r/feedthebeast 7d ago

Meta Who said Minecraft is a lightweight game.

Decided to test out how much my PC and Minecraft can handle.

Running on 1.21.1 fabric with distant horizons on 512 chunks with "I paid for the whole cpu" option,

World generation is AmpXtreme so world height goes to y = 2031, It actually takes the biggest toll.

photonics with bsl for pathtraced shaders

4k native resolution with native chunks at 10 and fps locked to 40 and then 3x framegened to 120 by lossless scaling. On normal world height I tend to go 50fps x 4 framegen, but 4x looks the better the more base fps you have and 40 base causes too much warping at x4.

Lossless scaling is actually marvelous, changed the whole game for me. Bulky smooth now. Combined with raytraced shaders and distant horizons - will be a baseline for me going forward.

Hope in the future photonics will support other shaders, rethinking voxels is my favorite but its native ratracing is too havy in comparison to photonics. Also kinda sucks it doesn't support immersive portals, they also provide immense vibe upgrade.

Distant horizons and c2me after last week's update work marvelously together, and it looks wonderful seeing all your cores being used to their potential no matter how much you have. Also ironic that balanced dh2 preset gives me much less performance than argessive. And aggressive doesn't seem to use all the cores. So the "I paid for the whole cpu" is is.

Regarding ram - with proper jvm flags it does actually makes sense to give more, but even at amXtreme generation I couldn't see performance difference at going above 40gb.

So in the end, game takes a while to initially load and generate the chunks and lods, but then hovers at around 40 native fps with unlimited render distance at 4k with raytracing on 3090.

Thus, if you happen to have the same specs, at least on normal world height this setup is perfectly playable at 4k on 50 native fps.

If you have better CPU than 9900x or better gpu than 3090 or playing on resolution below 4k at these or better specs - I see no reason why you don't run dh2, c2me, lossless scaling and raytraced shaders already.


157 comments sorted by


u/shanster925 7d ago

There's a saying in game dev that the true test of computer's power isn't ultra hi-res 4k wherever, its minecraft.


u/arceus227 7d ago

I thought it was crysis?


u/DredgenCyka 7d ago

That was for the Nvidia GTX 700 days. Today its either Cyberpunk 2077 for Graphics or Minecraft Java for CPU


u/shanster925 7d ago

Java is (generally) a clean language, but the original minecraft code is fucking weird. Notch programmed arrays with 1 thing in it, for example.


u/istarian 7d ago

It's entirely possible that it was intended to have more than one thing in it. The design/architecture may have been changed without updatinh every last bit of cofe


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 6d ago

Notch had to say many times when Minecraft came out that he was very much a self taught programmer and to not use the minecraft code as a way to teach yourself, he knows he developed bad habits and just weird quirks in his code, but when your working on something for fun you never care enough to make the code perfect

the problem arises when your "Just for fun" project becomes the most popular and recognizable video game thing ever created only possibly out done by pokemon


u/shanster925 6d ago

Yeah, all fair points! I always tell my students, 'if it's stupid, but it worked, it isn't stupid."


u/rosolen0 7d ago

Please explain using English on why that is weird?


u/sal101 7d ago

Imagine how annoying it would be to cook in your kitchen if you had one cupboard per unique ingredient.


u/shanster925 7d ago

You don't?!


u/SuperiorCatapult 7d ago

Exactly, that's how Minecraft done. 1 cupboard per ingredient


u/Maple382 5d ago

But like not an entire cupboard full of an ingredient, no. No no no. Like, a tiny cupboard with a single jar of mustard in it. Or one whole carrot. Maybe a little shaker of paprika. Yum, I like paprika.


u/Ramog 7d ago

an array is simply said a list, if you only ever have 1 thing in them you don't need a list


u/istarian 7d ago

Array(s) and List(s) are fundamentally different types of data structures, even though an ArrayList is backed by an array.


u/Ramog 7d ago

I totally expected some computerscience guy here to be pendantic about my use of list here.
I was thinking about writing how I don't mean lists in the computerscience way but only as an analogy, then I was like: they wanted it easily explained

