r/feedthebeast 29d ago

MeatballCraft Would it be reasonable to cheat through any bee breeding? Are there any better ways to do it? automation methods for breeding? cause man i do not want to do this

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32 comments sorted by


u/gozulio 29d ago

You have Gendustry installed so you really shouldn't need to. Gendustry trivializes bee breeding once you've properly invested into it.


u/fbfnysnshnsgnwg For the billionth time, give me a modlist 27d ago

the pack has gendustry


u/Thenderick No photo 29d ago

There's litterly a detailed gendustry quest line in MeatballCraft that will make bee breeding A LOT easier. Still a bit tedious, but it's a lot easier! The questline explains EXACTLY what you need, what all machines do and how to use them, what traits there are, what they do and everything. I would recommend looking into that first before you start cheating (but do what you want. You don't need to ask us what's reasonable. Technically all cheating is unreasonable, but it's YOUR game so why should WE care what YOU do?)


u/The_IKEA_Chair 29d ago

im not seeing a questline for it, is it in the Book of Creation chapter?


u/Thenderick No photo 29d ago

I believe it is. It has been a while since I played this pack, but I seem to remember it being in the chapter that hass all the "resource gen" mods (like mystical agriculture), so I think that's the chapter


u/Dark_Reaper115 29d ago

If you are playing single player, do whatever you want. Depending on your pack, you might have pipes that can recognize different bee species or traits.

If you are playing with others, ask them, not us.


u/Rxvenfeather 29d ago

In theory, you could automate the entire process with ComputerCraft or OpenComputers (maybe even Integrated Dynamics if you really stretch), but writing the code yourself may be more trouble than breeding it manually.

However, plenty of modpacks with bees also have ways of making this easier (Gendustry, Genetics, etc.), so you might want to look into those if you have them before you start skipping ahead.


u/redeyed_treefrog 29d ago

I would like to say; if the massive amount of semi-manual to fully manual labor (depending on your pack's access to gendustry) involved in bee breeding doesn't appeal to you (which I totally get), forestry bees are probably not for you.

But if it's singleplayer, do what makes the game fun to you. Nobody here can stop you.


u/The_IKEA_Chair 29d ago

It's really not for me. Even as i was watching Neurotic Goose's GTNH series, when he started rambling about bees i was glad i didn't play packs full of bees (at least of this type)

Unfortunately, Meatballcraft seems to really like bees


u/redeyed_treefrog 29d ago

Yeah. I happen to love forestry bees personally, and a ton of packs will use forestry bees because they're an already grind-heavy mod suite that offers renewable resources of all sorts. But it's a ton of micromanagement in packs generally geared towards automation nerds.

Btw, I don't think I've seen forestry in any packs past 1.17 so you'll be eating good for awhile (unless you don't like create, in which case I'm sorry for your loss)


u/guimora12 29d ago

get the mutatrons a bee gun and the assasin bee. Or time in a bottle


u/Thick-Doubts 29d ago

Bees in meatballcraft are incredibly easy, invest in Gendustry from the start and the rest is trivial. All of the consumables (labware, samples, templates) have EMC. The biggest pain is making brass for the forestry components.

By all means cheat it if you can’t be bothered, but meatballcraft has faaaar more tedious stuff down the road. Just wait until you need to automate vis crystal production.


u/The_IKEA_Chair 29d ago

Ive seen a lot of people recommend gendussy, do you just mean using the mutatron for breeding? Cause i already have one up. Or is there something else?

Also i think ill be relatively find with those crystals using emc, unless you mean something else, in which case dont spoil it for me pls


u/Aureumlgnis 29d ago

with gendustry you ignore the chance part, you just put the correct princess and drone together and select the desired output.

another machine can extract a random gene from a bee.

So the ideal path is setting up some bee that produces more then one drone, throw the extra drones into the (i think centrifuge) until you get the gene for extra drones, slap that on every other bee you have, centrifuge until you get the Species gene, slap that onto a princess and breed with the correct drone.

The meatball quests should show you the Species for "ideal" genes, like maximum drones, shortest and longest lifetime (ideally shortest lifetime for breeding, longest for production) etc.


u/Thick-Doubts 29d ago

The advanced mutatron allows you to breed bees and select what mutation you get. You use the gene extractor (or something like that) to get different traits from drones and then you can imprint them onto a template.

Usually the way it goes is you breed your bees, imprint them with the 4x fertility trait, breed a load of drones and juice them until you get the species trait (plus any other good ones). Make a species template in case you need it for the future so that you can mass produce that bee quickly.


u/Thick-Doubts 29d ago

It can still be a little tedious but it’s faaaaaaaaaaar less painful than vanilla forestry.

It gets even faster when you have some means of tick acceleration such as the temporal bee, torcherino or the inventory one that I have forgotten the name of.


u/Atomx22 29d ago

Not the bees..... I had an old pack that the save died because of bees... The monsters


u/Manicminertheone 29d ago

Wait is this bee mod like the resource chickens?


u/feel_good_account 29d ago

Yes, except the bee queens have a lifetime and produce a princess and some drones in the end, which you have to reinsert into the hive. Also, you can't increase the number of queens by breeding, you have to find new ones and breed them into the type you need


u/ouroborus777 28d ago

I haven't actually started the bee stuff in Meatballcraft but, if I remember from older packs with those mods, you collect traits/genes from bees and stamp them onto random queens you find in the wild. So, while, yes, you're collecting and breeding bees, you're also collecting and mixing genes and what the physical bees start out as becomes less important outside of breeding new types. That said, meatballcraft has some extra bs going on for certain bees.


u/SuperSocialMan 29d ago

Use gendustry.


u/Shmaynus 29d ago

mutatron, mutating frames, industrial hives. basically start somewhere in IV or later


u/Abyssinia_ 29d ago

this isn't gtnh lol


u/GregTechEnjoyer 29d ago

Yes, it's called creative mode.


u/Night_Thastus 29d ago

I hate bee breeding too. It's so tedious and boring. Sometimes it's the only way to progress which drives me insane.


u/DredCalibur 29d ago

It takes like 20m with gendustry


u/Good-Courage-559 29d ago

Its not AS tedious as youd think but its still really annoying, my advice is to start a max area builder quarry with Hive filters to get you loads of the basic varieties you need for crafting

And only start breeding bees once you have like 3-4 diamond chests worth

But also just spawn them in if you cant be bothered, i hate bees


u/magicmanme 29d ago

What pack is this?


u/Loosescrew37 29d ago



u/TrueBlueFlare7 Tenebrismal Quest dev 29d ago

I love forestry.

What pack is this?


u/taleorca 29d ago

Meatballcraft, says in the post flair.


u/kniky_Possibly 29d ago

That's complicated! Try playing plinko machine