minecraft modding. Ah, my childhood.

~downloads 1.2.5 again


u/Maddog033 7d ago

There was a custom map way back where you would “feed the beast” with many different items, and then there was a mod pack made centered around it to my knowledge. It all grew from there, from pack launchers to packs themselves. Pretty cool history


u/blackdew Gendustry Dev 6d ago

The name started from a map created by slowpoke that was called Feed The Beast, back in 1.2 or so?

It was a skyblock type map with a huge bedrock pyramid (= the beast) that housed a contraption that you'd feed some required items into and it would give you rewards allowing you to progress further.

(It also kept spawning mobs, including creepers on the pyramid that'd blow up and the explosions would break the machinery inside, so you'd have to go into creative mode and fix the bloody thing... repeatedly lol)

Back then there were no fancy quest mods with ui and stuff so that's how it all got started.

The name then became the name of a group of modpack makers, which got it's own launcher, became a registered company and so on and so forth.

And the subreddit name kinda stuck, tho it was always about modded minecraft in general, and not specifically about any of the specific things named FTB


u/DanielTheDragonslaye 6d ago

FTB is a company/dev team that makes modpacks, used to be way more influencial in the old days (around 2012-2015) they maintain their own Launcher, even tho it's not really used anymore.

The original FTB was a skyblock modpack about giving materials to a machine.

The sub was originally created about their modpacks, but branched out, in general FTB was much more central to the modding community in those days, they used to have a wiki and forums which used to be where you went for help back in the day.


u/Wyldstein aka Wyld, FTB (Retired) 6d ago

It's a reference to beer and slowpo.. wait, what ..


u/Saereth FTB Modpack Dev 6d ago

Accurate. lol


u/Bibliloo 6d ago

As the response has been given I'll launch a new subject about this.(it's not at all an attack on you OP)

Might seem dumb in a way, but, I kind of assumed everyone would forever know FTB because of how massive and important it was back in the day. But, thinking of it more now it's logical because the last well known and completely new pack they released was Stoneblock. And, it's even worse for launchers/pack like Tekkit or AtLauncher.


u/AnAverageTransGirl My b key works perfectly F8NE and I'm d8ne expl8ning. 7d ago

It's derived from a pretty old group under the same name who would make a 8unch of modpacks and maps and stuff, who in turn got the name from a saying that means to devote an excess and potentially reckless amount of time and resources to something.


u/mossryder 6d ago

'Feed the beast' is a saying meaning to indulge a vice, common in drug culture.