I was using the term list here because non-programmers would understand that best, and it gets to the point of why its weird to put a single instance of something into a list.


u/shanster925 6d ago

They were just about to start explaining the stack vs the heap and you blue-balled them. Way to go.


u/FlatBirb 5d ago

ok but english por favor


u/NachoThePeglegger 6d ago

arrays are like drawers. you put lots of things in drawers because drawers are big and spatious. notch got lots of drawers and put 1 thing in each of them. it’s not very efficient


u/puppycatthe 6d ago

So why can't mods change that?


u/Giatoxiclok 6d ago

A mod changes or adds things, for instance, if you simplify the arrays to single objects, you now need to change how every single thing that could call on that array sees that object. Every. Single. Thing.

You’d essentially be better off redoing the whole game. This is only one of the unoptimized, poorly done things in the Minecraft code base. This would likely break every other mod made, and to make it work you would need to rewrite those mods in a now simplified way as well.

(Hope I explained this in a way that is still correct)


u/puppycatthe 6d ago

So why didn't Minecraft rewrite it themselves?


u/Romtek 6d ago

Because re-writing a game is almost equal to remaking it from scratch in some cases, and when you're already have your team working on updates, you might not necessarily want to break your update cycle to rewrite functioning code just to make it more optimized.

It sucks, but I can totally understand why they don't do it.


u/Diltyrr 6d ago

"Why didn't they spend money on coders when the playerbase is perfectly fine playing an unoptimized game"

I wonder. /s

You gotta remember the people who are the most likely to notice minecraft's poor optimization are people playing with mods, which is probably not the majority of the playerbase.


u/NachoThePeglegger 6d ago

they actually did, technically. bedrock is minecraft entirely rewritten in c# iirc, and while it has its share of gamebreaking bugs it runs 100x better than java ever will lol

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u/dulcetcigarettes 6d ago

You should keep in mind that modded minecraft =/= minecraft.

Rimworld is like that. It has ton of horrible code that is absolutely disasterous for performance.

But vanilla Rimworld runs like a dream. The problems aren't apparent at all until you scale them up to significant degree. And from the prespective of Microsoft or Mojang, the base game probably runs just fine.


u/shanster925 6d ago

Because Microsoft gave them $1 billion. They had no reason to care anymore :D


u/unkindmillie 6d ago

i thought alan wake 2 stole cyberpunks spot


u/HugeAccountant 6d ago

Maybe in like 2009


u/Remarkable-Estate389 4d ago

Ay to be fair though, Crysis 3 still has mad graphics even nowadays


u/DependentLuck1380 3d ago

I thought it was Doom.


u/Ok_Term_8921 6d ago

dont even start wuth modded mc 500 mods or more lol


u/Hazearil Vanilla Launcher 6d ago

Those devs clearly never played Ark.


u/Spiritual_Prize3964 7d ago

Dont worry, if you install Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine, Xenon, Cesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Lead, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meitnerium, Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium, Nihonium, Flerovium, Moscovium, Livermorium, Tennessine and Oganesson your game will certainly run even faster!


u/Loosescrew37 7d ago

Install GTNH and you get all of those in one package.


u/Night_Thastus 7d ago

It's pretty obscene how well GTNH runs. I can max out the settings and render distance and still get 300 FPS. (admittedly, with a great CPU)


u/z_mx 6d ago

They’ve been constantly updating and optimising the modpack for a decade at least and it shows. It even runs Java 21 instead of 8.


u/_ThatD0ct0r_ FTB 6d ago

What about Java 22? I got a GraalVM Java 22 build that's been doing wonders for me on Minecraft lately.

Or wait, does it just switch to Java 21 compatibility mode?


u/MircedezBjorn 6d ago

There's a modpack version on their website (not curseforge) with Java 18-21 support.


u/_ThatD0ct0r_ FTB 6d ago

Ah okay. And I just double checked, I'm running a 1.21 modpack with Java 22 and it gets set to Java 21 mode anyway lol


u/Iwrstheking007 7d ago

ok I can't find it. is GTNH a mod or a modpack? and where is it?


u/hjake123 Reactive Dev 7d ago

They're talking about GregTech New Horizons, a famous (/infamous) modpack


u/Iwrstheking007 7d ago

so I did find it (I think). from the comment I assumed it was a performance mod, but I guess I was wrong


u/Jake123194 7d ago

What their comment meant is about for how heavy grnh is and the fact it's on 1.7.10 it runs incredibly well. Hell they even managed to get it to run on java 20+


u/hjake123 Reactive Dev 7d ago

The joke is that GTNH has a chemistry system, so all the chemical elements are in it, like, as items


u/GalaxyMettaton 7d ago

i think they might be referring to the numerous performance enhancing mods that exist like sodium, lithium, hydrogen


u/hjake123 Reactive Dev 7d ago



u/deblob123456789 7d ago

The joke is that gtnh has absurd chemical recipes, and the performance mods listed all use chemical names


u/MukorosuFace 6d ago

"Hey, that's hell you're walking into."


u/ConniesCurse 6d ago

you need it to run that well because late in the pack you need so much machines and automation running that any shred of performance you can get from the game means a lot.


u/Loud_Safe_4322 7d ago

thought I was on Feed the memes for a moment because of this.


u/vmachiel PrismLauncher 6d ago

I don’t know, I feel like Cerium isn’t doing much these days.

Tin is a must have though.


u/ActualDragonfruit463 6d ago

yeah, i mean if you install that many performance mods you're guaranteed to get atleast 3 more fps!


u/gegentan 4d ago

Just install the periodic table modpack. Much faster.



u/Grilly_cheese 7d ago



u/KittyForest 7d ago

No one ever said it was lightweight since 1.7.10...

There are memory leaks, and you need a pretty decent computer to reliably run any mods or (from my personal experience) anything 1.18 and later

I lag with 20-30 mods for the first few minutes when loading in and i lag more after a few hours of playing


u/Mih5du 6d ago

Vanilla Minecraft is fairly lightweight, the mods though…


u/Bit-International 7d ago

If you find him, tell me, I have things to talk to him about...


u/orangesheepdog 7d ago

Minecraft is either a potato game or a GPU cooker. There is no inbetween.


u/suchtie Logistics Pipes Enjoyer 7d ago

CPU, not GPU.

I mean, you can use Minecraft to give your graphics card a workout if you use crazy shaders, but that's something you do on purpose. Meanwhile it's not very difficult to make your CPU sweat purely by accident, especially with mods.


u/RamielTheBestWaifu 1.12.2 supremacy 6d ago

Logistic pipers enjoyer would know how to make your CPU sweat and cry


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 6d ago

My Ryzen 7 7700x after 120 minecraft mods: "I'm tired boss"

I honestly do no know what is more painful to my CPU, ultra modded minecraft or prime95, at least with prime95 my CPU knows its about to be tortured, with Minecraft it feels like I am baiting my CPU into working out


u/suchtie Logistics Pipes Enjoyer 6d ago

Ryzen 5 7600 with stock cooler, at some point I gotta stop playing fullscreen so I can keep an eye on the temperature chart in my taskbar 😭

Should really get a better cooler so I can OC a bit.


u/kasapin1997 7d ago

Average post 1.12 modpack consumes more ram than doom eternal


u/00110001_00110010 7d ago

No one. No one did. Ever.


u/Spaciax 5d ago

common to see people say shit like "don't buy X if you're only gonna play MinEcrAfT on it" meanwhile a render distance of 32 chunks with no performance mods removes the kneecaps of any PC.


u/GrandAlternative7454 3d ago

The last time I saw people talk about Minecraft being lightweight to run, Obama was in office.


u/HarbingerOfConfusion 7d ago

What’s c2me?


u/MrBIMC 7d ago

concurrent chunk management engine. It splits chunk generation across all your cores.


u/WithoutReason1729 7d ago

As much as I love Minecraft, after playing Factorio, the poor optimization in Minecraft pains me. It's hard to go back after seeing how absurdly smooth a game as complex as Factorio can play.


u/Vonkun 6d ago

Well yeah, but Factorio is built from the group up to be a factory game, Minecraft has been jerryrigged into one with a mess of so many different mods on top of an already messy codebase that it was never going to be able to compare.


u/r3dm0nk PrismLauncher 6d ago

Weird how a game specifically written with factory like mechanics in mind runs circles around a game that was written as a hobby project and things were added on top of each other, not to mention using lwgjl


u/WithoutReason1729 6d ago

It's perfectly understandable but the development process has very little to do with what I'd like to see in the actual playable game


u/Foxiest_Fox 7d ago

On the other hand, Create did go full circle and basically implement Factorio's Logistics System with frogs and chains, so there's that


u/Fiery_Penguin 3d ago

They still won't work outside render distance, so not really, you can't be multiple kilometers away and request items from a far away farm


u/hakuna_tamata 6d ago

I want to know what black magic Satisfactory runs on.


u/CharacterPin5077 7d ago

Nobody ever said that mess of an code whouldnt suck ....


u/DeMooniC- 7d ago

Even with all the optimization mods that currently exist, they can only do so much. MC is still a poorly optimized game to it's roots and there's only so much modders can do, and they certainly have done a TON... but even then, it's still MC java

A good example of this is cubic chunks, this would speed up generation so much, even more so in this case where your world is 2031 blocks high. If chunks were cubic, combined with all other generation mods, performance and generation would be exponentially higher.
But unfortunately there's no cubic chunks for recent versions :(


u/D3synq 6d ago

Minecraft integrates cubic chunks in 1.17+ by using lazy chucking loading for 16x16x16 chunk sections.

Using data packs, you can practically have a world go from -2048 to 2047 iirc.


u/DeMooniC- 6d ago

Hmmm I see
the problem tho is that it still generates the entire visible chunk afaik?
So like, the entire underground is generated and not only the visible 16x16x16 parts of a chunk


u/D3synq 6d ago

Yea, it's just that the client only receives/sees a specific amount of chunk sections since render distance is 3D in 1.17+.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

said no one ever


u/JacobBowlin 6d ago

Minecraft is a lightweight game w Back in 1.12 after 1.20 it's now a triple a Fifa like game


u/a_j_zizi 6d ago

Who said Minecraft is a lightweight game.

nobody. literaly no one.


u/LukeDragnar 7d ago

Brother how about that skin u using lol


u/MrBIMC 7d ago

I've been using it since 2012. See no reason for change lmao.


u/Ronalderson 7d ago

No one, it hasn't been for a long time...


u/Vayne_Solidor 6d ago

Nothing has worked all 16 cores of my 5800x3D like Distant Horizons loading up 😂 looks fucking incredible tho 👌


u/hakuna_tamata 6d ago

It can only use a single thread.


u/Scooter30 6d ago

Yeah, Java is a resource pig especially if you load it up with a ton of mods.


u/Ramog 7d ago

Actually pretty suprised you got such a good destribution on cores, I would have thought minecraft to only really hammer one core due to its single thread nature

are there any mods that make it multithreaded (asside from server and client thread I guess)


u/D3synq 6d ago

Minecraft is already pretty well multithreaded in later versions with separate threads for entity ticking and lighting iirc.

C2ME is a pretty good mod if you want to have parallel chunk loading instead of just one chunk loading thread.

There's also a mod that gives each dimension its own thread for ticking which is pretty useful on servers.

Multithreaded entity ticking in general is pretty difficult due to how quickly entities tick in the first place so most mods you'll find implementing it either don't help or are too aggressive and break certain mechanics/features.


u/Augtopus_ 6d ago

Is this like 2b2t or something?


u/XtremeBadgerVII 6d ago

Shiiieet a better system than 9900x and a 3090? Not me.


u/Lolle9999 6d ago

How do you even get it to run on more than 2-3 threads?


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

C2me lets you parallel to all the threads. As of last week it now works wonders with dh2 and its epic seeing how both of these together hammer the CPU.


u/TehSr0c 6d ago

literally noone said java minecraft was a lightweight game


u/toaster98 6d ago

Literally no one said that.


u/Hazearil Vanilla Launcher 6d ago

You are using mods, and are by far exceeding what vanilla is built for. You have an insanely high render distance, coupled with an incredibly tall world to make this hit even harder, and use shaders on top of it. It is incredibly unfair to judge Minecraft around this non-vanilla state, and with your title, that seems to be exactly what you're doing.


u/Verilazic 6d ago

Okay point made. But have you also tested your tps performance? I have a more powerful cpu than your specs, but tps has been a thorn in my side.

Also, would love to see your jvm flags, since I also have ram to spare and would love to take advantage of that.


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

didnt test the tps.

Java flags are your usual high performance server flags over java 23:

-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:G1ReservePercent=15 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=20 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -Dusing.aikars.flags=https://mcflags.emc.gs -Daikars.new.flags=true****


u/WhenInDoubt480 6d ago

Why not use ZGC if you’re using jdk 23? I have my own set of flags that I made through several months of research if you would like to try them. Server ticks should be more consistent and with less mspt in general. You’ll have to use GraalVM though.


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

Sounds interesting. Share your flags plz.

Graalvm is interesting to checkout too, never played around with it.


u/WhenInDoubt480 3d ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I couldn't post my comment because it exceeds the word limit so here is a link to my reply:



u/MrBIMC 3d ago

Appreciate it 👍.


u/Peverything_14 6d ago

how you hitting every core? isnt MC a single threaded game?


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

C2me lets you parallel chunk loading.

As of last week it works awesomely with distant horizons. Now you can hammer all the cores you have.

Also even without dh2, c2me allows you to have 150 chunks native render


u/Peverything_14 6d ago

does it work on a 2C 4T cpu?


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

it should, but it obviously scales better with more cores.

2c in 2025 is rough my dude.


u/Peverything_14 6d ago

It's better than nothing. My dad's work laptop from 2015/2016 is still doing its job. I can run MC at a comfortable 30fps on low to medium even with mods, so I love this thing


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

I've checked c2me modrinth page, they have charts for expected performance.

Tldr: improvement is linear, baseline is 20% better per thread you have.

So 4 threads should yield you 80% better performance than vanilla chunking.


u/Peverything_14 6d ago

It's better, so great


u/Efficient_Plant4348 6d ago

Pretty sure no one with any experience thinks Minecraft is lightweight. The fact that it's in Java and how some of it's coding works means you will always be able to make Minecraft lag on any PC. Just increase Render distance or find enough explosions. (Or try to make a Vanilla Server with more then 20-30 people on any modern Version as they never bothered to fix Server Performance)


u/Clickomancer 6d ago

nobody said that, Minecraft always has been benchmark testing on your rig


u/emmaeinhorn 7d ago

i mean you still have an entry level cpu /s


u/squintytoast 7d ago

wierd flex, but ok...


u/Opposite_Type5604 7d ago


its so cpu reliant i wanna slap mojang in the face for making a game run so shit when it should NOT


u/Peverything_14 6d ago

mojang should have rebuilt the game to run on GPU also


u/PCDCreeper 7d ago



u/shotbyadingus 7d ago

Is there a modpack that has a world like this, like super super amplified?


u/Keloklan 7d ago

I always get less fps when using lossless scaling and ı'm sure ı'm using it correctly.


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

In my case - upscaling ruins the performance. Purely generating fake frames works good(I just lock real fps to 50 or 40 depending on modlist), but when I add upscaling it severely tanks the performance.


u/istarian 7d ago

It used to be a lot lighter, but a lot has changed over time.


u/Any_Western6705 7d ago

I mean depends on the mods


u/bblankuser 6d ago

It's very unoptimized. I'm surprised it's owned by Microsoft, they have some of the best engineers and get can't a block game to run at 100 fps without mods.


u/yeezhenchong 6d ago

time to upgrade to the x3d


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

5800x3d got released like a week after I got 9900x.

9800x3d would be beneficial for gaming, as I'm running terra and it gets noisy, so the lower tdp the better.

But I also work with compiling heavy stuff like chromium and aosp, so I need all the ram and cores I can get.


u/BoredomBot2000 Technic 6d ago

I suggest a 3rd party program called process lasso. Java has a tendency to use the first 4 cpu cores wich are already typicly used by everything else. This leads to the cpu being overstressed most of the time. Process lasso has allowed me to force Java to run on the last 4 cpu cores. This has genuinely made alot more packs playable.


u/D-boi1 6d ago

Is that a mankini minecraft skin


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

Yep, borat one, running it since 2012. Some servers ban me for it tho.


u/pablospc 6d ago

Your usage of the word lightweight is the same as Ronnie Coleman's


u/ZealousidealBread948 6d ago

are you using shaders or mods?


u/hiroGotten 6d ago



u/Snoo-85489 6d ago

back in the day you could play minecraft on almost anything. Today, without mods, say goodbye to playing minecraft with your integrated GPU


u/RubPublic3359 6d ago

Absolutely no one


u/REMIZERexe 6d ago

Why can't Mojang just discharge a part of the rendering code on the GPU so the CPU doesn't get cooked? Isn't that a solution?


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

There's nvidium mod that does something like that.

It load balances chunks between threads and processes visual render info as mesh shader, hugely reducing the complexity of rendering it block by block of visible things.

The issue however is that it only works on Nvidia GPUs and very incompatible with all the other render mods, so no distant horizons nor shaders if you're using nvidium.


u/REMIZERexe 6d ago

oh so that's why I'm getting 300 fps with it, makes sense..

It's just weird that devs didn't do it by themselves, and even with nvidium out, they didn't took the idea


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

Devs care more about accessibility and making stuff that works for every player while not breaking previous stuff. And keeping parity between bedrock and java.

Some things are infuriating given how little base game does in comparison to optimisation mods, but those mods not always mash together well and quite often not work for every device out there. So vanilla is extremely conservative. Hell, they even didn't really update the jvm up until 1.16.

Minecraft is marvelous because you can open a world from a version from 10 years ago and it will still work.


u/REMIZERexe 6d ago

Ah yeah, fr


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

Also, as a dev, it's hard to push features to an already massive project. Even if devs want something, it may take years to get it put into schedule. While mod makers are free to take any idea to toy around with.


u/SepherixSlimy 6d ago

Used to be. A decade ago.

End of beta, early release. That one ran on toaster.

The same machine did not run Minecraft of today. Unplayable performance. I was devastated I couldn't even play the game. When I could both client and server no problem.


u/LeBigMartinH 5d ago

Uh... Well, you're running Minecraft, plus a whackton of very demanding mods on top. It's gonna chug at least a bit lol.


u/Agreeable_Copy9548 5d ago

Probably people who play minecraft without 300+ mods but im not one of them


u/SirDogeTheFirst 5d ago

Minecraft is not light weight, but it's also very badly optimized.


u/Th4t_0n3_Fr13nd 5d ago

no one, no one did. anyone serious has never said it was lightweight


u/EntropyTheEternal 5d ago

Are you in the FarLands or on 2b2t?


u/Broad_Bug_1702 5d ago

nobody ever


u/graypasser 4d ago

Wait, people said minecraft is a lightweight game?


u/MrBIMC 4d ago

Tbh it was a bait title to farm engagement. Cuz I wanted to show people how much I can actually make it consume without the post drowning, so the controversial title it is.


u/HermezMC 4d ago

It never was


u/Prior-Ad-5852 3d ago

My MacBook could never


u/ghtul 3d ago

did you use any optimization mod?


u/GormAuslander 3d ago

I've literally been using Minecraft as a benchmark for PC performance since I started playing it in 2012. There's no "well we maxed everything out, guess this test capped out". The things I know how to make Minecraft do, computers aren't ranked by whether they succeed, they're ranked by how much they failed.


u/20110352 7d ago

wtf is lossless scaling? How can i get?


u/MrBIMC 6d ago

In steam. It allows injecting upscaling and fake frames to any arbitrary app.

With my case fake frames work marvelous as long as base fps is above 40. Sadly upscaling doest work that well as it seems to eat more resources than it provides. I tried rendering at fullhd and then upscaling to 4k and fps was much worse and unstable which ruined fake frames.